This repository contains scripts to bootstrap Debian Linux on m1
====== extracts the wifi firmware and copies it to /tmp/linux-firmware.tar
============ is tested to run on arm64 and amd64 Debian stable and testing. It
creates several artefacts:

        - Live System

                asahi-debian-live.tar can be extracted on the root of a msdos
                (vfat32) usb stick and than be booted using U Boot.

        - Debian Installer

                m1-d-i.tar can be extracted on the root of a msdos (vfat32) usb
                stick and can be booted using U Boot.

                In the initrd is a /etc/rc.local which searched for the wifi
                firmware on any vfat, extracts it and reloads the wifi kernel

        - Diskimage for Asahi Installer

                efi.tgz can be extracted on the root of the esp partition

                m1.tgz contains a single file which can be dded on a at least 1
                GB big partition.

                        In the disk image is a /etc/rc.local that will extract
                        the wifi firmware, generate a /etc/fstab, install grub
                        using Debian methods, mount /boot/efi, assigns a new
                        UUID to the root filesystem.

        - U-boot

                u-boot.bin is m1n1 with dtb for all models and U Boot
                u-boot.macho is m1n1 with dtb for all models and U Boot

        - vmlinuz