#!/usr/local/bin/wish -f # # This script generates a counter with start and stop buttons. label .counter -text 0.00 -relief raised -width 10 button .start -text Start -command "set stop 0; tick" button .stop -text Stop -command {set stop 1} pack append . .counter {bot fill} .start {left expand fill} \ .stop {right expand fill} set seconds 0 set hundredths 0 set stop 0 proc tick {} { global seconds hundredths stop if $stop return after 20 tick set hundredths [expr $hundredths+2] if {$hundredths >= 100} { set hundredths 0 set seconds [expr $seconds+1] } .counter config -text [format "%d.%2d" $seconds $hundredths] } bind . <Control-c> {destroy .} bind . <Control-q> {destroy .} focus .