]> cvs.zerfleddert.de Git - proxmark3-svn/blame - client/scripts/tnp3.lua
ADD: tnp3.lua can now validate the checkums in the dump
[proxmark3-svn] / client / scripts / tnp3.lua
c15d2bdc 1local cmds = require('commands')
2local getopt = require('getopt')
3local bin = require('bin')
4local lib14a = require('read14a')
5local utils = require('utils')
6local md5 = require('md5')
f595de25 7local dumplib = require('html_dumplib')
22f1c577 8local toyNames = require('default_toys')
c15d2bdc 9
10example =[[
11 1. script run tnp3
8aa79dee 12 2. script run tnp3 -n
13 3. script run tnp3 -k aabbccddeeff
14 4. script run tnp3 -k aabbccddeeff -n
f595de25 15 5. script run tnp3 -o myfile
16 6. script run tnp3 -n -o myfile
17 7. script run tnp3 -k aabbccddeeff -n -o myfile
c15d2bdc 18]]
19author = "Iceman"
f595de25 20usage = "script run tnp3 -k <key> -n -o <filename>"
c15d2bdc 21desc =[[
22This script will try to dump the contents of a Mifare TNP3xxx card.
23It will need a valid KeyA in order to find the other keys and decode the card.
8aa79dee 25 -h : this help
26 -k <key> : Sector 0 Key A.
27 -n : Use the nested cmd to find all keys
f595de25 28 -o : filename for the saved dumps
c15d2bdc 29]]
31local hashconstant = '20436F707972696768742028432920323031302041637469766973696F6E2E20416C6C205269676874732052657365727665642E20'
33local TIMEOUT = 2000 -- Shouldn't take longer than 2 seconds
34local DEBUG = true -- the debug flag
35local numBlocks = 64
36local numSectors = 16
38-- A debug printout-function
39function dbg(args)
40 if not DEBUG then
41 return
42 end
44 if type(args) == "table" then
45 local i = 1
46 while result[i] do
47 dbg(result[i])
48 i = i+1
49 end
50 else
51 print("###", args)
52 end
55-- This is only meant to be used when errors occur
56function oops(err)
57 print("ERROR: ",err)
60-- Usage help
61function help()
62 print(desc)
63 print("Example usage")
64 print(example)
67-- Exit message
68function ExitMsg(msg)
69 print( string.rep('--',20) )
70 print( string.rep('--',20) )
71 print(msg)
72 print()
c70cef97 75local function readdumpkeys(infile)
76 t = infile:read("*all")
77 len = string.len(t)
78 local len,hex = bin.unpack(("H%d"):format(len),t)
c70cef97 79 return hex
82local function waitCmd()
c15d2bdc 83 local response = core.WaitForResponseTimeout(cmds.CMD_ACK,TIMEOUT)
84 if response then
85 local count,cmd,arg0 = bin.unpack('LL',response)
86 if(arg0==1) then
87 local count,arg1,arg2,data = bin.unpack('LLH511',response,count)
88 return data:sub(1,32)
89 else
90 return nil, "Couldn't read block.."
91 end
92 end
93 return nil, "No response from device"
47cbb2d4 96local function computeCrc16(s)
97 local hash = core.crc16(utils.ConvertHexToAscii(s))
98 return hash
101local function reverseCrcBytes(crc)
102 crc2 = crc:sub(3,4)..crc:sub(1,2)
103 return tonumber(crc2,16)
c15d2bdc 106local function main(args)
108 print( string.rep('--',20) )
cd5767d4 109 print( string.rep('--',20) )
c15d2bdc 110
111 local keyA
112 local cmd
113 local err
8aa79dee 114 local useNested = false
c15d2bdc 115 local cmdReadBlockString = 'hf mf rdbl %d A %s'
c70cef97 116 local input = "dumpkeys.bin"
47cbb2d4 117 local outputTemplate = os.date("toydump_%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S");
f595de25 118
c15d2bdc 119 -- Arguments for the script
f595de25 120 for o, a in getopt.getopt(args, 'hk:no:') do
c15d2bdc 121 if o == "h" then return help() end
122 if o == "k" then keyA = a end
8aa79dee 123 if o == "n" then useNested = true end
f595de25 124 if o == "o" then outputTemplate = a end
c15d2bdc 125 end
127 -- validate input args.
128 keyA = keyA or '4b0b20107ccb'
129 if #(keyA) ~= 12 then
130 return oops( string.format('Wrong length of write key (was %d) expected 12', #keyA))
131 end
22f1c577 132
133 -- Turn off Debug
134 local cmdSetDbgOff = "hf mf dbg 0"
135 core.console( cmdSetDbgOff)
c15d2bdc 136
137 result, err = lib14a.read1443a(false)
138 if not result then
8aa79dee 139 return oops(err)
c15d2bdc 140 end
8aa79dee 141
c15d2bdc 142 core.clearCommandBuffer()
144 if 0x01 ~= result.sak then -- NXP MIFARE TNP3xxx
8aa79dee 145 return oops('This is not a TNP3xxx tag. aborting.')
c15d2bdc 146 end
f595de25 147
148 -- Show tag info
22f1c577 149 print((' Found tag : %s'):format(result.name))
c15d2bdc 150 print(('Using keyA : %s'):format(keyA))
c15d2bdc 151
22f1c577 152 --Trying to find the other keys
8aa79dee 153 if useNested then
154 core.console( ('hf mf nested 1 0 A %s d'):format(keyA) )
155 end
c70cef97 156
8aa79dee 157 -- Loading keyfile
1a5ff2c2 158 print('Loading dumpkeys.bin')
c70cef97 159 local infile = io.open(input, "rb")
160 if infile == nil then
161 return oops('Could not read file ', input)
162 end
163 local akeys = readdumpkeys(infile):sub(0,12*16)
9b989c45 164
c15d2bdc 165 -- Read block 0
166 cmd = Command:new{cmd = cmds.CMD_MIFARE_READBL, arg1 = 0,arg2 = 0,arg3 = 0, data = keyA}
167 err = core.SendCommand(cmd:getBytes())
168 if err then return oops(err) end
169 local block0, err = waitCmd()
170 if err then return oops(err) end
172 -- Read block 1
173 cmd = Command:new{cmd = cmds.CMD_MIFARE_READBL, arg1 = 1,arg2 = 0,arg3 = 0, data = keyA}
8aa79dee 174 err = core.SendCommand(cmd:getBytes())
c15d2bdc 175 if err then return oops(err) end
176 local block1, err = waitCmd()
177 if err then return oops(err) end
8aa79dee 179 local key
180 local pos = 0
181 local blockNo
182 local blocks = {}
c15d2bdc 183
22f1c577 184 print('Reading card data')
f595de25 185 core.clearCommandBuffer()
c15d2bdc 187 -- main loop
47cbb2d4 188 io.write('Decrypting blocks > ')
1a5ff2c2 189 for blockNo = 0, numBlocks-1, 1 do
191 if core.ukbhit() then
192 print("aborted by user")
193 break
194 end
196 pos = (math.floor( blockNo / 4 ) * 12)+1
9b989c45 197 key = akeys:sub(pos, pos + 11 )
1a5ff2c2 198 cmd = Command:new{cmd = cmds.CMD_MIFARE_READBL, arg1 = blockNo ,arg2 = 0,arg3 = 0, data = key}
199 local err = core.SendCommand(cmd:getBytes())
200 if err then return oops(err) end
201 local blockdata, err = waitCmd()
202 if err then return oops(err) end
cd5767d4 204 if blockNo%4 ~= 3 then
1a5ff2c2 205 if blockNo < 8 then
206 -- Block 0-7 not encrypted
cd5767d4 207 blocks[blockNo+1] = ('%02d :: %s'):format(blockNo,blockdata)
8aa79dee 208 else
47cbb2d4 209 local base = ('%s%s%02x%s'):format(block0, block1, blockNo, hashconstant)
210 local baseStr = utils.ConvertHexToAscii(base)
cd5767d4 211 local md5hash = md5.sumhexa(baseStr)
1a5ff2c2 212 local aestest = core.aes(md5hash, blockdata)
f595de25 213
cd5767d4 214 local hex = utils.ConvertAsciiStringToBytes(aestest)
215 hex = utils.ConvertBytes2HexString(hex)
216 --local _,hex = bin.unpack(("H%d"):format(16),aestest)
1a5ff2c2 217
47cbb2d4 218 -- blocks with zero not encrypted.
1a5ff2c2 219 if string.find(blockdata, '^0+$') then
cd5767d4 220 blocks[blockNo+1] = ('%02d :: %s'):format(blockNo,blockdata)
1a5ff2c2 221 else
47cbb2d4 222 blocks[blockNo+1] = ('%02d :: %s'):format(blockNo,hex)
223 io.write( blockNo..',')
1a5ff2c2 224 end
c70cef97 225 end
1a5ff2c2 226 else
227 -- Sectorblocks, not encrypted
f595de25 228 blocks[blockNo+1] = ('%02d :: %s%s'):format(blockNo,key,blockdata:sub(13,32))
c70cef97 229 end
c15d2bdc 230 end
47cbb2d4 231 io.write('\n')
8aa79dee 232
f595de25 233 core.clearCommandBuffer()
8aa79dee 235 -- Print results
f595de25 236 local bindata = {}
237 local emldata = ''
239 for _,s in pairs(blocks) do
47cbb2d4 240 local slice = s:sub(8,#s)
f595de25 241 local str = utils.ConvertBytesToAsciiString(
242 utils.ConvertHexStringToBytes(slice)
243 )
244 emldata = emldata..slice..'\n'
245 for c in (str):gmatch('.') do
246 bindata[#bindata+1] = c
247 end
248 end
250 -- Write dump to files
47cbb2d4 251 if not DEBUG then
252 local foo = dumplib.SaveAsBinary(bindata, outputTemplate..'.bin')
253 print(("Wrote a BIN dump to the file %s"):format(foo))
254 local bar = dumplib.SaveAsText(emldata, outputTemplate..'.eml')
255 print(("Wrote a EML dump to the file %s"):format(bar))
256 end
f595de25 257
22f1c577 258 local uid = block0:sub(1,8)
259 local itemtype = block1:sub(1,4)
260 local cardid = block1:sub(9,24)
f595de25 261
262 -- Show info
263 print( string.rep('--',20) )
264 print( (' ITEM TYPE : 0x%s - %s'):format(itemtype, toyNames[itemtype]) )
265 print( (' UID : 0x%s'):format(uid) )
266 print( (' CARDID : 0x%s'):format(cardid ) )
267 print( string.rep('--',20) )
47cbb2d4 269 print('Validating checksums')
270 -- Checksum Typ 0
271 local test1 = ('%s%s'):format(block0, block1:sub(1,28))
272 local crc = block1:sub(29,32)
273 local revcrc = reverseCrcBytes(crc)
c15d2bdc 274
47cbb2d4 275 io.write( ('BLOCK 0-1 : %04x = %04x \n'):format(revcrc,computeCrc16(test1)))
277 -- Checksum Typ 1 BLOCK 9
278 local block9 = blocks[9]:sub(8,35)
279 test1 = ('%s0500'):format(block9)
280 crc = blocks[9]:sub(36,39)
281 revcrc = reverseCrcBytes(crc)
282 io.write( ('BLOCK 8 : %04x = %04x \n'):format(revcrc,computeCrc16(test1)))
284 -- Checksum Typ 1 BLOCK 37
285 local block37 = blocks[37]:sub(8,35)
286 test1 = ('%s0500'):format(block37)
287 crc = blocks[37]:sub(36,39)
288 revcrc = reverseCrcBytes(crc)
289 io.write( ('BLOCK 36 : %04x = %04x \n'):format(revcrc,computeCrc16(test1)))
291 -- Checksum Typ 2
292 -- 10,11,13
293 test1 = blocks[10]:sub(8,39)..
294 blocks[11]:sub(8,39)..
295 blocks[13]:sub(8,39)
297 crc = blocks[9]:sub(32,35)
298 revcrc = reverseCrcBytes(crc)
299 io.write( ('BLOCK 10-11-13 :%04x = %04x \n'):format(revcrc,computeCrc16(test1)))
300 -- Checksum Typ 3
301 -- 15,17,18,19
302 crc = blocks[9]:sub(28,31)
303 revcrc = reverseCrcBytes(crc)
304 test1 = blocks[14]:sub(8,39)..
305 blocks[15]:sub(8,39)..
306 blocks[17]:sub(8,39)
308 local tohash = test1..string.rep('00',0xe0)
309 local hashed = computeCrc16(tohash)
310 io.write( ('BLOCK 14-15-17 %04x = %04x \n'):format(revcrc,hashed))
c15d2bdc 312main(args)
Impressum, Datenschutz