21452811 |
1 | --[[ |
2 | These are command definitions. This file should correspond exactly to usb_cmd.h. |
3 | --]] |
4 | --// For the bootloader |
5 | local _commands = { |
6 | CMD_DEVICE_INFO = 0x0000, |
7 | CMD_SETUP_WRITE = 0x0001, |
8 | CMD_FINISH_WRITE = 0x0003, |
9 | CMD_HARDWARE_RESET = 0x0004, |
10 | CMD_START_FLASH = 0x0005, |
11 | CMD_NACK = 0x00fe, |
12 | CMD_ACK = 0x00ff, |
13 | |
14 | --// For general mucking around |
15 | CMD_DEBUG_PRINT_STRING = 0x0100, |
17 | CMD_DEBUG_PRINT_BYTES = 0x0102, |
18 | CMD_LCD_RESET = 0x0103, |
19 | CMD_LCD = 0x0104, |
20 | CMD_BUFF_CLEAR = 0x0105, |
21 | CMD_READ_MEM = 0x0106, |
22 | CMD_VERSION = 0x0107, |
23 | |
24 | --// For low-frequency tags |
25 | CMD_READ_TI_TYPE = 0x0202, |
26 | CMD_WRITE_TI_TYPE = 0x0203, |
28 | CMD_ACQUIRE_RAW_ADC_SAMPLES_125K = 0x0205, |
30 | CMD_DOWNLOAD_RAW_ADC_SAMPLES_125K = 0x0207, |
32 | CMD_DOWNLOADED_SIM_SAMPLES_125K = 0x0209, |
33 | CMD_SIMULATE_TAG_125K = 0x020A, |
34 | CMD_HID_DEMOD_FSK = 0x020B, |
35 | CMD_HID_SIM_TAG = 0x020C, |
36 | CMD_SET_LF_DIVISOR = 0x020D, |
37 | CMD_LF_SIMULATE_BIDIR = 0x020E, |
38 | CMD_SET_ADC_MUX = 0x020F, |
39 | CMD_HID_CLONE_TAG = 0x0210, |
40 | CMD_EM410X_WRITE_TAG = 0x0211, |
41 | CMD_INDALA_CLONE_TAG = 0x0212, |
42 | --// for 224 bits UID |
43 | CMD_INDALA_CLONE_TAG_L = 0x0213, |
44 | CMD_T55XX_READ_BLOCK = 0x0214, |
45 | CMD_T55XX_WRITE_BLOCK = 0x0215, |
46 | CMD_T55XX_READ_TRACE = 0x0216, |
47 | CMD_PCF7931_READ = 0x0217, |
48 | CMD_EM4X_READ_WORD = 0x0218, |
49 | CMD_EM4X_WRITE_WORD = 0x0219, |
50 | --/* CMD_SET_ADC_MUX: ext1 is 0 for lopkd, 1 for loraw, 2 for hipkd, 3 for hiraw */ |
51 | |
52 | --// For the 13.56 MHz tags |
53 | CMD_ACQUIRE_RAW_ADC_SAMPLES_ISO_15693 = 0x0300, |
54 | CMD_ACQUIRE_RAW_ADC_SAMPLES_ISO_14443 = 0x0301, |
55 | CMD_READ_SRI512_TAG = 0x0303, |
56 | CMD_READ_SRIX4K_TAG = 0x0304, |
57 | CMD_READER_ISO_15693 = 0x0310, |
58 | CMD_SIMTAG_ISO_15693 = 0x0311, |
59 | CMD_RECORD_RAW_ADC_SAMPLES_ISO_15693 = 0x0312, |
60 | CMD_ISO_15693_COMMAND = 0x0313, |
61 | CMD_ISO_15693_COMMAND_DONE = 0x0314, |
62 | CMD_ISO_15693_FIND_AFI = 0x0315, |
63 | CMD_ISO_15693_DEBUG = 0x0316, |
64 | |
65 | --// For Hitag2 transponders |
66 | CMD_SNOOP_HITAG = 0x0370, |
67 | CMD_SIMULATE_HITAG = 0x0371, |
68 | CMD_READER_HITAG = 0x0372, |
69 | |
71 | CMD_SIMULATE_TAG_ISO_14443 = 0x0381, |
72 | CMD_SNOOP_ISO_14443 = 0x0382, |
73 | CMD_SNOOP_ISO_14443a = 0x0383, |
74 | CMD_SIMULATE_TAG_ISO_14443a = 0x0384, |
75 | CMD_READER_ISO_14443a = 0x0385, |
76 | CMD_SIMULATE_TAG_LEGIC_RF = 0x0387, |
77 | CMD_READER_LEGIC_RF = 0x0388, |
78 | CMD_WRITER_LEGIC_RF = 0x0389, |
80 | |
81 | CMD_SNOOP_ICLASS = 0x0392, |
82 | CMD_SIMULATE_TAG_ICLASS = 0x0393, |
83 | CMD_READER_ICLASS = 0x0394, |
84 | |
85 | --// For measurements of the antenna tuning |
89 | CMD_LISTEN_READER_FIELD = 0x0420, |
90 | |
91 | --// For direct FPGA control |
92 | CMD_FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF = 0x0500, |
93 | |
94 | --// For mifare commands |
95 | CMD_MIFARE_SET_DBGMODE = 0x0600, |
96 | CMD_MIFARE_EML_MEMCLR = 0x0601, |
97 | CMD_MIFARE_EML_MEMSET = 0x0602, |
98 | CMD_MIFARE_EML_MEMGET = 0x0603, |
99 | CMD_MIFARE_EML_CARDLOAD = 0x0604, |
100 | CMD_MIFARE_EML_CSETBLOCK = 0x0605, |
101 | CMD_MIFARE_EML_CGETBLOCK = 0x0606, |
102 | |
103 | CMD_SIMULATE_MIFARE_CARD = 0x0610, |
104 | |
105 | CMD_READER_MIFARE = 0x0611, |
106 | CMD_MIFARE_NESTED = 0x0612, |
107 | |
108 | CMD_MIFARE_READBL = 0x0620, |
109 | CMD_MIFARE_READSC = 0x0621, |
110 | CMD_MIFARE_WRITEBL = 0x0622, |
111 | CMD_MIFARE_CHKKEYS = 0x0623, |
112 | |
113 | CMD_MIFARE_SNIFFER = 0x0630, |
114 | |
115 | CMD_UNKNOWN = 0xFFFF, |
116 | } |
117 | |
118 | |
119 | local _reverse_lookup,k,v = {} |
f91f0ebb |
120 | for k, v in pairs(_commands) do |
121 | _reverse_lookup[v] = k |
122 | end |
123 | _commands.tostring = function(command) |
21452811 |
124 | if(type(command) == 'number') then |
125 | return ("%s (%d)"):format(_reverse_lookup[command]or "ERROR UNDEFINED!", command) |
126 | end |
127 | return ("Error, numeric argument expected, got : %s"):format(tostring(command)) |
128 | end |
129 | |
130 | Command = { |
131 | |
132 | new = function(self, o) |
133 | |
134 | local o = o or {} -- create object if user does not provide one |
135 | setmetatable(o, self) -- DIY inheritance a'la javascript |
136 | self.__index = self |
137 | |
138 | o.cmd = o.cmd or _commands.CMD_UNKNOWN |
139 | --o.arg1 = "test" |
140 | o.arg1 = o.arg1 or 0 |
141 | o.arg2 = o.arg2 or 0 |
142 | o.arg3 = o.arg3 or 0 |
143 | local data = o.data or "0" |
144 | |
145 | if(type(data) == 'string') then |
146 | -- We need to check if it is correct length, otherwise pad it |
147 | local len = string.len(data) |
148 | if(len < 1024) then |
149 | --Should be 1024 hex characters to represent 512 bytes of data |
150 | data = data .. string.rep("0",1024 - len ) |
151 | end |
152 | if(len > 1024) then |
153 | -- OOps, a bit too much data here |
154 | print( ( "WARNING: data size too large, was %s chars, will be truncated "):format(len) ) |
155 | -- |
156 | data = data:sub(1,1024) |
157 | end |
158 | else |
159 | print(("WARNING; data was NOT a (hex-) string, but was %s"):format(type(data))) |
160 | end |
161 | o.data = data |
162 | |
163 | return o |
164 | end, |
4df3eb3f |
165 | parse = function (packet) |
166 | local count,cmd,arg1,arg2,arg3,data = bin.unpack('LLLLH512',packet) |
167 | return Command:new{cmd = cmd, arg1 = arg1, arg2 = arg2, arg3 = arg3, data = data} |
168 | end, |
21452811 |
169 | } |
170 | function Command:__tostring() |
171 | local output = ("%s\r\nargs : (%s, %s, %s)\r\ndata:\r\n%s\r\n"):format( |
172 | _commands.tostring(self.cmd), |
173 | tostring(self.arg1), |
174 | tostring(self.arg2), |
175 | tostring(self.arg3), |
176 | tostring(self.data)) |
177 | return output |
178 | end |
179 | function Command:getBytes() |
180 | --If a hex-string has been used |
181 | local data = self.data |
182 | local cmd = self.cmd |
183 | local arg1, arg2, arg3 = self.arg1, self.arg2, self.arg3 |
184 | |
21452811 |
185 | return bin.pack("LLLLH",cmd, arg1, arg2, arg3,data); |
186 | end |
21452811 |
187 | return _commands |