cvs.zerfleddert.de Git - proxmark3-svn/blob - common/protocols.h
4 //The following data is taken from http://www.proxmark.org/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=13501#p13501
6 ISO14443A (usually NFC tags)
8 30 = Read (usage: 30+1byte block number+2bytes ISO14443A-CRC - answer: 16bytes)
9 A2 = Write (usage: A2+1byte block number+4bytes data+2bytes ISO14443A-CRC - answer: 0A [ACK] or 00 [NAK])
10 52 (7bits) = WUPA (usage: 52(7bits) - answer: 2bytes ATQA)
11 93 20 = Anticollision (usage: 9320 - answer: 4bytes UID+1byte UID-bytes-xor)
12 93 70 = Select (usage: 9370+5bytes 9320 answer - answer: 1byte SAK)
13 95 20 = Anticollision of cascade level2
14 95 70 = Select of cascade level2
15 50 00 = Halt (usage: 5000+2bytes ISO14443A-CRC - no answer from card)
17 60 = Authenticate with KeyA
18 61 = Authenticate with KeyB
19 40 (7bits) = Used to put Chinese Changeable UID cards in special mode (must be followed by 43 (8bits) - answer: 0A)
25 A0 = Compatibility Write (to accomodate MIFARE commands)
26 1A = Step1 Authenticate
27 AF = Step2 Authenticate
34 SRIX4K (tag does not respond to 05)
36 0E xx = SELECT ID (xx = Chip-ID)
38 08 yy = Read Block (yy = block number)
39 09 yy dd dd dd dd = Write Block (yy = block number; dd dd dd dd = data to be written)
40 0C = Reset to Inventory
42 0A 11 22 33 44 55 66 = Authenticate (11 22 33 44 55 66 = data to authenticate)
46 MANDATORY COMMANDS (all ISO15693 tags must support those)
47 01 = Inventory (usage: 260100+2bytes ISO15693-CRC - answer: 12bytes)
49 OPTIONAL COMMANDS (not all tags support them)
50 20 = Read Block (usage: 0220+1byte block number+2bytes ISO15693-CRC - answer: 4bytes)
51 21 = Write Block (usage: 0221+1byte block number+4bytes data+2bytes ISO15693-CRC - answer: 4bytes)
53 23 = Read Multiple Blocks (usage: 0223+1byte 1st block to read+1byte last block to read+2bytes ISO15693-CRC)
60 2B = Get_System_Info (usage: 022B+2bytes ISO15693-CRC - answer: 14 or more bytes)
61 2C = Read Multiple Block Security Status (usage: 022C+1byte 1st block security to read+1byte last block security to read+2bytes ISO15693-CRC)
63 EM Microelectronic CUSTOM COMMANDS
64 A5 = Active EAS (followed by 1byte IC Manufacturer code+1byte EAS type)
65 A7 = Write EAS ID (followed by 1byte IC Manufacturer code+2bytes EAS value)
66 B8 = Get Protection Status for a specific block (followed by 1byte IC Manufacturer code+1byte block number+1byte of how many blocks after the previous is needed the info)
67 E4 = Login (followed by 1byte IC Manufacturer code+4bytes password)
70 A1 = Fast Inventory Read
75 A6 = Password Protect EAS
78 B0 = Inventory Page Read
79 B1 = Fast Inventory Page Read
80 B2 = Get Random Number
84 B6 = Bit Password Protection
85 B7 = Lock Page Protection Condition
86 B8 = Get Multiple Block Protection Status
89 BB = 64bit Password Protection
90 40 = Long Range CMD (Standard ISO/TR7003:1990)
93 #define ICLASS_CMD_ACTALL 0x0A
95 #define ICLASS_CMD_SELECT 0x81
96 #define ICLASS_CMD_PAGESEL 0x84
99 #define ICLASS_CMD_CHECK 0x05
100 #define ICLASS_CMD_DETECT 0x0F
101 #define ICLASS_CMD_HALT 0x00
102 #define ICLASS_CMD_UPDATE 0x87
103 #define ICLASS_CMD_ACT 0x8E
104 #define ICLASS_CMD_READ4 0x06
107 #define ISO14443A_CMD_REQA 0x26
108 #define ISO14443A_CMD_READBLOCK 0x30
109 #define ISO14443A_CMD_WUPA 0x52
110 #define ISO14443A_CMD_ANTICOLL_OR_SELECT 0x93
111 #define ISO14443A_CMD_ANTICOLL_OR_SELECT_2 0x95
112 #define ISO14443A_CMD_WRITEBLOCK 0xA0 // or 0xA2 ?
113 #define ISO14443A_CMD_HALT 0x50
114 #define ISO14443A_CMD_RATS 0xE0
116 #define MIFARE_AUTH_KEYA 0x60
117 #define MIFARE_AUTH_KEYB 0x61
118 #define MIFARE_MAGICWUPC1 0x40
119 #define MIFARE_MAGICWUPC2 0x43
120 #define MIFARE_MAGICWIPEC 0x41
121 #define MIFARE_CMD_INC 0xC0
122 #define MIFARE_CMD_DEC 0xC1
123 #define MIFARE_CMD_RESTORE 0xC2
124 #define MIFARE_CMD_TRANSFER 0xB0
126 #define MIFARE_ULC_WRITE 0xA2
127 //#define MIFARE_ULC__COMP_WRITE 0xA0
128 #define MIFARE_ULC_AUTH_1 0x1A
129 #define MIFARE_ULC_AUTH_2 0xAF
131 #define MIFARE_ULEV1_AUTH 0x1B
132 #define MIFARE_ULEV1_VERSION 0x60
133 #define MIFARE_ULEV1_FASTREAD 0x3A
134 //#define MIFARE_ULEV1_WRITE 0xA2
135 //#define MIFARE_ULEV1_COMP_WRITE 0xA0
136 #define MIFARE_ULEV1_READ_CNT 0x39
137 #define MIFARE_ULEV1_INCR_CNT 0xA5
138 #define MIFARE_ULEV1_READSIG 0x3C
140 #define MIFARE_ULEV1_VCSL 0x4B
144 0E xx = SELECT ID (xx = Chip-ID)
146 08 yy = Read Block (yy = block number)
147 09 yy dd dd dd dd = Write Block (yy = block number; dd dd dd dd = data to be written)
148 0C = Reset to Inventory
150 0A 11 22 33 44 55 66 = Authenticate (11 22 33 44 55 66 = data to authenticate)
153 #define ISO14443B_REQB 0x05
154 #define ISO14443B_ATTRIB 0x1D
155 #define ISO14443B_HALT 0x50
156 #define ISO14443B_INITIATE 0x06
157 #define ISO14443B_SELECT 0x0E
158 #define ISO14443B_GET_UID 0x0B
159 #define ISO14443B_READ_BLK 0x08
160 #define ISO14443B_WRITE_BLK 0x09
161 #define ISO14443B_RESET 0x0C
162 #define ISO14443B_COMPLETION 0x0F
163 #define ISO14443B_AUTHENTICATE 0x0A
166 #define ISO15693_INVENTORY 0x01
167 #define ISO15693_STAYQUIET 0x02
169 #define ISO15693_READBLOCK 0x20
170 #define ISO15693_WRITEBLOCK 0x21
171 #define ISO15693_LOCKBLOCK 0x22
172 #define ISO15693_READ_MULTI_BLOCK 0x23
173 #define ISO15693_SELECT 0x25
174 #define ISO15693_RESET_TO_READY 0x26
175 #define ISO15693_WRITE_AFI 0x27
176 #define ISO15693_LOCK_AFI 0x28
177 #define ISO15693_WRITE_DSFID 0x29
178 #define ISO15693_LOCK_DSFID 0x2A
179 #define ISO15693_GET_SYSTEM_INFO 0x2B
180 #define ISO15693_READ_MULTI_SECSTATUS 0x2C
188 #define FUSE_FPERS 0x80
189 #define FUSE_CODING1 0x40
190 #define FUSE_CODING0 0x20
191 #define FUSE_CRYPT1 0x10
192 #define FUSE_CRYPT0 0x08
193 #define FUSE_FPROD1 0x04
194 #define FUSE_FPROD0 0x02
197 void printIclassDumpInfo ( uint8_t * iclass_dump
198 void getMemConfig ( uint8_t mem_cfg
, uint8_t chip_cfg
, uint8_t * max_blk
, uint8_t * app_areas
, uint8_t * kb
200 /* T55x7 configuration register definitions */
201 #define T55x7_POR_DELAY 0x00000001
202 #define T55x7_ST_TERMINATOR 0x00000008
203 #define T55x7_PWD 0x00000010
204 #define T55x7_MAXBLOCK_SHIFT 5
205 #define T55x7_AOR 0x00000200
206 #define T55x7_PSKCF_RF_2 0
207 #define T55x7_PSKCF_RF_4 0x00000400
208 #define T55x7_PSKCF_RF_8 0x00000800
209 #define T55x7_MODULATION_DIRECT 0
210 #define T55x7_MODULATION_PSK1 0x00001000
211 #define T55x7_MODULATION_PSK2 0x00002000
212 #define T55x7_MODULATION_PSK3 0x00003000
213 #define T55x7_MODULATION_FSK1 0x00004000
214 #define T55x7_MODULATION_FSK2 0x00005000
215 #define T55x7_MODULATION_FSK1a 0x00006000
216 #define T55x7_MODULATION_FSK2a 0x00007000
217 #define T55x7_MODULATION_MANCHESTER 0x00008000
218 #define T55x7_MODULATION_BIPHASE 0x00010000
219 #define T55x7_MODULATION_DIPHASE 0x00018000
220 #define T55x7_BITRATE_RF_8 0
221 #define T55x7_BITRATE_RF_16 0x00040000
222 #define T55x7_BITRATE_RF_32 0x00080000
223 #define T55x7_BITRATE_RF_40 0x000C0000
224 #define T55x7_BITRATE_RF_50 0x00100000
225 #define T55x7_BITRATE_RF_64 0x00140000
226 #define T55x7_BITRATE_RF_100 0x00180000
227 #define T55x7_BITRATE_RF_128 0x001C0000
229 /* T5555 (Q5) configuration register definitions */
230 #define T5555_ST_TERMINATOR 0x00000001
231 #define T5555_MAXBLOCK_SHIFT 0x00000001
233 #define T5555_MODULATION_PSK1 0x00000010
234 #define T5555_MODULATION_PSK2 0x00000020
235 #define T5555_MODULATION_PSK3 0x00000030
236 #define T5555_MODULATION_FSK1 0x00000040
237 #define T5555_MODULATION_FSK2 0x00000050
238 #define T5555_MODULATION_BIPHASE 0x00000060
239 #define T5555_MODULATION_DIRECT 0x00000070
240 #define T5555_INVERT_OUTPUT 0x00000080
241 #define T5555_PSK_RF_2 0
242 #define T5555_PSK_RF_4 0x00000100
243 #define T5555_PSK_RF_8 0x00000200
244 #define T5555_USE_PWD 0x00000400
245 #define T5555_USE_AOR 0x00000800
246 #define T5555_BITRATE_SHIFT 12
247 #define T5555_FAST_WRITE 0x00004000
248 #define T5555_PAGE_SELECT 0x00008000
250 uint32_t GetT55xxClockBit ( uint32_t clock