if( AesCtxIni(&ctx, iv, key, KEY128, CBC) < 0)
printf("init error\n");
- if (AesEncrypt(&ctx, databuf, databuf, sizeof databuf) < 0)
+ if (AesEncrypt(&ctx, databuf, databuf, sizeof(databuf) ) < 0)
printf("error in encryption\n");
// initialize context and decrypt cipher at other end
if( AesCtxIni(&ctx, iv, key, KEY128, CBC) < 0)
printf("init error\n");
- if (AesDecrypt(&ctx, databuf, databuf, sizeof databuf) < 0)
+ if (AesDecrypt(&ctx, databuf, databuf, sizeof(databuf) ) < 0)
printf("error in decryption\n");
printf("%s\n", databuf);
return 0;
\ No newline at end of file