- // Inverting signal if needed
- if (first == 1) {
- for (i = start; i < rawbit; i++) {
- rawbits[i] = !rawbits[i];
- }
- }
- // Dumping UID
- uint8_t bits[224] = {0x00};
- char showbits[225] = {0x00};
- int bit;
- i = start;
- int times = 0;
- if (uidlen > rawbit) {
- PrintAndLog("Warning: not enough raw bits to get a full UID");
- for (bit = 0; bit < rawbit; bit++) {
- bits[bit] = rawbits[i++];
- // As we cannot know the parity, let's use "." and "/"
- showbits[bit] = '.' + bits[bit];
- }
- showbits[bit+1]='\0';
- PrintAndLog("Partial UID=%s", showbits);
- return 0;
- } else {
- for (bit = 0; bit < uidlen; bit++) {
- bits[bit] = rawbits[i++];
- showbits[bit] = '0' + bits[bit];
- }
- times = 1;
- }
- //convert UID to HEX
- uint32_t uid1, uid2, uid3, uid4, uid5, uid6, uid7;
- int idx;
- uid1 = uid2 = 0;
- if (uidlen==64){
- for( idx=0; idx<64; idx++) {
- if (showbits[idx] == '0') {
- uid1=(uid1<<1)|(uid2>>31);
- uid2=(uid2<<1)|0;
- } else {
- uid1=(uid1<<1)|(uid2>>31);
- uid2=(uid2<<1)|1;
- }
- }
- PrintAndLog("UID=%s (%x%08x)", showbits, uid1, uid2);
- }
- else {
- uid3 = uid4 = uid5 = uid6 = uid7 = 0;
- for( idx=0; idx<224; idx++) {
- uid1=(uid1<<1)|(uid2>>31);
- uid2=(uid2<<1)|(uid3>>31);
- uid3=(uid3<<1)|(uid4>>31);
- uid4=(uid4<<1)|(uid5>>31);
- uid5=(uid5<<1)|(uid6>>31);
- uid6=(uid6<<1)|(uid7>>31);
- if (showbits[idx] == '0')
- uid7 = (uid7<<1) | 0;
- else
- uid7 = (uid7<<1) | 1;
- }
- PrintAndLog("UID=%s (%x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x)", showbits, uid1, uid2, uid3, uid4, uid5, uid6, uid7);
- }
- // Checking UID against next occurrences
- int failed = 0;
- for (; i + uidlen <= rawbit;) {
- failed = 0;
- for (bit = 0; bit < uidlen; bit++) {
- if (bits[bit] != rawbits[i++]) {
- failed = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (failed == 1) {
- break;
- }
- times += 1;
- }
- PrintAndLog("Occurrences: %d (expected %d)", times, (rawbit - start) / uidlen);
- // Remodulating for tag cloning
- // HACK: 2015-01-04 this will have an impact on our new way of seening lf commands (demod)
- // since this changes graphbuffer data.
- GraphTraceLen = 32*uidlen;
- i = 0;
- int phase = 0;
- for (bit = 0; bit < uidlen; bit++) {
- if (bits[bit] == 0) {
- phase = 0;
- } else {
- phase = 1;
- }
- int j;
- for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
- GraphBuffer[i++] = phase;
- phase = !phase;
- }
- }
- RepaintGraphWindow();
- return 1;
-int CmdIndalaClone(const char *Cmd)
- UsbCommand c;
- unsigned int uid1, uid2, uid3, uid4, uid5, uid6, uid7;
- uid1 = uid2 = uid3 = uid4 = uid5 = uid6 = uid7 = 0;
- int n = 0, i = 0;
- if (strchr(Cmd,'l') != 0) {
- while (sscanf(&Cmd[i++], "%1x", &n ) == 1) {
- uid1 = (uid1 << 4) | (uid2 >> 28);
- uid2 = (uid2 << 4) | (uid3 >> 28);
- uid3 = (uid3 << 4) | (uid4 >> 28);
- uid4 = (uid4 << 4) | (uid5 >> 28);
- uid5 = (uid5 << 4) | (uid6 >> 28);
- uid6 = (uid6 << 4) | (uid7 >> 28);
- uid7 = (uid7 << 4) | (n & 0xf);
- }
- PrintAndLog("Cloning 224bit tag with UID %x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", uid1, uid2, uid3, uid4, uid5, uid6, uid7);
- c.d.asDwords[0] = uid1;
- c.d.asDwords[1] = uid2;
- c.d.asDwords[2] = uid3;
- c.d.asDwords[3] = uid4;
- c.d.asDwords[4] = uid5;
- c.d.asDwords[5] = uid6;
- c.d.asDwords[6] = uid7;
- } else {
- while (sscanf(&Cmd[i++], "%1x", &n ) == 1) {
- uid1 = (uid1 << 4) | (uid2 >> 28);
- uid2 = (uid2 << 4) | (n & 0xf);
- }
- PrintAndLog("Cloning 64bit tag with UID %x%08x", uid1, uid2);
- c.arg[0] = uid1;
- c.arg[1] = uid2;
- }
- clearCommandBuffer();
- SendCommand(&c);
- return 0;
-int usage_lf_read()