#include <string.h>
#include "lfdemod.h"
+uint8_t justNoise(uint8_t *BitStream, size_t size)
+ static const uint8_t THRESHOLD = 123;
+ //test samples are not just noise
+ uint8_t justNoise1 = 1;
+ for(size_t idx=0; idx < size && justNoise1 ;idx++){
+ justNoise1 = BitStream[idx] < THRESHOLD;
+ }
+ return justNoise1;
//by marshmellow
//get high and low with passed in fuzz factor. also return noise test = 1 for passed or 0 for only noise
int getHiLo(uint8_t *BitStream, size_t size, int *high, int *low, uint8_t fuzzHi, uint8_t fuzzLo)
return 1;
+// by marshmellow
+// pass bits to be tested in bits, length bits passed in bitLen, and parity type (even=0 | odd=1) in pType
+// returns 1 if passed
+uint8_t parityTest(uint32_t bits, uint8_t bitLen, uint8_t pType)
+ uint8_t ans = 0;
+ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < bitLen; i++){
+ ans ^= ((bits >> i) & 1);
+ }
+ //PrintAndLog("DEBUG: ans: %d, ptype: %d",ans,pType);
+ return (ans == pType);
+//by marshmellow
+//search for given preamble in given BitStream and return startIndex and length
+uint8_t preambleSearch(uint8_t *BitStream, uint8_t *preamble, size_t pLen, size_t *size, size_t *startIdx)
+ uint8_t foundCnt=0;
+ for (int idx=0; idx < *size - pLen; idx++){
+ if (memcmp(BitStream+idx, preamble, pLen) == 0){
+ //first index found
+ foundCnt++;
+ if (foundCnt == 1){
+ *startIdx = idx;
+ }
+ if (foundCnt == 2){
+ *size = idx - *startIdx;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
//by marshmellow
//takes 1s and 0s and searches for EM410x format - output EM ID
uint64_t Em410xDecode(uint8_t *BitStream, size_t *size, size_t *startIdx)
- //no arguments needed - built this way in case we want this to be a direct call from "data " cmds in the future
- // otherwise could be a void with no arguments
- //set defaults
- uint64_t lo=0;
- uint32_t i = 0;
- if (BitStream[10]>1){ //allow only 1s and 0s
- // PrintAndLog("no data found");
- return 0;
- }
- uint8_t parityTest=0;
- // 111111111 bit pattern represent start of frame
- uint8_t frame_marker_mask[] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};
- uint32_t idx = 0;
- uint32_t ii=0;
- uint8_t resetCnt = 0;
- while( (idx + 64) < *size) {
- restart:
- // search for a start of frame marker
- if ( memcmp(BitStream+idx, frame_marker_mask, sizeof(frame_marker_mask)) == 0)
- { // frame marker found
- *startIdx=idx;
- idx+=9;
- for (i=0; i<10;i++){
- for(ii=0; ii<5; ++ii){
- parityTest ^= BitStream[(i*5)+ii+idx];
- }
- if (!parityTest){ //even parity
- parityTest=0;
- for (ii=0; ii<4;++ii){
- lo=(lo<<1LL)|(BitStream[(i*5)+ii+idx]);
- }
- //PrintAndLog("DEBUG: EM parity passed parity val: %d, i:%d, ii:%d,idx:%d, Buffer: %d%d%d%d%d,lo: %d",parityTest,i,ii,idx,BitStream[idx+ii+(i*5)-5],BitStream[idx+ii+(i*5)-4],BitStream[idx+ii+(i*5)-3],BitStream[idx+ii+(i*5)-2],BitStream[idx+ii+(i*5)-1],lo);
- }else {//parity failed
- //PrintAndLog("DEBUG: EM parity failed parity val: %d, i:%d, ii:%d,idx:%d, Buffer: %d%d%d%d%d",parityTest,i,ii,idx,BitStream[idx+ii+(i*5)-5],BitStream[idx+ii+(i*5)-4],BitStream[idx+ii+(i*5)-3],BitStream[idx+ii+(i*5)-2],BitStream[idx+ii+(i*5)-1]);
- parityTest=0;
- idx-=8;
- if (resetCnt>5)return 0; //try 5 times
- resetCnt++;
- goto restart;//continue;
- }
- }
- //skip last 5 bit parity test for simplicity.
- *size = 64;
- return lo;
- }else{
- idx++;
- }
- }
- return 0;
+ //no arguments needed - built this way in case we want this to be a direct call from "data " cmds in the future
+ // otherwise could be a void with no arguments
+ //set defaults
+ uint64_t lo=0;
+ uint32_t i = 0;
+ if (BitStream[1]>1){ //allow only 1s and 0s
+ // PrintAndLog("no data found");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // 111111111 bit pattern represent start of frame
+ uint8_t preamble[] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};
+ uint32_t idx = 0;
+ uint32_t parityBits = 0;
+ uint8_t errChk = 0;
+ *startIdx = 0;
+ for (uint8_t extraBitChk=0; extraBitChk<5; extraBitChk++){
+ errChk = preambleSearch(BitStream+extraBitChk+*startIdx, preamble, sizeof(preamble), size, startIdx);
+ if (errChk == 0) return 0;
+ idx = *startIdx + 9;
+ for (i=0; i<10;i++){ //loop through 10 sets of 5 bits (50-10p = 40 bits)
+ parityBits = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+(i*5)+idx,5);
+ //check even parity
+ if (parityTest(parityBits, 5, 0) == 0){
+ //parity failed try next bit (in the case of 1111111111) but last 9 = preamble
+ startIdx++;
+ errChk = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ for (uint8_t ii=0; ii<4; ii++){
+ lo = (lo << 1LL) | (BitStream[(i*5)+ii+idx]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (errChk != 0) return lo;
+ //skip last 5 bit parity test for simplicity.
+ // *size = 64;
+ }
+ return 0;
//by marshmellow
for (i = iii; i < *size; ++i) {
if ((BinStream[i] >= high) && ((i-lastBit)>(*clk-tol))){
- //BitStream[bitnum] = *invert;
- //bitnum++;
} else if ((BinStream[i] <= low) && ((i-lastBit)>(*clk-tol))){
//low found and we are expecting a bar
- //BitStream[bitnum] = 1- *invert;
- //bitnum++;
} else if ((BinStream[i]<=low) && (midBit==0) && ((i-lastBit)>((*clk/2)-tol))){
//mid bar?
- //BitStream[bitnum]= 1- *invert;
- //bitnum++;
} else if ((BinStream[i]>=high) && (midBit==0) && ((i-lastBit)>((*clk/2)-tol))){
//mid bar?
- //BitStream[bitnum]= *invert;
- //bitnum++;
} else if ((i-lastBit)>((*clk/2)+tol) && (midBit==0)){
//no mid bar found
- //BitStream[bitnum]= BitStream[bitnum-1];
- //bitnum++;
} else {
//mid value found or no bar supposed to be here
//should have hit a high or low based on clock!!
//PrintAndLog("DEBUG - no wave in expected area - location: %d, expected: %d-%d, lastBit: %d - resetting search",i,(lastBit+(clk-((int)(tol)))),(lastBit+(clk+((int)(tol)))),lastBit);
- //if (bitnum > 0){
- // BitStream[bitnum]=77;
- // bitnum++;
- //}
lastBit+=*clk;//skip over until hit too many errors
if (errCnt > ((*size/1000))){ //allow 1 error for every 1000 samples else start over
- // bitnum=0;//start over
size = aggregate_bits(dest, size, rfLen, 192, invert, fchigh, fclow);
return size;
// loop to get raw HID waveform then FSK demodulate the TAG ID from it
int HIDdemodFSK(uint8_t *dest, size_t *size, uint32_t *hi2, uint32_t *hi, uint32_t *lo)
+ if (justNoise(dest, *size)) return -1;
- size_t idx=0, size2=*size, startIdx=0;
- // FSK demodulator
- *size = fskdemod(dest, size2,50,0,10,8);
- // final loop, go over previously decoded manchester data and decode into usable tag ID
- // 111000 bit pattern represent start of frame, 01 pattern represents a 1 and 10 represents a 0
- uint8_t frame_marker_mask[] = {1,1,1,0,0,0};
- int numshifts = 0;
- idx = 0;
- //one scan
- while( idx + sizeof(frame_marker_mask) < *size) {
- // search for a start of frame marker
- if ( memcmp(dest+idx, frame_marker_mask, sizeof(frame_marker_mask)) == 0)
- { // frame marker found
- startIdx=idx;
- idx+=sizeof(frame_marker_mask);
- while(dest[idx] != dest[idx+1] && idx < *size-2)
- {
- // Keep going until next frame marker (or error)
- // Shift in a bit. Start by shifting high registers
- *hi2 = (*hi2<<1)|(*hi>>31);
- *hi = (*hi<<1)|(*lo>>31);
- //Then, shift in a 0 or one into low
- if (dest[idx] && !dest[idx+1]) // 1 0
- *lo=(*lo<<1)|0;
- else // 0 1
- *lo=(*lo<<1)|1;
- numshifts++;
- idx += 2;
- }
- // Hopefully, we read a tag and hit upon the next frame marker
- if(idx + sizeof(frame_marker_mask) < *size)
- {
- if ( memcmp(dest+idx, frame_marker_mask, sizeof(frame_marker_mask)) == 0)
- {
- //good return
- *size=idx-startIdx;
- return startIdx;
- }
- }
- // reset
- *hi2 = *hi = *lo = 0;
- numshifts = 0;
- }else {
- idx++;
- }
- }
- return -1;
+ size_t numStart=0, size2=*size, startIdx=0;
+ // FSK demodulator
+ *size = fskdemod(dest, size2,50,1,10,8); //fsk2a
+ if (*size < 96) return -2;
+ // 00011101 bit pattern represent start of frame, 01 pattern represents a 0 and 10 represents a 1
+ uint8_t preamble[] = {0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1};
+ // find bitstring in array
+ uint8_t errChk = preambleSearch(dest, preamble, sizeof(preamble), size, &startIdx);
+ if (errChk == 0) return -3; //preamble not found
+ numStart = startIdx + sizeof(preamble);
+ // final loop, go over previously decoded FSK data and manchester decode into usable tag ID
+ for (size_t idx = numStart; (idx-numStart) < *size - sizeof(preamble); idx+=2){
+ if (dest[idx] == dest[idx+1]){
+ return -4; //not manchester data
+ }
+ *hi2 = (*hi2<<1)|(*hi>>31);
+ *hi = (*hi<<1)|(*lo>>31);
+ //Then, shift in a 0 or one into low
+ if (dest[idx] && !dest[idx+1]) // 1 0
+ *lo=(*lo<<1)|1;
+ else // 0 1
+ *lo=(*lo<<1)|0;
+ }
+ return (int)startIdx;
// loop to get raw paradox waveform then FSK demodulate the TAG ID from it
-size_t ParadoxdemodFSK(uint8_t *dest, size_t *size, uint32_t *hi2, uint32_t *hi, uint32_t *lo)
+int ParadoxdemodFSK(uint8_t *dest, size_t *size, uint32_t *hi2, uint32_t *hi, uint32_t *lo)
- size_t idx=0, size2=*size;
+ if (justNoise(dest, *size)) return -1;
+ size_t numStart=0, size2=*size, startIdx=0;
// FSK demodulator
- *size = fskdemod(dest, size2,50,1,10,8);
- // final loop, go over previously decoded manchester data and decode into usable tag ID
- // 00001111 bit pattern represent start of frame, 01 pattern represents a 1 and 10 represents a 0
- uint8_t frame_marker_mask[] = {0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1};
- uint16_t numshifts = 0;
- idx = 0;
- //one scan
- while( idx + sizeof(frame_marker_mask) < *size) {
- // search for a start of frame marker
- if ( memcmp(dest+idx, frame_marker_mask, sizeof(frame_marker_mask)) == 0)
- { // frame marker found
- size2=idx;
- idx+=sizeof(frame_marker_mask);
- while(dest[idx] != dest[idx+1] && idx < *size-2)
- {
- // Keep going until next frame marker (or error)
- // Shift in a bit. Start by shifting high registers
- *hi2 = (*hi2<<1)|(*hi>>31);
- *hi = (*hi<<1)|(*lo>>31);
- //Then, shift in a 0 or one into low
- if (dest[idx] && !dest[idx+1]) // 1 0
- *lo=(*lo<<1)|1;
- else // 0 1
- *lo=(*lo<<1)|0;
- numshifts++;
- idx += 2;
- }
- // Hopefully, we read a tag and hit upon the next frame marker and got enough bits
- if(idx + sizeof(frame_marker_mask) < *size && numshifts > 40)
- {
- if ( memcmp(dest+idx, frame_marker_mask, sizeof(frame_marker_mask)) == 0)
- {
- //good return - return start grid position and bits found
- *size = ((numshifts*2)+8);
- return size2;
- }
- }
- // reset
- *hi2 = *hi = *lo = 0;
- numshifts = 0;
- }else {
- idx++;
- }
+ *size = fskdemod(dest, size2,50,1,10,8); //fsk2a
+ if (*size < 96) return -2;
+ // 00001111 bit pattern represent start of frame, 01 pattern represents a 0 and 10 represents a 1
+ uint8_t preamble[] = {0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1};
+ uint8_t errChk = preambleSearch(dest, preamble, sizeof(preamble), size, &startIdx);
+ if (errChk == 0) return -3; //preamble not found
+ numStart = startIdx + sizeof(preamble);
+ // final loop, go over previously decoded FSK data and manchester decode into usable tag ID
+ for (size_t idx = numStart; (idx-numStart) < *size - sizeof(preamble); idx+=2){
+ if (dest[idx] == dest[idx+1])
+ return -4; //not manchester data
+ *hi2 = (*hi2<<1)|(*hi>>31);
+ *hi = (*hi<<1)|(*lo>>31);
+ //Then, shift in a 0 or one into low
+ if (dest[idx] && !dest[idx+1]) // 1 0
+ *lo=(*lo<<1)|1;
+ else // 0 1
+ *lo=(*lo<<1)|0;
- return 0;
+ return (int)startIdx;
uint32_t bytebits_to_byte(uint8_t* src, size_t numbits)
int IOdemodFSK(uint8_t *dest, size_t size)
- static const uint8_t THRESHOLD = 129;
- uint32_t idx=0;
+ if (justNoise(dest, size)) return -1;
//make sure buffer has data
- if (size < 66) return -1;
- //test samples are not just noise
- uint8_t justNoise = 1;
- for(idx=0;idx< size && justNoise ;idx++){
- justNoise = dest[idx] < THRESHOLD;
- }
- if(justNoise) return 0;
+ if (size < 66*64) return -2;
// FSK demodulator
- size = fskdemod(dest, size, 64, 1, 10, 8); // RF/64 and invert
- if (size < 65) return -1; //did we get a good demod?
+ size = fskdemod(dest, size, 64, 1, 10, 8); // FSK2a RF/64
+ if (size < 65) return -3; //did we get a good demod?
//Index map
//0 10 20 30 40 50 60
//| | | | | | |
//Handle the data
- uint8_t mask[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1};
- for( idx=0; idx < (size - 65); idx++) {
- if ( memcmp(dest + idx, mask, sizeof(mask))==0) {
- //frame marker found
- if (!dest[idx+8] && dest[idx+17]==1 && dest[idx+26]==1 && dest[idx+35]==1 && dest[idx+44]==1 && dest[idx+53]==1){
- //confirmed proper separator bits found
- //return start position
- return (int) idx;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
-// by marshmellow
-// pass bits to be tested in bits, length bits passed in bitLen, and parity type (even=0 | odd=1) in pType
-// returns 1 if passed
-uint8_t parityTest(uint32_t bits, uint8_t bitLen, uint8_t pType)
- uint8_t ans = 0;
- for (uint8_t i = 0; i < bitLen; i++){
- ans ^= ((bits >> i) & 1);
+ size_t startIdx = 0;
+ uint8_t preamble[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1};
+ uint8_t errChk = preambleSearch(dest, preamble, sizeof(preamble), &size, &startIdx);
+ if (errChk == 0) return -4; //preamble not found
+ if (!dest[startIdx+8] && dest[startIdx+17]==1 && dest[startIdx+26]==1 && dest[startIdx+35]==1 && dest[startIdx+44]==1 && dest[startIdx+53]==1){
+ //confirmed proper separator bits found
+ //return start position
+ return (int) startIdx;
- //PrintAndLog("DEBUG: ans: %d, ptype: %d",ans,pType);
- return (ans == pType);
+ return -5;
// by marshmellow
// by marshmellow
// FSK Demod then try to locate an AWID ID
-int AWIDdemodFSK(uint8_t *dest, size_t size)
+int AWIDdemodFSK(uint8_t *dest, size_t *size)
- static const uint8_t THRESHOLD = 123;
- uint32_t idx=0, idx2=0;
- //make sure buffer has data
- if (size < 96*50) return -1;
- //test samples are not just noise
- uint8_t justNoise = 1;
- for(idx=0; idx < size && justNoise ;idx++){
- justNoise = dest[idx] < THRESHOLD;
- }
- if(justNoise) return -2;
+ //make sure buffer has enough data
+ if (*size < 96*50) return -1;
+ if (justNoise(dest, *size)) return -2;
// FSK demodulator
- size = fskdemod(dest, size, 50, 1, 10, 8); // RF/64 and invert
- if (size < 96) return -3; //did we get a good demod?
- uint8_t mask[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1};
- for( idx=0; idx < (size - 96); idx++) {
- if ( memcmp(dest + idx, mask, sizeof(mask))==0) {
- // frame marker found
- //return ID start index
- if (idx2 == 0) idx2=idx;
- else if(idx-idx2==96) return idx2;
- else return -5;
- // should always get 96 bits if it is awid
- }
- }
- //never found mask
- return -4;
+ *size = fskdemod(dest, *size, 50, 1, 10, 8); // fsk2a RF/50
+ if (*size < 96) return -3; //did we get a good demod?
+ uint8_t preamble[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1};
+ size_t startIdx = 0;
+ uint8_t errChk = preambleSearch(dest, preamble, sizeof(preamble), size, &startIdx);
+ if (errChk == 0) return -4; //preamble not found
+ if (*size != 96) return -5;
+ return (int)startIdx;
// by marshmellow
// FSK Demod then try to locate an Farpointe Data (pyramid) ID
-int PyramiddemodFSK(uint8_t *dest, size_t size)
+int PyramiddemodFSK(uint8_t *dest, size_t *size)
- static const uint8_t THRESHOLD = 123;
- uint32_t idx=0, idx2=0;
- // size_t size2 = size;
//make sure buffer has data
- if (size < 128*50) return -5;
+ if (*size < 128*50) return -5;
//test samples are not just noise
- uint8_t justNoise = 1;
- for(idx=0; idx < size && justNoise ;idx++){
- justNoise = dest[idx] < THRESHOLD;
- }
- if(justNoise) return -1;
+ if (justNoise(dest, *size)) return -1;
// FSK demodulator
- size = fskdemod(dest, size, 50, 1, 10, 8); // RF/64 and invert
- if (size < 128) return -2; //did we get a good demod?
- uint8_t mask[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1};
- for( idx=0; idx < (size - 128); idx++) {
- if ( memcmp(dest + idx, mask, sizeof(mask))==0) {
- // frame marker found
- if (idx2==0) idx2=idx;
- else if (idx-idx2==128) return idx2;
- else return -3;
- }
- }
- //never found mask
- return -4;
+ *size = fskdemod(dest, *size, 50, 1, 10, 8); // fsk2a RF/50
+ if (*size < 128) return -2; //did we get a good demod?
+ uint8_t preamble[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1};
+ size_t startIdx = 0;
+ uint8_t errChk = preambleSearch(dest, preamble, sizeof(preamble), size, &startIdx);
+ if (errChk == 0) return -4; //preamble not found
+ if (*size != 128) return -3;
+ return (int)startIdx;
// by marshmellow
// peaks invert bit (high=1 low=0) each clock cycle = 1 bit determined by last peak
int pskNRZrawDemod(uint8_t *dest, size_t *size, int *clk, int *invert)
+ if (justNoise(dest, *size)) return -1;
int clk2 = DetectpskNRZClock(dest, *size, *clk);