## [unreleased][unreleased]
### Changed
+- Adjusted `lf cmdread` to respond to client when complete and the client will then automatically call `data samples`
- Improved backdoor detection missbehaving magic s50/1k tag (Fl0-0)
- Deleted wipe functionality from `hf mf csetuid` (Merlok)
- Changed `hf mf nested` logic (Merlok)
- Changed start sequence in Qt mode (fix: short commands hangs main Qt thread) (Merlok)
### Added
+- Added a bitbang mode to `lf cmdread` if delay is 0 the cmd bits turn off and on the antenna with 0 and 1 respectively (marshmellow)
- Added PAC/Stanley detection to lf search (marshmellow)
- Added lf pac demod and lf pac read - extracts the raw blocks from a PAC/Stanley tag (marshmellow)
- Added hf mf c* commands compatibity for 4k and gen1b backdoor (Fl0-0)
- Added `hf emv` group of commands (Merlok)
- Added `hf emv search` `hf emv pse` - commands for selection of EMV application (Merlok)
- Added `hf emv select` - command for select EMV application (Merlok)
+- Added `hf emv exec` - command for execute EMV transaction (Merlok)
+- Added to `hf emv exec` MSD path for VISA and Mastercard and some other compatible EMV cards (Merlok)
+- Added to `hf emv exec` SDA, DDA, fast DDA, CDA calculations for VISA and Mastercard and some other compatible EMV cards (Merlok)
+- Added `hf emv test` - crypto tests for DES, AES, SHA, RSA, SDA, DDA, CDA and some other crypto functions (Merlok)
## [3.0.1][2017-06-08]