-#include "proxmark3.h"
+#include "../include/proxmark3.h"
#include "apps.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "common.h"
+#include "cmd.h"
// Needed for CRC in emulation mode;
// same construction as in ISO 14443;
// different initial value (CRC_ICLASS)
-#include "iso14443crc.h"
+#include "../common/iso14443crc.h"
+#include "../common/iso15693tools.h"
+//#include "iso15693tools.h"
static int timeout = 4096;
-// Sequence D: 11110000 modulation with subcarrier during first half
-// Sequence E: 00001111 modulation with subcarrier during second half
-// Sequence F: 00000000 no modulation with subcarrier
-// Sequence X: 00001100 drop after half a period
-// Sequence Y: 00000000 no drop
-// Sequence Z: 11000000 drop at start
-#define SEC_X 0x0c
-#define SEC_Y 0x00
-#define SEC_Z 0xc0
static int SendIClassAnswer(uint8_t *resp, int respLen, int delay);
int nOutOfCnt;
int OutOfCnt;
int syncBit;
- int parityBits;
int samples;
int highCnt;
int swapper;
int counter;
int bitBuffer;
int dropPosition;
- uint8_t *output;
+ uint8_t *output;
} Uart;
static RAMFUNC int OutOfNDecoding(int bit)
if(Uart.byteCnt == 0) {
// Its not straightforward to show single EOFs
// So just leave it and do not return TRUE
- Uart.output[Uart.byteCnt] = 0xf0;
+ Uart.output[0] = 0xf0;
- // Calculate the parity bit for the client...
- Uart.parityBits = 1;
else {
return TRUE;
if(Uart.bitCnt == 8) {
Uart.output[Uart.byteCnt] = (Uart.shiftReg & 0xff);
- // Calculate the parity bit for the client...
- Uart.parityBits <<= 1;
- Uart.parityBits ^= OddByteParity[(Uart.shiftReg & 0xff)];
Uart.bitCnt = 0;
Uart.shiftReg = 0;
Uart.output[Uart.byteCnt] = (Uart.dropPosition & 0xff);
- // Calculate the parity bit for the client...
- Uart.parityBits <<= 1;
- Uart.parityBits ^= OddByteParity[(Uart.dropPosition & 0xff)];
Uart.bitCnt = 0;
Uart.shiftReg = 0;
Uart.nOutOfCnt = 0;
Uart.bitCnt = 0;
Uart.byteCnt = 0;
- Uart.parityBits = 0;
Uart.nOutOfCnt = 0;
Uart.OutOfCnt = 4; // Start at 1/4, could switch to 1/256
Uart.dropPosition = 0;
int bitCount;
int posCount;
int syncBit;
- int parityBits;
uint16_t shiftReg;
int buffer;
int buffer2;
Demod.sub = SUB_FIRST_HALF;
Demod.bitCount = 0;
Demod.shiftReg = 0;
- Demod.parityBits = 0;
Demod.samples = 0;
if(Demod.posCount) {
//if(trigger) LED_A_OFF(); // Not useful in this case...
else {
modulation = bit & Demod.syncBit;
modulation |= ((bit << 1) ^ ((Demod.buffer & 0x08) >> 3)) & Demod.syncBit;
- //modulation = ((bit << 1) ^ ((Demod.buffer & 0x08) >> 3)) & Demod.syncBit;
Demod.samples += 4;
if(Demod.posCount==0) {
if(Demod.state == DEMOD_SOF_COMPLETE) {
Demod.output[Demod.len] = 0x0f;
- Demod.parityBits <<= 1;
- Demod.parityBits ^= OddByteParity[0x0f];
Demod.state = DEMOD_UNSYNCD;
// error = 0x0f;
return TRUE;
// Tag response does not need to be a complete byte!
if(Demod.len > 0 || Demod.bitCount > 0) {
if(Demod.bitCount > 1) { // was > 0, do not interpret last closing bit, is part of EOF
- Demod.shiftReg >>= (9 - Demod.bitCount);
+ Demod.shiftReg >>= (9 - Demod.bitCount); // right align data
Demod.output[Demod.len] = Demod.shiftReg & 0xff;
- // No parity bit, so just shift a 0
- Demod.parityBits <<= 1;
Demod.state = DEMOD_UNSYNCD;
Demod.shiftReg >>= 1;
Demod.output[Demod.len] = (Demod.shiftReg & 0xff);
- Demod.parityBits <<= 1;
- Demod.parityBits ^= OddByteParity[(Demod.shiftReg & 0xff)];
Demod.bitCount = 0;
Demod.shiftReg = 0;
// So 32 should be enough!
uint8_t *readerToTagCmd = (((uint8_t *)BigBuf) + RECV_CMD_OFFSET);
// The response (tag -> reader) that we're receiving.
- uint8_t *tagToReaderResponse = (((uint8_t *)BigBuf) + RECV_RES_OFFSET);
+ uint8_t *tagToReaderResponse = (((uint8_t *)BigBuf) + RECV_RESP_OFFSET);
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_HF);
// reset traceLen to 0
int samples = 0;
rsamples = 0;
- memset(trace, 0x44, RECV_CMD_OFFSET);
// Set up the demodulator for tag -> reader responses.
Demod.output = tagToReaderResponse;
Demod.len = 0;
+ uint32_t time_0 = GetCountSspClk();
int div = 0;
//int div2 = 0;
int decbyte = 0;
rsamples = samples - Uart.samples;
- if(!LogTrace(readerToTagCmd,Uart.byteCnt, rsamples, Uart.parityBits,TRUE)) break;
+ //if(!LogTrace(Uart.output,Uart.byteCnt, rsamples, Uart.parityBits,TRUE)) break;
//if(!LogTrace(NULL, 0, Uart.endTime*16 - DELAY_READER_AIR2ARM_AS_SNIFFER, 0, TRUE)) break;
+ if(tracing) {
+ uint8_t parity[MAX_PARITY_SIZE];
+ GetParity(Uart.output, Uart.byteCnt, parity);
+ LogTrace(Uart.output,Uart.byteCnt, (GetCountSspClk()-time_0) << 4, (GetCountSspClk()-time_0) << 4, parity, TRUE);
+ }
/* And ready to receive another command. */
Uart.state = STATE_UNSYNCD;
rsamples = samples - Demod.samples;
- if(!LogTrace(tagToReaderResponse,Demod.len, rsamples, Demod.parityBits,FALSE)) break;
- //if (!LogTrace(NULL, 0, Demod.endTime*16 - DELAY_TAG_AIR2ARM_AS_SNIFFER, 0, FALSE)) break;
+ if(tracing) {
+ uint8_t parity[MAX_PARITY_SIZE];
+ GetParity(Demod.output, Demod.len, parity);
+ LogTrace(Demod.output, Demod.len, (GetCountSspClk()-time_0) << 4, (GetCountSspClk()-time_0) << 4, parity, FALSE);
+ }
// And ready to receive another response.
uint8_t b = (uint8_t)AT91C_BASE_SSC->SSC_RHR;
- /*if(OutOfNDecoding((b & 0xf0) >> 4)) {
- *len = Uart.byteCnt;
- return TRUE;
- }*/
if(OutOfNDecoding(b & 0x0f)) {
*len = Uart.byteCnt;
return TRUE;
static void CodeIClassTagAnswer(const uint8_t *cmd, int len)
+ //So far a dummy implementation, not used
+ //int lastProxToAirDuration =0;
int i;
ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xff;
+ ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xff;//Proxtoair duration starts here
ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xff;
ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xff;
ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xff;
ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xff;
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xff;
+ ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xff;
ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
+ //lastProxToAirDuration = 8*ToSendMax - 3*8 - 3*8;//Not counting zeroes in the beginning or end
// Convert from last byte pos to length
// Only SOF
static void CodeIClassTagSOF()
- ToSendReset();
+ //So far a dummy implementation, not used
+ //int lastProxToAirDuration =0;
+ ToSendReset();
// Send SOF
ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xff;
ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xff;
+// lastProxToAirDuration = 8*ToSendMax - 3*8;//Not counting zeroes in the beginning
// Convert from last byte pos to length
+int doIClassSimulation(uint8_t csn[], int breakAfterMacReceived, uint8_t *reader_mac_buf);
* @brief SimulateIClass simulates an iClass card.
* @param arg0 type of simulation
uint32_t simType = arg0;
uint32_t numberOfCSNS = arg1;
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_HF);
// Enable and clear the trace
uint8_t csn_crc[] = { 0x03, 0x1f, 0xec, 0x8a, 0xf7, 0xff, 0x12, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00 };
if(simType == 0) {
// Use the CSN from commandline
memcpy(csn_crc, datain, 8);
- doIClassSimulation(csn_crc,0);
+ doIClassSimulation(csn_crc,0,NULL);
}else if(simType == 1)
- doIClassSimulation(csn_crc,0);
+ doIClassSimulation(csn_crc,0,NULL);
else if(simType == 2)
- Dbprintf("Going into attack mode");
+ uint8_t mac_responses[64] = { 0 };
+ Dbprintf("Going into attack mode, %d CSNS sent", numberOfCSNS);
// In this mode, a number of csns are within datain. We'll simulate each one, one at a time
// in order to collect MAC's from the reader. This can later be used in an offlne-attack
// in order to obtain the keys, as in the "dismantling iclass"-paper.
- for(int i = 0 ; i < numberOfCSNS && i*8+8 < USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE; i++)
+ int i = 0;
+ for( ; i < numberOfCSNS && i*8+8 < USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE; i++)
// The usb data is 512 bytes, fitting 65 8-byte CSNs in there.
memcpy(csn_crc, datain+(i*8), 8);
- doIClassSimulation(csn_crc,1);
+ if(doIClassSimulation(csn_crc,1,mac_responses+i*8))
+ {
+ return; // Button pressed
+ }
- }else{
+ cmd_send(CMD_ACK,CMD_SIMULATE_TAG_ICLASS,i,0,mac_responses,i*8);
+ }
+ else{
// We may want a mode here where we hardcode the csns to use (from proxclone).
// That will speed things up a little, but not required just yet.
Dbprintf("The mode is not implemented, reserved for future use");
+ Dbprintf("Done...");
* @param csn - csn to use
* @param breakAfterMacReceived if true, returns after reader MAC has been received.
-void doIClassSimulation(uint8_t csn[], int breakAfterMacReceived)
+int doIClassSimulation(uint8_t csn[], int breakAfterMacReceived, uint8_t *reader_mac_buf)
// CSN followed by two CRC bytes
uint8_t response2[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
uint8_t response3[] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+ Dbprintf("Simulating CSN %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x",csn[0],csn[1],csn[2],csn[3],csn[4],csn[5],csn[6],csn[7]);
// e-Purse
uint8_t response4[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
// + 1720..
uint8_t *receivedCmd = (((uint8_t *)BigBuf) + RECV_CMD_OFFSET);
- memset(receivedCmd, 0x44, RECV_CMD_SIZE);
+ memset(receivedCmd, 0x44, MAX_FRAME_SIZE);
int len;
// Prepare card messages
CodeIClassTagAnswer(response4, sizeof(response4));
memcpy(resp4, ToSend, ToSendMax); resp4Len = ToSendMax;
+ // Start from off (no field generated)
+ //FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF);
+ //SpinDelay(200);
+ SpinDelay(100);
+ StartCountSspClk();
// We need to listen to the high-frequency, peak-detected path.
// To control where we are in the protocol
int cmdsRecvd = 0;
+ uint32_t time_0 = GetCountSspClk();
+ uint32_t t2r_time =0;
+ uint32_t r2t_time =0;
+ bool buttonPressed = false;
+ /** Hack for testing
+ memcpy(reader_mac_buf,csn,8);
+ exitLoop = true;
+ end hack **/
while(!exitLoop) {
+ //Signal tracer
+ // Can be used to get a trigger for an oscilloscope..
+ LED_C_OFF();
if(!GetIClassCommandFromReader(receivedCmd, &len, 100)) {
- DbpString("button press");
+ buttonPressed = true;
+ r2t_time = GetCountSspClk();
+ //Signal tracer
+ LED_C_ON();
// Okay, look at the command now.
- if(receivedCmd[0] == 0x0a || receivedCmd[0] == 0x26) {
+ if(receivedCmd[0] == 0x0a ) {
// Reader in anticollission phase
resp = resp1; respLen = resp1Len; //order = 1;
respdata = &sof;
respsize = sizeof(sof);
- //resp = resp2; respLen = resp2Len; order = 2;
- Dbprintf("Hello request from reader, %02x, tracing=%d", receivedCmd[0], tracing);
} else if(receivedCmd[0] == 0x0c) {
// Reader asks for anticollission CSN
resp = resp2; respLen = resp2Len; //order = 2;
} else if(receivedCmd[0] == 0x05) {
// Reader random and reader MAC!!!
// Do not respond
- // We do not know what to answer, so lets keep quit
+ // We do not know what to answer, so lets keep quiet
resp = resp1; respLen = 0; //order = 5;
respdata = NULL;
respsize = 0;
if (breakAfterMacReceived){
- // TODO, actually return this to the caller instead of just
// dbprintf:ing ...
- Dbprintf("CSN: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x");
+ Dbprintf("CSN: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x"
+ ,csn[0],csn[1],csn[2],csn[3],csn[4],csn[5],csn[6],csn[7]);
Dbprintf("RDR: (len=%02d): %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x",len,
- receivedCmd[0], receivedCmd[1], receivedCmd[2],
+ receivedCmd[0], receivedCmd[1], receivedCmd[2],
receivedCmd[3], receivedCmd[4], receivedCmd[5],
receivedCmd[6], receivedCmd[7], receivedCmd[8]);
+ if (reader_mac_buf != NULL)
+ {
+ memcpy(reader_mac_buf,receivedCmd+1,8);
+ }
exitLoop = true;
} else if(receivedCmd[0] == 0x00 && len == 1) {
respsize = 0;
- if(cmdsRecvd > 999) {
- DbpString("1000 commands later...");
- break;
+ if(cmdsRecvd > 100) {
+ //DbpString("100 commands later...");
+ //break;
else {
if(respLen > 0) {
SendIClassAnswer(resp, respLen, 21);
+ t2r_time = GetCountSspClk();
if (tracing) {
- //LogTrace(receivedCmd,len, rsamples, Uart.parityBits, TRUE);
- if(!LogTrace(receivedCmd,len, rsamples, Uart.parityBits,TRUE))
- {
- DbpString("Trace full");
- break;
- }
+ uint8_t parity[MAX_PARITY_SIZE];
+ GetParity(receivedCmd, len, parity);
+ LogTrace(receivedCmd,len, (r2t_time-time_0)<< 4, (r2t_time-time_0) << 4, parity, TRUE);
if (respdata != NULL) {
- //LogTrace(respdata,respsize, rsamples, SwapBits(GetParity(respdata,respsize),respsize), FALSE);
- if(!LogTrace(respdata,respsize, rsamples,SwapBits(GetParity(respdata,respsize),respsize),FALSE))
- {
- DbpString("Trace full");
- break;
- }
+ GetParity(respdata, respsize, parity);
+ LogTrace(respdata, respsize, (t2r_time-time_0) << 4, (t2r_time-time_0) << 4, parity, FALSE);
+ }
+ if(!tracing) {
+ DbpString("Trace full");
+ //break;
- memset(receivedCmd, 0x44, RECV_CMD_SIZE);
+ memset(receivedCmd, 0x44, MAX_FRAME_SIZE);
- Dbprintf("%x", cmdsRecvd);
+ //Dbprintf("%x", cmdsRecvd);
+ if(buttonPressed)
+ {
+ DbpString("Button pressed");
+ }
+ return buttonPressed;
static int SendIClassAnswer(uint8_t *resp, int respLen, int delay)
- int i = 0, u = 0, d = 0;
+ int i = 0, d=0;//, u = 0, d = 0;
uint8_t b = 0;
- // return 0;
- // Modulate Manchester
- // FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_HF_ISO14443A | FPGA_HF_ISO14443A_TAGSIM_MOD424);
- // send cycle
- for(;;) {
- volatile uint8_t b = (uint8_t)AT91C_BASE_SSC->SSC_RHR;
- (void)b;
+ while(!BUTTON_PRESS()) {
+ b = AT91C_BASE_SSC->SSC_RHR; (void) b;
+ b = 0x00;
if(d < delay) {
- b = 0x00;
- else if(i >= respLen) {
- b = 0x00;
- u++;
- } else {
- b = resp[i];
- u++;
- if(u > 1) { i++; u = 0; }
+ else {
+ if( i < respLen){
+ b = resp[i];
+ //Hack
+ //b = 0xAC;
+ }
+ i++;
- if(u > 4) break;
- }
- if(BUTTON_PRESS()) {
- break;
+ if (i > respLen +4) break;
return 0;
static void TransmitIClassCommand(const uint8_t *cmd, int len, int *samples, int *wait)
int c;
if (wait)
- if(*wait < 10)
- *wait = 10;
+ {
+ if(*wait < 10) *wait = 10;
for(c = 0; c < *wait;) {
+ }
uint8_t sendbyte;
bool firstpart = TRUE;
c = 0;
b = cmd[i];
for(j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
for(k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
- if(k == (b & 3)) {
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x0f;
- }
- else {
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
- }
+ if(k == (b & 3)) {
+ ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x0f;
+ }
+ else {
+ ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
+ }
b >>= 2;
int wait = 0;
int samples = 0;
- int par = 0;
// This is tied to other size changes
- // uint8_t* frame_addr = ((uint8_t*)BigBuf) + 2024;
// Select the card
// Store reader command in buffer
- if (tracing) LogTrace(frame,len,rsamples,par,TRUE);
+ if (tracing) {
+ uint8_t par[MAX_PARITY_SIZE];
+ GetParity(frame, len, par);
+ LogTrace(frame, len, rsamples, rsamples, par, TRUE);
+ }
for(;;) {
- if(BUTTON_PRESS()) return FALSE;
+ if(BUTTON_PRESS()) return FALSE;
AT91C_BASE_SSC->SSC_THR = 0x00; // To make use of exact timing of next command from reader!!
b = (uint8_t)AT91C_BASE_SSC->SSC_RHR;
skip = !skip;
if(skip) continue;
- /*if(ManchesterDecoding((b>>4) & 0xf)) {
- *samples = ((c - 1) << 3) + 4;
- return TRUE;
- }*/
if(ManchesterDecoding(b & 0x0f)) {
*samples = c << 3;
return TRUE;
int samples = 0;
if (!GetIClassAnswer(receivedAnswer,160,&samples,0)) return FALSE;
rsamples += samples;
- if (tracing) LogTrace(receivedAnswer,Demod.len,rsamples,Demod.parityBits,FALSE);
+ if (tracing){
+ uint8_t parity[MAX_PARITY_SIZE];
+ GetParity(receivedAnswer, Demod.len, parity);
+ LogTrace(receivedAnswer,Demod.len,rsamples,rsamples,parity,FALSE);
+ }
if(samples == 0) return FALSE;
return Demod.len;
+void setupIclassReader()
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_HF);
+ // Reset trace buffer
+ iso14a_set_tracing(TRUE);
+ iso14a_clear_trace();
+ // Setup SSC
+ FpgaSetupSsc();
+ // Start from off (no field generated)
+ // Signal field is off with the appropriate LED
+ LED_D_OFF();
+ FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF);
+ SpinDelay(200);
+ // Now give it time to spin up.
+ // Signal field is on with the appropriate LED
+ SpinDelay(200);
+ LED_A_ON();
+size_t sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(uint8_t* command, size_t cmdsize, uint8_t* resp, uint8_t expected_size, uint8_t retries)
+ while(retries-- > 0)
+ {
+ ReaderTransmitIClass(command, cmdsize);
+ if(expected_size == ReaderReceiveIClass(resp)){
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;//Error
+ * @brief Talks to an iclass tag, sends the commands to get CSN and CC.
+ * @param card_data where the CSN and CC are stored for return
+ * @return 0 = fail
+ * 1 = Got CSN
+ * 2 = Got CSN and CC
+ */
+uint8_t handshakeIclassTag(uint8_t *card_data)
+ static uint8_t act_all[] = { 0x0a };
+ static uint8_t identify[] = { 0x0c };
+ static uint8_t select[] = { 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
+ static uint8_t readcheck_cc[]= { 0x88, 0x02 };
+ uint8_t *resp = (((uint8_t *)BigBuf) + RECV_RESP_OFFSET);
+ uint8_t read_status = 0;
+ // Send act_all
+ ReaderTransmitIClass(act_all, 1);
+ // Card present?
+ if(!ReaderReceiveIClass(resp)) return read_status;//Fail
+ //Send Identify
+ ReaderTransmitIClass(identify, 1);
+ //We expect a 10-byte response here, 8 byte anticollision-CSN and 2 byte CRC
+ uint8_t len = ReaderReceiveIClass(resp);
+ if(len != 10) return read_status;//Fail
+ //Copy the Anti-collision CSN to our select-packet
+ memcpy(&select[1],resp,8);
+ //Select the card
+ ReaderTransmitIClass(select, sizeof(select));
+ //We expect a 10-byte response here, 8 byte CSN and 2 byte CRC
+ len = ReaderReceiveIClass(resp);
+ if(len != 10) return read_status;//Fail
+ //Success - level 1, we got CSN
+ //Save CSN in response data
+ memcpy(card_data,resp,8);
+ //Flag that we got to at least stage 1, read CSN
+ read_status = 1;
+ // Card selected, now read e-purse (cc)
+ ReaderTransmitIClass(readcheck_cc, sizeof(readcheck_cc));
+ if(ReaderReceiveIClass(resp) == 8) {
+ //Save CC (e-purse) in response data
+ memcpy(card_data+8,resp,8);
+ //Got both
+ read_status = 2;
+ }
+ return read_status;
// Reader iClass Anticollission
void ReaderIClass(uint8_t arg0) {
+ uint8_t card_data[24]={0};
+ uint8_t last_csn[8]={0};
+ int read_status= 0;
+ bool abort_after_read = arg0 & FLAG_ICLASS_READER_ONLY_ONCE;
+ bool get_cc = arg0 & FLAG_ICLASS_READER_GET_CC;
+ setupIclassReader();
+ size_t datasize = 0;
+ while(!BUTTON_PRESS())
+ {
+ if(traceLen > TRACE_SIZE) {
+ DbpString("Trace full");
+ break;
+ }
+ WDT_HIT();
+ read_status = handshakeIclassTag(card_data);
+ if(read_status == 0) continue;
+ if(read_status == 1) datasize = 8;
+ if(read_status == 2) datasize = 16;
+ LED_B_ON();
+ //Send back to client, but don't bother if we already sent this
+ if(memcmp(last_csn, card_data, 8) != 0)
+ {
+ if(!get_cc || (get_cc && read_status == 2))
+ {
+ cmd_send(CMD_ACK,read_status,0,0,card_data,datasize);
+ if(abort_after_read) {
+ LED_A_OFF();
+ return;
+ }
+ //Save that we already sent this....
+ memcpy(last_csn, card_data, 8);
+ }
+ //If 'get_cc' was specified and we didn't get a CC, we'll just keep trying...
+ }
+ LED_B_OFF();
+ }
+ cmd_send(CMD_ACK,0,0,0,card_data, 0);
+ LED_A_OFF();
+void ReaderIClass_Replay(uint8_t arg0, uint8_t *MAC) {
+ uint8_t card_data[24]={0};
+ uint16_t block_crc_LUT[255] = {0};
+ {//Generate a lookup table for block crc
+ for(int block = 0; block < 255; block++){
+ char bl = block;
+ block_crc_LUT[block] = iclass_crc16(&bl ,1);
+ }
+ }
+ //Dbprintf("Lookup table: %02x %02x %02x" ,block_crc_LUT[0],block_crc_LUT[1],block_crc_LUT[2]);
+ uint8_t check[] = { 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
+ uint8_t read[] = { 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
+ uint16_t crc = 0;
+ uint8_t cardsize=0;
+ uint8_t mem=0;
+ static struct memory_t{
+ int k16;
+ int book;
+ int k2;
+ int lockauth;
+ int keyaccess;
+ } memory;
+ uint8_t* resp = (((uint8_t *)BigBuf) + RECV_RESP_OFFSET);
+ setupIclassReader();
+ while(!BUTTON_PRESS()) {
+ WDT_HIT();
+ if(traceLen > TRACE_SIZE) {
+ DbpString("Trace full");
+ break;
+ }
+ uint8_t read_status = handshakeIclassTag(card_data);
+ if(read_status < 2) continue;
+ //for now replay captured auth (as cc not updated)
+ memcpy(check+5,MAC,4);
+ if(sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(check, sizeof(check),resp, 4, 5))
+ {
+ Dbprintf("Error: Authentication Fail!");
+ continue;
+ }
+ //first get configuration block (block 1)
+ crc = block_crc_LUT[1];
+ read[1]=1;
+ read[2] = crc >> 8;
+ read[3] = crc & 0xff;
+ if(sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(read, sizeof(read),resp, 10, 10))
+ {
+ Dbprintf("Dump config (block 1) failed");
+ continue;
+ }
+ mem=resp[5];
+ memory.k16= (mem & 0x80);
+ memory.book= (mem & 0x20);
+ memory.k2= (mem & 0x8);
+ memory.lockauth= (mem & 0x2);
+ memory.keyaccess= (mem & 0x1);
+ cardsize = memory.k16 ? 255 : 32;
+ WDT_HIT();
+ //then loop around remaining blocks
+ for(int block=0; block < cardsize; block++){
+ read[1]= block;
+ crc = block_crc_LUT[block];
+ read[2] = crc >> 8;
+ read[3] = crc & 0xff;
+ if(!sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(read, sizeof(read), resp, 10, 10))
+ {
+ Dbprintf(" %02x: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x",
+ block, resp[0], resp[1], resp[2],
+ resp[3], resp[4], resp[5],
+ resp[6], resp[7]);
+ }else{
+ Dbprintf("Failed to dump block %d", block);
+ }
+ }
+ //If we got here, let's break
+ break;
+ }
+ LED_A_OFF();
+//2. Create Read method (cut-down from above) based off responses from 1.
+// Since we have the MAC could continue to use replay function.
+//3. Create Write method
+void IClass_iso14443A_write(uint8_t arg0, uint8_t blockNo, uint8_t *data, uint8_t *MAC) {
uint8_t act_all[] = { 0x0a };
uint8_t identify[] = { 0x0c };
uint8_t select[] = { 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
- uint8_t* resp = (((uint8_t *)BigBuf) + 3560); // was 3560 - tied to other size changes
+ uint8_t readcheck_cc[]= { 0x88, 0x02 };
+ uint8_t check[] = { 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
+ uint8_t read[] = { 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
+ uint8_t write[] = { 0x87, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
+ uint16_t crc = 0;
+ uint8_t* resp = (((uint8_t *)BigBuf) + RECV_RESP_OFFSET);
// Reset trace buffer
memset(trace, 0x44, RECV_CMD_OFFSET);
- for(;;) {
+ for(int i=0;i<1;i++) {
if(traceLen > TRACE_SIZE) {
DbpString("Trace full");
resp[3], resp[4], resp[5],
resp[6], resp[7]);
- // Card selected, whats next... ;-)
- }
+ // Card selected
+ Dbprintf("Readcheck on Sector 2");
+ ReaderTransmitIClass(readcheck_cc, sizeof(readcheck_cc));
+ if(ReaderReceiveIClass(resp) == 8) {
+ Dbprintf(" CC: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x",
+ resp[0], resp[1], resp[2],
+ resp[3], resp[4], resp[5],
+ resp[6], resp[7]);
+ }else return;
+ Dbprintf("Authenticate");
+ //for now replay captured auth (as cc not updated)
+ memcpy(check+5,MAC,4);
+ Dbprintf(" AA: %02x %02x %02x %02x",
+ check[5], check[6], check[7],check[8]);
+ ReaderTransmitIClass(check, sizeof(check));
+ if(ReaderReceiveIClass(resp) == 4) {
+ Dbprintf(" AR: %02x %02x %02x %02x",
+ resp[0], resp[1], resp[2],resp[3]);
+ }else {
+ Dbprintf("Error: Authentication Fail!");
+ return;
+ }
+ Dbprintf("Write Block");
+ //read configuration for max block number
+ read_success=false;
+ read[1]=1;
+ uint8_t *blockno=&read[1];
+ crc = iclass_crc16((char *)blockno,1);
+ read[2] = crc >> 8;
+ read[3] = crc & 0xff;
+ while(!read_success){
+ ReaderTransmitIClass(read, sizeof(read));
+ if(ReaderReceiveIClass(resp) == 10) {
+ read_success=true;
+ mem=resp[5];
+ memory.k16= (mem & 0x80);
+ memory.book= (mem & 0x20);
+ memory.k2= (mem & 0x8);
+ memory.lockauth= (mem & 0x2);
+ memory.keyaccess= (mem & 0x1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (memory.k16){
+ cardsize=255;
+ }else cardsize=32;
+ //check card_size
+ memcpy(write+1,blockNo,1);
+ memcpy(write+2,data,8);
+ memcpy(write+10,mac,4);
+ while(!send_success){
+ ReaderTransmitIClass(write, sizeof(write));
+ if(ReaderReceiveIClass(resp) == 10) {
+ write_success=true;
+ }
+ }//