## [unreleased][unreleased]
### Changed
+- Improved backdoor detection missbehaving magic s50/1k tag (Fl0-0)
+- Deleted wipe functionality from `hf mf csetuid` (Merlok)
### Fixed
### Added
+- Added PAC/Stanley detection to lf search (marshmellow)
+- Added lf pac demod and lf pac read - extracts the raw blocks from a PAC/Stanley tag (marshmellow)
+- Added hf mf c* commands compatibity for 4k and gen1b backdoor (Fl0-0)
+- Added backdoor detection for gen1b magic s70/4k tag (Fl0-0)
+- Added data fsktonrz, a fsk cleaning/demodulating routine for weak fsk signal. Note: follow this up with a `data rawdemod nr` to finish demoding your signal. (marshmellow)
- Added lf em 410xbrute, LF EM410x reader bruteforce attack by simulating UIDs from a file (Fl0-0)
+- Added `hf mf cwipe` command. It wipes "magic Chinese" card. For 1a generation it uses card's "wipe" command. For gen1a and gen1b it uses a write command. (Merlok)
## [3.0.1][2017-06-08]
## [3.0.0][2017-06-05]
+### Added
+- Added lf hitag write 24, the command writes a block to hitag2 tags in crypto mode (henjo)
### Added
- Added hf mf hardnested, an attack working for hardened Mifare cards (EV1, Mifare Plus SL1) where hf mf nested fails
- Added experimental testmode write option for t55xx (danger) (marshmellow)