// (c) 2009 Henryk Plötz <henryk@ploetzli.ch>
// This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or,
#include "legic_prng.h" // legic PRNG impl
#include "crc.h" // legic crc-4
#include "ticks.h" // timers
+#include "legic.h" // legic_card_select_t struct
extern void LegicRfSimulate(int phase, int frame, int reqresp);
extern int LegicRfReader(int offset, int bytes, int iv);
void frame_send_tag(uint16_t response, uint8_t bits, uint8_t crypt);
void frame_sendAsReader(uint32_t data, uint8_t bits);
-int ice_legic_select_card();
+int legic_select_card(legic_card_select_t *p_card);
void ice_legic_setup();
#endif /* __LEGICRF_H */