- {"help", CmdHelp, 1, "This help"},
- {"amp", CmdAmp, 1, "Amplify peaks"},
- {"askdemod", Cmdaskdemod, 1, "<0 or 1> -- Attempt to demodulate simple ASK tags"},
- {"askmandemod", Cmdaskmandemod, 1, "[clock] [invert<0 or 1>] -- Attempt to demodulate ASK/Manchester tags and output binary (args optional[clock will try Auto-detect])"},
- {"askrawdemod", Cmdaskrawdemod, 1, "[clock] [invert<0 or 1>] -- Attempt to demodulate ASK tags and output binary (args optional[clock will try Auto-detect])"},
- {"autocorr", CmdAutoCorr, 1, "<window length> -- Autocorrelation over window"},
- {"biphaserawdecode",CmdBiphaseDecodeRaw,1,"[offset] Biphase decode binary stream already in graph buffer (offset = bit to start decode from)"},
- {"bitsamples", CmdBitsamples, 0, "Get raw samples as bitstring"},
- {"bitstream", CmdBitstream, 1, "[clock rate] -- Convert waveform into a bitstream"},
- {"buffclear", CmdBuffClear, 1, "Clear sample buffer and graph window"},
- {"dec", CmdDec, 1, "Decimate samples"},
- {"detectclock", CmdDetectClockRate, 1, "Detect ASK, PSK, or NRZ clock rate"},
- {"fskdemod", CmdFSKdemod, 1, "Demodulate graph window as a HID FSK"},
- {"fskhiddemod", CmdFSKdemodHID, 1, "Demodulate graph window as a HID FSK using raw"},
- {"fskiodemod", CmdFSKdemodIO, 1, "Demodulate graph window as an IO Prox FSK using raw"},
- {"fskrawdemod", CmdFSKrawdemod, 1, "[clock rate] [invert] [rchigh] [rclow] Demodulate graph window from FSK to binary (clock = 50)(invert = 1 or 0)(rchigh = 10)(rclow=8)"},
- {"grid", CmdGrid, 1, "<x> <y> -- overlay grid on graph window, use zero value to turn off either"},
- {"hexsamples", CmdHexsamples, 0, "<bytes> [<offset>] -- Dump big buffer as hex bytes"},
- {"hide", CmdHide, 1, "Hide graph window"},
- {"hpf", CmdHpf, 1, "Remove DC offset from trace"},
- {"load", CmdLoad, 1, "<filename> -- Load trace (to graph window"},
- {"ltrim", CmdLtrim, 1, "<samples> -- Trim samples from left of trace"},
- {"rtrim", CmdRtrim, 1, "<location to end trace> -- Trim samples from right of trace"},
- {"mandemod", CmdManchesterDemod, 1, "[i] [clock rate] -- Manchester demodulate binary stream (option 'i' to invert output)"},
- {"manrawdecode", Cmdmandecoderaw, 1, "Manchester decode binary stream already in graph buffer"},
- {"manmod", CmdManchesterMod, 1, "[clock rate] -- Manchester modulate a binary stream"},
- {"norm", CmdNorm, 1, "Normalize max/min to +/-128"},
- {"plot", CmdPlot, 1, "Show graph window (hit 'h' in window for keystroke help)"},
- {"pskclean", CmdPskClean, 1, "Attempt to clean psk wave"},
- {"pskdetectclock",CmdDetectNRZpskClockRate, 1, "Detect ASK, PSK, or NRZ clock rate"},
- {"pskindalademod",CmdIndalaDecode, 1, "[clock] [invert<0 or 1>] -- Attempt to demodulate psk indala tags and output ID binary & hex (args optional[clock will try Auto-detect])"},
- {"psknrzrawdemod",CmdpskNRZrawDemod, 1, "[clock] [invert<0 or 1>] -- Attempt to demodulate psk or nrz tags and output binary (args optional[clock will try Auto-detect])"},
- {"samples", CmdSamples, 0, "[512 - 40000] -- Get raw samples for graph window"},
- {"save", CmdSave, 1, "<filename> -- Save trace (from graph window)"},
- {"scale", CmdScale, 1, "<int> -- Set cursor display scale"},
- {"threshold", CmdThreshold, 1, "<threshold> -- Maximize/minimize every value in the graph window depending on threshold"},
- {"dirthreshold", CmdDirectionalThreshold, 1, "<thres up> <thres down> -- Max rising higher up-thres/ Min falling lower down-thres, keep rest as prev."},
- {"tune", CmdTuneSamples, 0, "Get hw tune samples for graph window"},
- {"zerocrossings", CmdZerocrossings, 1, "Count time between zero-crossings"},
+ {"help", CmdHelp, 1, "This help"},
+ {"askedgedetect", CmdAskEdgeDetect, 1, "[threshold] Adjust Graph for manual ask demod using the length of sample differences to detect the edge of a wave (use 20-45, def:25)"},
+ {"autocorr", CmdAutoCorr, 1, "[window length] [g] -- Autocorrelation over window - g to save back to GraphBuffer (overwrite)"},
+ {"biphaserawdecode",CmdBiphaseDecodeRaw,1, "[offset] [invert<0|1>] [maxErr] -- Biphase decode bin stream in DemodBuffer (offset = 0|1 bits to shift the decode start)"},
+ {"bin2hex", Cmdbin2hex, 1, "bin2hex <digits> -- Converts binary to hexadecimal"},
+ {"bitsamples", CmdBitsamples, 0, "Get raw samples as bitstring"},
+ {"buffclear", CmdBuffClear, 1, "Clear sample buffer and graph window"},
+ {"dec", CmdDec, 1, "Decimate samples"},
+ {"detectclock", CmdDetectClockRate, 1, "[modulation] Detect clock rate of wave in GraphBuffer (options: 'a','f','n','p' for ask, fsk, nrz, psk respectively)"},
+ {"fdxbdemod", CmdFDXBdemodBI , 1, "Demodulate a FDX-B ISO11784/85 Biphase tag from GraphBuffer"},
+ //{"fskfcdetect", CmdFSKfcDetect, 1, "Try to detect the Field Clock of an FSK wave"},
+ {"fskparadoxdemod", CmdFSKdemodParadox, 1, "Demodulate a Paradox FSK tag from GraphBuffer"},
+ {"getbitstream", CmdGetBitStream, 1, "Convert GraphBuffer's >=1 values to 1 and <1 to 0"},
+ {"grid", CmdGrid, 1, "<x> <y> -- overlay grid on graph window, use zero value to turn off either"},
+ {"hexsamples", CmdHexsamples, 0, "<bytes> [<offset>] -- Dump big buffer as hex bytes"},
+ {"hex2bin", Cmdhex2bin, 1, "hex2bin <hexadecimal> -- Converts hexadecimal to binary"},
+ {"hide", CmdHide, 1, "Hide graph window"},
+ {"hpf", CmdHpf, 1, "Remove DC offset from trace"},
+ {"load", CmdLoad, 1, "<filename> -- Load trace (to graph window"},
+ {"ltrim", CmdLtrim, 1, "<samples> -- Trim samples from left of trace"},
+ {"rtrim", CmdRtrim, 1, "<location to end trace> -- Trim samples from right of trace"},
+ {"mtrim", CmdMtrim, 1, "<start> <stop> -- Trim out samples from the specified start to the specified stop"},
+ {"manrawdecode", Cmdmandecoderaw, 1, "[invert] [maxErr] -- Manchester decode binary stream in DemodBuffer"},
+ {"norm", CmdNorm, 1, "Normalize max/min to +/-128"},
+ {"plot", CmdPlot, 1, "Show graph window (hit 'h' in window for keystroke help)"},
+ {"printdemodbuffer",CmdPrintDemodBuff, 1, "[x] [o] <offset> [l] <length> -- print the data in the DemodBuffer - 'x' for hex output"},
+ {"psknexwatchdemod",CmdPSKNexWatch, 1, "Demodulate a NexWatch tag (nexkey, quadrakey) (PSK1) from GraphBuffer"},
+ {"rawdemod", CmdRawDemod, 1, "[modulation] ... <options> -see help (h option) -- Demodulate the data in the GraphBuffer and output binary"},
+ {"samples", CmdSamples, 0, "[512 - 40000] -- Get raw samples for graph window (GraphBuffer)"},
+ {"save", CmdSave, 1, "<filename> -- Save trace (from graph window)"},
+ {"setgraphmarkers", CmdSetGraphMarkers, 1, "[orange_marker] [blue_marker] (in graph window)"},
+ {"scale", CmdScale, 1, "<int> -- Set cursor display scale"},
+ {"setdebugmode", CmdSetDebugMode, 1, "<0|1|2> -- Turn on or off Debugging Level for lf demods"},
+ {"shiftgraphzero", CmdGraphShiftZero, 1, "<shift> -- Shift 0 for Graphed wave + or - shift value"},
+ {"dirthreshold", CmdDirectionalThreshold, 1, "<thres up> <thres down> -- Max rising higher up-thres/ Min falling lower down-thres, keep rest as prev."},
+ {"tune", CmdTuneSamples, 0, "Get hw tune samples for graph window"},
+ {"undec", CmdUndec, 1, "Un-decimate samples by 2"},
+ {"zerocrossings", CmdZerocrossings, 1, "Count time between zero-crossings"},