- Coverity Scan fixes a lot of resource leaks, etc (iceman)
- Added `lf presco *` commands started (iceman)
- Added `lf hid wiegand` added a method to calculate WIEGAND in different formats, (iceman)
- - `hf mf chkkeys` better printing, same table output as nested, and executes faster (iceman)
- - `hf mf nested` better printing (iceman)
+ - `hf mf chkkeys` better printing, same table output as nested, faster execution and added Adam Lauries "try to read Key B if Key A is found" (iceman)
+ - `hf mf nested` better printing and added Adam Lauries "try to read Key B if Key A is found" (iceman)
- `hf mf mifare` fixing the zero parity path, which doesn't got called. (iceman)
- Updated the @blapost's Crapto1 implementation to v3.3 (blapost)
+ - `hf mf c*` updated the calling structure and refactored of the chinese magic commands (iceman, marshmellow)
+ - Started to add Peter Fillmore's EMV fork into Iceman fork. ref: https://github.com/peterfillmore/proxmark3 (peter fillmore, iceman)
+ - Added Travis-CI automatic build integration with GitHub fork. (iceman)
+ - Updated the Reveng 1.30 sourcecode to 1.31 from Reveng projecthomepage (iceman)
### Added
+- Added a LF ASK Sequence Terminator detection option to the standard ask demod - and applied it to `lf search u`, `lf t55xx detect`, and `data rawdemod am s` (marshmellow)
- `lf awid bruteforce <facilitycode>` - Simple bruteforce attack against a AWID reader.
- `lf t55xx bruteforce <start password> <end password> [i <*.dic>]` - Simple bruteforce attack to find password - (iceman and others)
- `lf viking clone`- clone viking tag to t55x7 or Q5 from 4byte hex ID input