// Hagen Fritsch - June 2010
// Gerhard de Koning Gans - May 2011
// Gerhard de Koning Gans - June 2012 - Added iClass card and reader emulation
+// piwi - 2019
// This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or,
// at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of
// Routines to support iClass.
-// Based on ISO14443a implementation. Still in experimental phase.
// Contribution made during a security research at Radboud University Nijmegen
// Please feel free to contribute and extend iClass support!!
-// FIX:
-// ====
-// We still have sometimes a demodulation error when snooping iClass communication.
-// The resulting trace of a read-block-03 command may look something like this:
-// + 22279: : 0c 03 e8 01
-// ...with an incorrect answer...
-// + 85: 0: TAG ff! ff! ff! ff! ff! ff! ff! ff! bb 33 bb 00 01! 0e! 04! bb !crc
-// We still left the error signalling bytes in the traces like 0xbb
-// A correct trace should look like this:
-// + 21112: : 0c 03 e8 01
-// + 85: 0: TAG ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ea f5
#include "iclass.h"
#define ICLASS_READER_TIMEOUT_UPDATE 3390 // 16000us, nominal 4-15ms
#define ICLASS_READER_TIMEOUT_OTHERS 80 // 380us, nominal 330us
-// The software UART that receives commands from the reader, and its state
-// variables.
-static struct {
- enum {
- } state;
- uint16_t shiftReg;
- int bitCnt;
- int byteCnt;
- int byteCntMax;
- int posCnt;
- int nOutOfCnt;
- int OutOfCnt;
- int syncBit;
- int samples;
- int highCnt;
- int swapper;
- int counter;
- int bitBuffer;
- int dropPosition;
- uint8_t *output;
-} Uart;
-static RAMFUNC int OutOfNDecoding(int bit) {
- //int error = 0;
- int bitright;
- if (!Uart.bitBuffer) {
- Uart.bitBuffer = bit ^ 0xFF0;
- return false;
- } else {
- Uart.bitBuffer <<= 4;
- Uart.bitBuffer ^= bit;
- }
- /*if (Uart.swapper) {
- Uart.output[Uart.byteCnt] = Uart.bitBuffer & 0xFF;
- Uart.byteCnt++;
- Uart.swapper = 0;
- if (Uart.byteCnt > 15) { return true; }
- }
- else {
- Uart.swapper = 1;
- }*/
- if (Uart.state != STATE_UNSYNCD) {
- Uart.posCnt++;
- if ((Uart.bitBuffer & Uart.syncBit) ^ Uart.syncBit) {
- bit = 0x00;
- } else {
- bit = 0x01;
- }
- if (((Uart.bitBuffer << 1) & Uart.syncBit) ^ Uart.syncBit) {
- bitright = 0x00;
- } else {
- bitright = 0x01;
- }
- if (bit != bitright) {
- bit = bitright;
- }
- // So, now we only have to deal with *bit*, lets see...
- if (Uart.posCnt == 1) {
- // measurement first half bitperiod
- if (!bit) {
- // Drop in first half means that we are either seeing
- // an SOF or an EOF.
- if (Uart.nOutOfCnt == 1) {
- // End of Communication
- Uart.state = STATE_UNSYNCD;
- Uart.highCnt = 0;
- if (Uart.byteCnt == 0) {
- // Its not straightforward to show single EOFs
- // So just leave it and do not return true
- Uart.output[0] = 0xf0;
- Uart.byteCnt++;
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- } else if (Uart.state != STATE_START_OF_COMMUNICATION) {
- // When not part of SOF or EOF, it is an error
- Uart.state = STATE_UNSYNCD;
- Uart.highCnt = 0;
- //error = 4;
- }
- }
- } else {
- // measurement second half bitperiod
- // Count the bitslot we are in... (ISO 15693)
- Uart.nOutOfCnt++;
- if (!bit) {
- if (Uart.dropPosition) {
- //error = 1;
- } else {
- //error = 7;
- }
- // It is an error if we already have seen a drop in current frame
- Uart.state = STATE_UNSYNCD;
- Uart.highCnt = 0;
- } else {
- Uart.dropPosition = Uart.nOutOfCnt;
- }
- }
- Uart.posCnt = 0;
- if (Uart.nOutOfCnt == Uart.OutOfCnt && Uart.OutOfCnt == 4) {
- Uart.nOutOfCnt = 0;
- if (Uart.dropPosition == 4) {
- Uart.state = STATE_RECEIVING;
- Uart.OutOfCnt = 256;
- } else if (Uart.dropPosition == 3) {
- Uart.state = STATE_RECEIVING;
- Uart.OutOfCnt = 4;
- //Uart.output[Uart.byteCnt] = 0xdd;
- //Uart.byteCnt++;
- } else {
- Uart.state = STATE_UNSYNCD;
- Uart.highCnt = 0;
- }
- Uart.dropPosition = 0;
- } else {
- // 1 out of 4
- if (!Uart.dropPosition) {
- Uart.state = STATE_UNSYNCD;
- Uart.highCnt = 0;
- //error = 9;
- } else {
- Uart.shiftReg >>= 2;
- // Swap bit order
- Uart.dropPosition--;
- //if (Uart.dropPosition == 1) { Uart.dropPosition = 2; }
- //else if (Uart.dropPosition == 2) { Uart.dropPosition = 1; }
- Uart.shiftReg ^= ((Uart.dropPosition & 0x03) << 6);
- Uart.bitCnt += 2;
- Uart.dropPosition = 0;
- if (Uart.bitCnt == 8) {
- Uart.output[Uart.byteCnt] = (Uart.shiftReg & 0xff);
- Uart.byteCnt++;
- Uart.bitCnt = 0;
- Uart.shiftReg = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (Uart.nOutOfCnt == Uart.OutOfCnt) {
- // 1 out of 256
- if (!Uart.dropPosition) {
- Uart.state = STATE_UNSYNCD;
- Uart.highCnt = 0;
- //error = 3;
- } else {
- Uart.dropPosition--;
- Uart.output[Uart.byteCnt] = (Uart.dropPosition & 0xff);
- Uart.byteCnt++;
- Uart.bitCnt = 0;
- Uart.shiftReg = 0;
- Uart.nOutOfCnt = 0;
- Uart.dropPosition = 0;
- }
- }
- /*if (error) {
- Uart.output[Uart.byteCnt] = 0xAA;
- Uart.byteCnt++;
- Uart.output[Uart.byteCnt] = error & 0xFF;
- Uart.byteCnt++;
- Uart.output[Uart.byteCnt] = 0xAA;
- Uart.byteCnt++;
- Uart.output[Uart.byteCnt] = (Uart.bitBuffer >> 8) & 0xFF;
- Uart.byteCnt++;
- Uart.output[Uart.byteCnt] = Uart.bitBuffer & 0xFF;
- Uart.byteCnt++;
- Uart.output[Uart.byteCnt] = (Uart.syncBit >> 3) & 0xFF;
- Uart.byteCnt++;
- Uart.output[Uart.byteCnt] = 0xAA;
- Uart.byteCnt++;
- return true;
- }*/
- }
- } else {
- bit = Uart.bitBuffer & 0xf0;
- bit >>= 4;
- bit ^= 0x0F; // drops become 1s ;-)
- if (bit) {
- // should have been high or at least (4 * 128) / fc
- // according to ISO this should be at least (9 * 128 + 20) / fc
- if (Uart.highCnt == 8) {
- // we went low, so this could be start of communication
- // it turns out to be safer to choose a less significant
- // syncbit... so we check whether the neighbour also represents the drop
- Uart.posCnt = 1; // apparently we are busy with our first half bit period
- Uart.syncBit = bit & 8;
- Uart.samples = 3;
- if (!Uart.syncBit) { Uart.syncBit = bit & 4; Uart.samples = 2; }
- else if (bit & 4) { Uart.syncBit = bit & 4; Uart.samples = 2; bit <<= 2; }
- if (!Uart.syncBit) { Uart.syncBit = bit & 2; Uart.samples = 1; }
- else if (bit & 2) { Uart.syncBit = bit & 2; Uart.samples = 1; bit <<= 1; }
- if (!Uart.syncBit) { Uart.syncBit = bit & 1; Uart.samples = 0;
- if (Uart.syncBit && (Uart.bitBuffer & 8)) {
- Uart.syncBit = 8;
- // the first half bit period is expected in next sample
- Uart.posCnt = 0;
- Uart.samples = 3;
- }
- } else if (bit & 1) { Uart.syncBit = bit & 1; Uart.samples = 0; }
- Uart.syncBit <<= 4;
- Uart.bitCnt = 0;
- Uart.byteCnt = 0;
- Uart.nOutOfCnt = 0;
- Uart.OutOfCnt = 4; // Start at 1/4, could switch to 1/256
- Uart.dropPosition = 0;
- Uart.shiftReg = 0;
- //error = 0;
- } else {
- Uart.highCnt = 0;
- }
- } else if (Uart.highCnt < 8) {
- Uart.highCnt++;
- }
- }
- return false;
+#define ICLASS_BUFFER_SIZE 34 // we expect max 34 bytes as tag answer (response to READ4)
-// Manchester
-static struct {
- enum {
- } state;
- int bitCount;
- int posCount;
- int syncBit;
- uint16_t shiftReg;
- int buffer;
- int buffer2;
- int buffer3;
- int buff;
- int samples;
- int len;
- enum {
- } sub;
- uint8_t *output;
-} Demod;
-static RAMFUNC int ManchesterDecoding(int v) {
- int bit;
- int modulation;
- int error = 0;
- bit = Demod.buffer;
- Demod.buffer = Demod.buffer2;
- Demod.buffer2 = Demod.buffer3;
- Demod.buffer3 = v;
- if (Demod.buff < 3) {
- Demod.buff++;
- return false;
- }
- if (Demod.state==DEMOD_UNSYNCD) {
- Demod.output[Demod.len] = 0xfa;
- Demod.syncBit = 0;
- //Demod.samples = 0;
- Demod.posCount = 1; // This is the first half bit period, so after syncing handle the second part
- if (bit & 0x08) {
- Demod.syncBit = 0x08;
- }
- if (bit & 0x04) {
- if (Demod.syncBit) {
- bit <<= 4;
- }
- Demod.syncBit = 0x04;
- }
- if (bit & 0x02) {
- if (Demod.syncBit) {
- bit <<= 2;
- }
- Demod.syncBit = 0x02;
- }
- if (bit & 0x01 && Demod.syncBit) {
- Demod.syncBit = 0x01;
- }
- if (Demod.syncBit) {
- Demod.len = 0;
- Demod.sub = SUB_FIRST_HALF;
- Demod.bitCount = 0;
- Demod.shiftReg = 0;
- Demod.samples = 0;
- if (Demod.posCount) {
- switch (Demod.syncBit) {
- case 0x08: Demod.samples = 3; break;
- case 0x04: Demod.samples = 2; break;
- case 0x02: Demod.samples = 1; break;
- case 0x01: Demod.samples = 0; break;
- }
- // SOF must be long burst... otherwise stay unsynced!!!
- if (!(Demod.buffer & Demod.syncBit) || !(Demod.buffer2 & Demod.syncBit)) {
- Demod.state = DEMOD_UNSYNCD;
- }
- } else {
- // SOF must be long burst... otherwise stay unsynced!!!
- if (!(Demod.buffer2 & Demod.syncBit) || !(Demod.buffer3 & Demod.syncBit)) {
- Demod.state = DEMOD_UNSYNCD;
- error = 0x88;
- }
- }
- error = 0;
- }
- } else {
- // state is DEMOD is in SYNC from here on.
- modulation = bit & Demod.syncBit;
- modulation |= ((bit << 1) ^ ((Demod.buffer & 0x08) >> 3)) & Demod.syncBit;
- Demod.samples += 4;
- if (Demod.posCount == 0) {
- Demod.posCount = 1;
- if (modulation) {
- Demod.sub = SUB_FIRST_HALF;
- } else {
- Demod.sub = SUB_NONE;
- }
- } else {
- Demod.posCount = 0;
- if (modulation) {
- if (Demod.sub == SUB_FIRST_HALF) {
- Demod.sub = SUB_BOTH;
- } else {
- Demod.sub = SUB_SECOND_HALF;
- }
- } else if (Demod.sub == SUB_NONE) {
- if (Demod.state == DEMOD_SOF_COMPLETE) {
- Demod.output[Demod.len] = 0x0f;
- Demod.len++;
- Demod.state = DEMOD_UNSYNCD;
- return true;
- } else {
- Demod.state = DEMOD_ERROR_WAIT;
- error = 0x33;
- }
- }
- switch(Demod.state) {
- if (Demod.sub == SUB_BOTH) {
- Demod.posCount = 1;
- Demod.sub = SUB_NONE;
- } else {
- Demod.output[Demod.len] = 0xab;
- Demod.state = DEMOD_ERROR_WAIT;
- error = 0xd2;
- }
- break;
- if (Demod.sub == SUB_SECOND_HALF) {
- } else {
- Demod.output[Demod.len] = 0xab;
- Demod.state = DEMOD_ERROR_WAIT;
- error = 0xd3;
- }
- break;
- if (Demod.sub == SUB_SECOND_HALF) {
- Demod.state = DEMOD_SOF_COMPLETE;
- } else {
- Demod.output[Demod.len] = 0xab;
- Demod.state = DEMOD_ERROR_WAIT;
- error = 0xd4;
- }
- break;
- // OPPOSITE FROM ISO14443 - 11110000 = 0 (1 in 14443)
- // 00001111 = 1 (0 in 14443)
- if (Demod.sub == SUB_SECOND_HALF) { // SUB_FIRST_HALF
- Demod.bitCount++;
- Demod.shiftReg = (Demod.shiftReg >> 1) ^ 0x100;
- Demod.state = DEMOD_MANCHESTER_D;
- } else if (Demod.sub == SUB_FIRST_HALF) { // SUB_SECOND_HALF
- Demod.bitCount++;
- Demod.shiftReg >>= 1;
- Demod.state = DEMOD_MANCHESTER_E;
- } else if (Demod.sub == SUB_BOTH) {
- Demod.state = DEMOD_MANCHESTER_F;
- } else {
- Demod.state = DEMOD_ERROR_WAIT;
- error = 0x55;
- }
- break;
- // Tag response does not need to be a complete byte!
- if (Demod.len > 0 || Demod.bitCount > 0) {
- if (Demod.bitCount > 1) { // was > 0, do not interpret last closing bit, is part of EOF
- Demod.shiftReg >>= (9 - Demod.bitCount); // right align data
- Demod.output[Demod.len] = Demod.shiftReg & 0xff;
- Demod.len++;
- }
- Demod.state = DEMOD_UNSYNCD;
- return true;
- } else {
- Demod.output[Demod.len] = 0xad;
- Demod.state = DEMOD_ERROR_WAIT;
- error = 0x03;
- }
- break;
- Demod.state = DEMOD_UNSYNCD;
- break;
- default:
- Demod.output[Demod.len] = 0xdd;
- Demod.state = DEMOD_UNSYNCD;
- break;
- }
- if (Demod.bitCount >= 8) {
- Demod.shiftReg >>= 1;
- Demod.output[Demod.len] = (Demod.shiftReg & 0xff);
- Demod.len++;
- Demod.bitCount = 0;
- Demod.shiftReg = 0;
- }
- if (error) {
- Demod.output[Demod.len] = 0xBB;
- Demod.len++;
- Demod.output[Demod.len] = error & 0xFF;
- Demod.len++;
- Demod.output[Demod.len] = 0xBB;
- Demod.len++;
- Demod.output[Demod.len] = bit & 0xFF;
- Demod.len++;
- Demod.output[Demod.len] = Demod.buffer & 0xFF;
- Demod.len++;
- // Look harder ;-)
- Demod.output[Demod.len] = Demod.buffer2 & 0xFF;
- Demod.len++;
- Demod.output[Demod.len] = Demod.syncBit & 0xFF;
- Demod.len++;
- Demod.output[Demod.len] = 0xBB;
- Demod.len++;
- return true;
- }
- }
- } // end (state != UNSYNCED)
- return false;
-// Finally, a `sniffer' for iClass communication
+// A `sniffer' for iClass communication
// Both sides of communication!
-// Record the sequence of commands sent by the reader to the tag, with
-// triggering so that we start recording at the point that the tag is moved
-// near the reader.
-void RAMFUNC SnoopIClass(void) {
- // We won't start recording the frames that we acquire until we trigger;
- // a good trigger condition to get started is probably when we see a
- // response from the tag.
- //int triggered = false; // false to wait first for card
- // The command (reader -> tag) that we're receiving.
- // The length of a received command will in most cases be no more than 18 bytes.
- // So 32 should be enough!
- uint8_t readerToTagCmd[ICLASS_BUFFER_SIZE];
- // The response (tag -> reader) that we're receiving.
- uint8_t tagToReaderResponse[ICLASS_BUFFER_SIZE];
- FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_HF);
- // free all BigBuf memory
- BigBuf_free();
- // The DMA buffer, used to stream samples from the FPGA
- uint8_t *dmaBuf = BigBuf_malloc(DMA_BUFFER_SIZE);
- set_tracing(true);
- clear_trace();
- iso14a_set_trigger(false);
- int lastRxCounter;
- uint8_t *upTo;
- int smpl;
- int maxBehindBy = 0;
- // Count of samples received so far, so that we can include timing
- // information in the trace buffer.
- int samples = 0;
- rsamples = 0;
- // Set up the demodulator for tag -> reader responses.
- Demod.output = tagToReaderResponse;
- Demod.len = 0;
- Demod.state = DEMOD_UNSYNCD;
- // Setup for the DMA.
- FpgaSetupSsc(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_HF_ISO14443A);
- upTo = dmaBuf;
- lastRxCounter = DMA_BUFFER_SIZE;
- FpgaSetupSscDma((uint8_t *)dmaBuf, DMA_BUFFER_SIZE);
- // And the reader -> tag commands
- memset(&Uart, 0, sizeof(Uart));
- Uart.output = readerToTagCmd;
- Uart.byteCntMax = 32; // was 100 (greg)////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Uart.state = STATE_UNSYNCD;
- // And put the FPGA in the appropriate mode
- // Signal field is off with the appropriate LED
- LED_D_OFF();
- uint32_t time_0 = GetCountSspClk();
- uint32_t time_start = 0;
- uint32_t time_stop = 0;
- int div = 0;
- //int div2 = 0;
- int decbyte = 0;
- int decbyter = 0;
- // And now we loop, receiving samples.
- for (;;) {
- LED_A_ON();
- WDT_HIT();
- int behindBy = (lastRxCounter - AT91C_BASE_PDC_SSC->PDC_RCR) & (DMA_BUFFER_SIZE-1);
- if (behindBy > maxBehindBy) {
- maxBehindBy = behindBy;
- if (behindBy > (9 * DMA_BUFFER_SIZE / 10)) {
- Dbprintf("blew circular buffer! behindBy=0x%x", behindBy);
- goto done;
- }
- }
- if (behindBy < 1) continue;
- LED_A_OFF();
- smpl = upTo[0];
- upTo++;
- lastRxCounter -= 1;
- if (upTo - dmaBuf > DMA_BUFFER_SIZE) {
- lastRxCounter += DMA_BUFFER_SIZE;
- AT91C_BASE_PDC_SSC->PDC_RNPR = (uint32_t) upTo;
- }
- //samples += 4;
- samples += 1;
- if (smpl & 0xF) {
- decbyte ^= (1 << (3 - div));
- }
- decbyter <<= 2;
- decbyter ^= (smpl & 0x30);
- div++;
- if ((div + 1) % 2 == 0) {
- smpl = decbyter;
- if (OutOfNDecoding((smpl & 0xF0) >> 4)) {
- rsamples = samples - Uart.samples;
- time_stop = (GetCountSspClk()-time_0) << 4;
- //if (!LogTrace(Uart.output, Uart.byteCnt, rsamples, Uart.parityBits,true)) break;
- //if (!LogTrace(NULL, 0, Uart.endTime*16 - DELAY_READER_AIR2ARM_AS_SNIFFER, 0, true)) break;
- uint8_t parity[MAX_PARITY_SIZE];
- GetParity(Uart.output, Uart.byteCnt, parity);
- LogTrace_ISO15693(Uart.output, Uart.byteCnt, time_start*32, time_stop*32, parity, true);
- /* And ready to receive another command. */
- Uart.state = STATE_UNSYNCD;
- /* And also reset the demod code, which might have been */
- /* false-triggered by the commands from the reader. */
- Demod.state = DEMOD_UNSYNCD;
- Uart.byteCnt = 0;
- } else {
- time_start = (GetCountSspClk()-time_0) << 4;
- }
- decbyter = 0;
- }
- if (div > 3) {
- smpl = decbyte;
- if (ManchesterDecoding(smpl & 0x0F)) {
- time_stop = (GetCountSspClk()-time_0) << 4;
- rsamples = samples - Demod.samples;
- uint8_t parity[MAX_PARITY_SIZE];
- GetParity(Demod.output, Demod.len, parity);
- LogTrace_ISO15693(Demod.output, Demod.len, time_start*32, time_stop*32, parity, false);
- // And ready to receive another response.
- memset(&Demod, 0, sizeof(Demod));
- Demod.output = tagToReaderResponse;
- Demod.state = DEMOD_UNSYNCD;
- } else {
- time_start = (GetCountSspClk()-time_0) << 4;
- }
- div = 0;
- decbyte = 0x00;
- }
- if (BUTTON_PRESS()) {
- DbpString("cancelled_a");
- goto done;
- }
- }
- Dbprintf("%x %x %x", maxBehindBy, Uart.state, Uart.byteCnt);
- Dbprintf("%x %x %x", Uart.byteCntMax, BigBuf_get_traceLen(), (int)Uart.output[0]);
- Dbprintf("%x %x %x", maxBehindBy, Uart.state, Uart.byteCnt);
- Dbprintf("%x %x %x", Uart.byteCntMax, BigBuf_get_traceLen(), (int)Uart.output[0]);
- LEDsoff();
+void SnoopIClass(uint8_t jam_search_len, uint8_t *jam_search_string) {
+ SnoopIso15693(jam_search_len, jam_search_string);
void rotateCSN(uint8_t* originalCSN, uint8_t* rotatedCSN) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
// Encode SOF only
static void CodeIClassTagSOF() {
static void AppendCrc(uint8_t *data, int len) {
ComputeCrc14443(CRC_ICLASS, data, len, data+len, data+len+1);
static bool sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(uint8_t* command, size_t cmdsize, uint8_t* resp, size_t max_resp_size,
- uint8_t expected_size, uint8_t retries, uint32_t start_time, uint32_t timeout, uint32_t *eof_time) {
- while (retries-- > 0) {
+ uint8_t expected_size, uint8_t tries, uint32_t start_time, uint32_t timeout, uint32_t *eof_time) {
+ while (tries-- > 0) {
ReaderTransmitIClass(command, cmdsize, &start_time);
if (expected_size == GetIso15693AnswerFromTag(resp, max_resp_size, timeout, eof_time)) {
return true;
return false;//Error
* @brief Selects an iclass tag
* @param card_data where the CSN is stored for return
-void ReaderIClass_Replay(uint8_t arg0, uint8_t *MAC) {
- LED_A_ON();
- bool use_credit_key = false;
- uint8_t card_data[USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE]={0};
- uint16_t block_crc_LUT[255] = {0};
- //Generate a lookup table for block crc
- for (int block = 0; block < 255; block++){
- char bl = block;
- block_crc_LUT[block] = iclass_crc16(&bl ,1);
- }
- //Dbprintf("Lookup table: %02x %02x %02x" ,block_crc_LUT[0],block_crc_LUT[1],block_crc_LUT[2]);
- uint8_t readcheck_cc[] = { ICLASS_CMD_READCHECK_KD, 0x02 };
- if (use_credit_key)
- readcheck_cc[0] = ICLASS_CMD_READCHECK_KC;
- uint8_t check[] = { 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
- uint8_t read[] = { 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
- uint16_t crc = 0;
- uint8_t cardsize = 0;
- uint8_t mem = 0;
- static struct memory_t {
- int k16;
- int book;
- int k2;
- int lockauth;
- int keyaccess;
- } memory;
- uint8_t resp[ICLASS_BUFFER_SIZE];
- set_tracing(true);
- clear_trace();
- Iso15693InitReader();
- StartCountSspClk();
- uint32_t start_time = 0;
- uint32_t eof_time = 0;
- while (!BUTTON_PRESS()) {
- WDT_HIT();
- if (!get_tracing()) {
- DbpString("Trace full");
- break;
- }
- if (!selectIclassTag(card_data, &eof_time)) continue;
- start_time = eof_time + DELAY_ICLASS_VICC_TO_VCD_READER;
- if (!sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(readcheck_cc, sizeof(readcheck_cc), resp, sizeof(resp), 8, 3, start_time, ICLASS_READER_TIMEOUT_OTHERS, &eof_time)) continue;
- // replay captured auth (cc must not have been updated)
- memcpy(check+5, MAC, 4);
- start_time = eof_time + DELAY_ICLASS_VICC_TO_VCD_READER;
- if (!sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(check, sizeof(check), resp, sizeof(resp), 4, 5, start_time, ICLASS_READER_TIMEOUT_OTHERS, &eof_time)) {
- Dbprintf("Error: Authentication Fail!");
- continue;
- }
- //first get configuration block (block 1)
- crc = block_crc_LUT[1];
- read[1] = 1;
- read[2] = crc >> 8;
- read[3] = crc & 0xff;
- start_time = eof_time + DELAY_ICLASS_VICC_TO_VCD_READER;
- if (!sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(read, sizeof(read), resp, sizeof(resp), 10, 10, start_time, ICLASS_READER_TIMEOUT_OTHERS, &eof_time)) {
- start_time = eof_time + DELAY_ICLASS_VICC_TO_VCD_READER;
- Dbprintf("Dump config (block 1) failed");
- continue;
- }
- mem = resp[5];
- memory.k16 = (mem & 0x80);
- memory.book = (mem & 0x20);
- memory.k2 = (mem & 0x8);
- memory.lockauth = (mem & 0x2);
- memory.keyaccess = (mem & 0x1);
- cardsize = memory.k16 ? 255 : 32;
- WDT_HIT();
- //Set card_data to all zeroes, we'll fill it with data
- memset(card_data, 0x0, USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE);
- uint8_t failedRead = 0;
- uint32_t stored_data_length = 0;
- //then loop around remaining blocks
- for (int block = 0; block < cardsize; block++) {
- read[1] = block;
- crc = block_crc_LUT[block];
- read[2] = crc >> 8;
- read[3] = crc & 0xff;
- start_time = eof_time + DELAY_ICLASS_VICC_TO_VCD_READER;
- if (sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(read, sizeof(read), resp, sizeof(resp), 10, 10, start_time, ICLASS_READER_TIMEOUT_OTHERS, &eof_time)) {
- Dbprintf(" %02x: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x",
- block, resp[0], resp[1], resp[2],
- resp[3], resp[4], resp[5],
- resp[6], resp[7]);
- //Fill up the buffer
- memcpy(card_data+stored_data_length, resp, 8);
- stored_data_length += 8;
- if (stored_data_length +8 > USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE) {
- //Time to send this off and start afresh
- cmd_send(CMD_ACK,
- stored_data_length,//data length
- failedRead,//Failed blocks?
- 0,//Not used ATM
- card_data, stored_data_length);
- //reset
- stored_data_length = 0;
- failedRead = 0;
- }
- } else {
- failedRead = 1;
- stored_data_length += 8;//Otherwise, data becomes misaligned
- Dbprintf("Failed to dump block %d", block);
- }
- }
- //Send off any remaining data
- if (stored_data_length > 0) {
- cmd_send(CMD_ACK,
- stored_data_length,//data length
- failedRead,//Failed blocks?
- 0,//Not used ATM
- card_data,
- stored_data_length);
- }
- //If we got here, let's break
- break;
- }
- //Signal end of transmission
- cmd_send(CMD_ACK,
- 0,//data length
- 0,//Failed blocks?
- 0,//Not used ATM
- card_data,
- 0);
- FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF);
- LED_D_OFF();
- LED_A_OFF();
-void iClass_Check(uint8_t *MAC) {
+void iClass_Check(uint8_t *NRMAC) {
uint8_t check[9] = {ICLASS_CMD_CHECK_KD, 0x00};
uint8_t resp[4];
- memcpy(check+5, MAC, 4);
+ memcpy(check+1, NRMAC, 8);
uint32_t eof_time;
- bool isOK = sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(check, sizeof(check), resp, sizeof(resp), 4, 6, 0, ICLASS_READER_TIMEOUT_OTHERS, &eof_time);
+ bool isOK = sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(check, sizeof(check), resp, sizeof(resp), 4, 3, 0, ICLASS_READER_TIMEOUT_OTHERS, &eof_time);
cmd_send(CMD_ACK, isOK, 0, 0, resp, sizeof(resp));
uint8_t resp[8];
uint32_t eof_time;
- bool isOK = sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(readcheck, sizeof(readcheck), resp, sizeof(resp), 8, 6, 0, ICLASS_READER_TIMEOUT_OTHERS, &eof_time);
+ bool isOK = sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(readcheck, sizeof(readcheck), resp, sizeof(resp), 8, 3, 0, ICLASS_READER_TIMEOUT_OTHERS, &eof_time);
cmd_send(CMD_ACK, isOK, 0, 0, resp, sizeof(resp));
static bool iClass_ReadBlock(uint8_t blockNo, uint8_t *readdata) {
uint8_t readcmd[] = {ICLASS_CMD_READ_OR_IDENTIFY, blockNo, 0x00, 0x00}; //0x88, 0x00 // can i use 0C?
- char bl = blockNo;
+ uint8_t bl = blockNo;
uint16_t rdCrc = iclass_crc16(&bl, 1);
readcmd[2] = rdCrc >> 8;
readcmd[3] = rdCrc & 0xff;
- uint8_t readblockdata[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+ uint8_t readblockdata[10];
bool isOK = iClass_ReadBlock(blockno, readblockdata);
cmd_send(CMD_ACK, isOK, 0, 0, readblockdata, 8);
+ FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF);
+ LED_D_OFF();
cmd_send(CMD_ACK, isOK, blkCnt, 0, readblockdata, blkCnt*8);
bool isOK = false;
uint32_t eof_time = 0;
- isOK = sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(write, sizeof(write), resp, sizeof(resp), 10, 10, 0, ICLASS_READER_TIMEOUT_UPDATE, &eof_time);
- if (isOK && blockNo != 3 && blockNo != 4 && memcmp(write+2, resp, 8)) { // check response
- isOK = false;
+ isOK = sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(write, sizeof(write), resp, sizeof(resp), 10, 3, 0, ICLASS_READER_TIMEOUT_UPDATE, &eof_time);
+ if (!isOK) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint8_t all_ff[8] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
+ if (blockNo == 2) {
+ if (memcmp(data+4, resp, 4) || memcmp(data, resp+4, 4)) { // check response. e-purse update swaps first and second half
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (blockNo == 3 || blockNo == 4) {
+ if (memcmp(all_ff, resp, 8)) { // check response. Key updates always return 0xffffffffffffffff
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (memcmp(data, resp, 8)) { // check response. All other updates return unchanged data
+ return false;
+ }
- return isOK;
+ return true;
void iClass_Clone(uint8_t startblock, uint8_t endblock, uint8_t *data) {
- int i;
+ LED_A_ON();
int written = 0;
- int total_block = (endblock - startblock) + 1;
- for (i = 0; i < total_block; i++) {
+ int total_blocks = (endblock - startblock) + 1;
+ for (uint8_t block = startblock; block <= endblock; block++) {
// block number
- if (iClass_WriteBlock_ext(i+startblock, data + (i*12))){
- Dbprintf("Write block [%02x] successful", i + startblock);
+ if (iClass_WriteBlock_ext(block, data + (block-startblock)*12)) {
+ Dbprintf("Write block [%02x] successful", block);
} else {
- if (iClass_WriteBlock_ext(i+startblock, data + (i*12))){
- Dbprintf("Write block [%02x] successful", i + startblock);
- written++;
- } else {
- Dbprintf("Write block [%02x] failed", i + startblock);
- }
+ Dbprintf("Write block [%02x] failed", block);
- if (written == total_block)
+ if (written == total_blocks)
Dbprintf("Clone complete");
Dbprintf("Clone incomplete");
- cmd_send(CMD_ACK, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ cmd_send(CMD_ACK, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);