### Added
+- Added viking demod to `lf search` (marshmellow)
+- `data askvikingdemod` demod viking id tag from graphbuffer (marshmellow)
- `lf t55xx resetread` added reset then read command - should allow determining start
of stream transmissions (marshmellow)
- `lf t55xx wakeup` added wake with password (AOR) to allow lf search or standard lf read after (iceman, marshmellow)
- Added 'hw status'. This command makes the ARM print out some runtime information. (holiman)
- Added 'hw ping'. This command just sends a usb packets and checks if the pm3 is responsive. Can be used to abort certain operations which supports abort over usb. (holiman)
- Added `data hex2bin` and `data bin2hex` for command line conversion between binary and hexadecimal (holiman)
+- Added 'hf snoop'. This command take digitalized signal from FPGA and put in BigBuffer. (pwpiwi + enio)
+- Added Topaz (NFC type 1) protocol support ('hf topaz reader', 'hf list topaz', 'hf 14a raw -T', 'hf topaz snoop'). (piwi)
+- Added option c to 'hf list' (mark CRC bytes) (piwi)
### Changed
+- Adjusted lf em410x em410xsim to accept a clock argument
- Adjusted lf t55xx dump to allow overriding the safety check and warning text (marshmellow)
- Adjusted lf t55xx write input variables (marshmellow)
- Adjusted lf t55xx read with password safety check and warning text and adjusted the input variables (marshmellow & iceman)