-static command_t CommandTable[] =
- {"help", CmdHelp, 1, "This help"},
- {"demod", CmdHF14BDemod, 1, "Demodulate ISO14443 Type B from tag"},
- {"list", CmdHF14BList, 0, "[Deprecated] List ISO 14443b history"},
- {"read", CmdHF14BRead, 0, "Read HF tag (ISO 14443)"},
- {"sim", CmdHF14Sim, 0, "Fake ISO 14443 tag"},
- {"simlisten", CmdHFSimlisten, 0, "Get HF samples as fake tag"},
- {"snoop", CmdHF14BSnoop, 0, "Eavesdrop ISO 14443"},
- {"sri512read", CmdSri512Read, 0, "Read contents of a SRI512 tag"},
- {"srix4kread", CmdSrix4kRead, 0, "Read contents of a SRIX4K tag"},
- {"raw", CmdHF14BCmdRaw, 0, "Send raw hex data to tag"},
- {"write", CmdHF14BWrite, 0, "Write data to a SRI512 | SRIX4K tag"},
+uint32_t srix4kEncode(uint32_t value) {
+// vv = value
+// pp = position
+// vv vv vv pp
+4 bytes : 00 1A 20 01
+ // only the lower crumbs.
+ uint8_t block = (value & 0xFF);
+ uint8_t i = 0;
+ uint8_t valuebytes[] = {0,0,0};
+ num_to_bytes(value, 3, valuebytes);
+ // Scrambled part
+ // Crumb swapping of value.
+ uint8_t temp[] = {0,0};
+ temp[0] = (CRUMB(value, 22) << 4 | CRUMB(value, 14 ) << 2 | CRUMB(value, 6)) << 4;
+ temp[0] |= CRUMB(value, 20) << 4 | CRUMB(value, 12 ) << 2 | CRUMB(value, 4);
+ temp[1] = (CRUMB(value, 18) << 4 | CRUMB(value, 10 ) << 2 | CRUMB(value, 2)) << 4;
+ temp[1] |= CRUMB(value, 16) << 4 | CRUMB(value, 8 ) << 2 | CRUMB(value, 0);
+ // chksum part
+ uint32_t chksum = 0xFF - block;
+ // chksum is reduced by each nibbles of value.
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i){
+ chksum -= NIBBLE_HIGH(valuebytes[i]);
+ chksum -= NIBBLE_LOW(valuebytes[i]);
+ }
+ // base4 conversion and left shift twice
+ i = 3;
+ uint8_t base4[] = {0,0,0,0};
+ while( chksum !=0 ){
+ base4[i--] = (chksum % 4 << 2);
+ chksum /= 4;
+ }
+ // merge scambled and chksum parts
+ uint32_t encvalue =
+ ( NIBBLE_LOW ( base4[0]) << 28 ) |
+ ( NIBBLE_HIGH( temp[0]) << 24 ) |
+ ( NIBBLE_LOW ( base4[1]) << 20 ) |
+ ( NIBBLE_LOW ( temp[0]) << 16 ) |
+ ( NIBBLE_LOW ( base4[2]) << 12 ) |
+ ( NIBBLE_HIGH( temp[1]) << 8 ) |
+ ( NIBBLE_LOW ( base4[3]) << 4 ) |
+ NIBBLE_LOW ( temp[1] );
+ PrintAndLog("ICE encoded | %08X -> %08X", value, encvalue);
+ return encvalue;
+uint32_t srix4kDecode(uint32_t value) {
+ switch(value) {
+ case 0xC04F42C5: return 0x003139;
+ case 0xC1484807: return 0x002943;
+ case 0xC0C60848: return 0x001A20;
+ }
+ return 0;
+uint32_t srix4kDecodeCounter(uint32_t num) {
+ uint32_t value = ~num;
+ ++value;
+ return value;
+uint32_t srix4kGetMagicbytes( uint64_t uid, uint32_t block6, uint32_t block18, uint32_t block19 ){
+#define MASK 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ uint32_t uid32 = uid & MASK;
+ uint32_t counter = srix4kDecodeCounter(block6);
+ uint32_t decodedBlock18 = srix4kDecode(block18);
+ uint32_t decodedBlock19 = srix4kDecode(block19);
+ uint32_t doubleBlock = (decodedBlock18 << 16 | decodedBlock19) + 1;
+ uint32_t result = (uid32 * doubleBlock * counter) & MASK;
+ PrintAndLog("Magic bytes | %08X", result);
+ return result;
+int srix4kValid(const char *Cmd){
+ uint64_t uid = 0xD00202501A4532F9;
+ uint32_t block6 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ uint32_t block18 = 0xC04F42C5;
+ uint32_t block19 = 0xC1484807;
+ uint32_t block21 = 0xD1BCABA4;
+ uint32_t test_b18 = 0x00313918;
+ uint32_t test_b18_enc = srix4kEncode(test_b18);
+ //uint32_t test_b18_dec = srix4kDecode(test_b18_enc);
+ PrintAndLog("ENCODE & CHECKSUM | %08X -> %08X (%s)", test_b18, test_b18_enc , "");
+ uint32_t magic = srix4kGetMagicbytes(uid, block6, block18, block19);
+ PrintAndLog("BLOCK 21 | %08X -> %08X (no XOR)", block21, magic ^ block21);
+ return 0;
+int CmdteaSelfTest(const char *Cmd){
+ uint8_t v[8], v_le[8];
+ memset(v, 0x00, sizeof(v));
+ memset(v_le, 0x00, sizeof(v_le));
+ uint8_t* v_ptr = v_le;
+ uint8_t cmdlen = strlen(Cmd);
+ cmdlen = ( sizeof(v)<<2 < cmdlen ) ? sizeof(v)<<2 : cmdlen;
+ if ( param_gethex(Cmd, 0, v, cmdlen) > 0 ){
+ PrintAndLog("can't read hex chars, uneven? :: %u", cmdlen);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ SwapEndian64ex(v , 8, 4, v_ptr);
+ uint8_t key[16] = {0x55,0xFE,0xF6,0x30,0x62,0xBF,0x0B,0xC1,0xC9,0xB3,0x7C,0x34,0x97,0x3E,0x29,0xFB };
+ uint8_t keyle[16];
+ uint8_t* key_ptr = keyle;
+ SwapEndian64ex(key , sizeof(key), 4, key_ptr);
+ PrintAndLog("TEST LE enc| %s", sprint_hex(v_ptr, 8));
+ tea_decrypt(v_ptr, key_ptr);
+ PrintAndLog("TEST LE dec | %s", sprint_hex_ascii(v_ptr, 8));
+ tea_encrypt(v_ptr, key_ptr);
+ tea_encrypt(v_ptr, key_ptr);
+ PrintAndLog("TEST enc2 | %s", sprint_hex_ascii(v_ptr, 8));
+ return 0;
+bool waitCmd(bool verbose) {
+ bool crc = FALSE;
+ uint8_t b1 = 0, b2 = 0;
+ uint8_t data[USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE] = {0x00};
+ uint8_t status = 0;
+ uint16_t len = 0;
+ UsbCommand resp;
+ if (WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_ACK, &resp, TIMEOUT)) {
+ status = (resp.arg[0] & 0xFFFF);
+ if ( status > 0 ) return FALSE;
+ len = (resp.arg[1] & 0xFFFF);
+ memcpy(data, resp.d.asBytes, len);
+ if (verbose) {
+ ComputeCrc14443(CRC_14443_B, data, len-2, &b1, &b2);
+ crc = ( data[len-2] == b1 && data[len-1] == b2);
+ PrintAndLog("[LEN %u] %s[%02X %02X] %s",
+ len,
+ sprint_hex(data, len-2),
+ data[len-2],
+ data[len-1],
+ (crc) ? "OK" : "FAIL"
+ );
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ PrintAndLog("timeout while waiting for reply.");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+static command_t CommandTable[] = {
+ {"help", CmdHelp, 1, "This help"},
+ {"info", CmdHF14Binfo, 0, "Find and print details about a 14443B tag"},
+ {"list", CmdHF14BList, 0, "[Deprecated] List ISO 14443B history"},
+ {"raw", CmdHF14BCmdRaw, 0, "Send raw hex data to tag"},
+ {"reader", CmdHF14BReader, 0, "Act as a 14443B reader to identify a tag"},
+ {"sim", CmdHF14BSim, 0, "Fake ISO 14443B tag"},
+ {"snoop", CmdHF14BSnoop, 0, "Eavesdrop ISO 14443B"},
+ {"sriread", CmdHF14BReadSri, 0, "Read contents of a SRI512 | SRIX4K tag"},
+ {"sriwrite", CmdHF14BWriteSri, 0, "Write data to a SRI512 | SRIX4K tag"},
+ //{"valid", srix4kValid, 1, "srix4k checksum test"},
+ //{"valid", CmdteaSelfTest, 1, "tea test"},