// maybe processed in some way.
uint32_t BigBuf[8000];
+// This may be used (sparingly) to declare a function to be copied to
+// and executed from RAM
+#define RAMFUNC __attribute((long_call, section(".ramfunc")))
/// appmain.h
void ReadMem(int addr);
void __attribute__((noreturn)) AppMain(void);
//void DbpIntegers(int a, int b, int c);
void DbpString(char *str);
void Dbprintf(const char *fmt, ...);
+void Dbhexdump(int len, uint8_t *d);
void ToSendStuffBit(int b);
void ToSendReset(void);
void SnoopIso14443(void);
/// iso14443a.h
-void SnoopIso14443a(void);
+void RAMFUNC SnoopIso14443a(void);
void SimulateIso14443aTag(int tagType, int TagUid); // ## simulate iso14443a tag
void ReaderIso14443a(UsbCommand * c, UsbCommand * ack);
void ReaderMifare(uint32_t parameter);
/// iso15693.h
+void RecordRawAdcSamplesIso15693(void);
void AcquireRawAdcSamplesIso15693(void);
void ReaderIso15693(uint32_t parameter); // Simulate an ISO15693 reader - greg
void SimTagIso15693(uint32_t parameter); // simulate an ISO15693 tag - greg
+void BruteforceIso15693Afi(uint32_t speed); // find an AFI of a tag - atrox
+void DirectTag15693Command(uint32_t datalen,uint32_t speed, uint32_t recv, uint8_t data[]); // send arbitrary commands from CLI - atrox
+void SetDebugIso15693(uint32_t flag);
/// util.h