// Routines to support ISO 14443 type A.
-#include "proxmark3.h"
-#include "apps.h"
-#include "util.h"
-#include "string.h"
-#include "cmd.h"
-#include "iso14443crc.h"
#include "iso14443a.h"
-#include "iso14443b.h"
-#include "crapto1.h"
-#include "mifareutil.h"
-#include "BigBuf.h"
-#include "parity.h"
static uint32_t iso14a_timeout;
int rsamples = 0;
// Main loop of simulated tag: receive commands from reader, decide what
// response to send, and send it.
+// 'hf 14a sim'
void SimulateIso14443aTag(int tagType, int flags, byte_t* data) {
- //Here, we collect CUID, NT, NR, AR, CUID, NT2, NR2, AR2
- // This can be used in a reader-only attack.
- uint32_t ar_nr_responses[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
- uint8_t ar_nr_collected = 0;
uint8_t sak = 0;
uint32_t cuid = 0;
uint32_t nonce = 0;
// The first response contains the ATQA (note: bytes are transmitted in reverse order).
uint8_t response1[] = {0,0};
+ // Here, we collect CUID, block1, keytype1, NT1, NR1, AR1, CUID, block2, keytyp2, NT2, NR2, AR2
+ // it should also collect block, keytype.
+ uint8_t cardAUTHSC = 0;
+ uint8_t cardAUTHKEY = 0xff; // no authentication
+ // allow collecting up to 8 sets of nonces to allow recovery of up to 8 keys
+ #define ATTACK_KEY_COUNT 8 // keep same as define in cmdhfmf.c -> readerAttack()
+ nonces_t ar_nr_resp[ATTACK_KEY_COUNT*2]; //*2 for 2 separate attack types (nml, moebius)
+ memset(ar_nr_resp, 0x00, sizeof(ar_nr_resp));
+ uint8_t ar_nr_collected[ATTACK_KEY_COUNT*2]; //*2 for 2nd attack type (moebius)
+ memset(ar_nr_collected, 0x00, sizeof(ar_nr_collected));
+ uint8_t nonce1_count = 0;
+ uint8_t nonce2_count = 0;
+ uint8_t moebius_n_count = 0;
+ bool gettingMoebius = false;
+ uint8_t mM = 0; //moebius_modifier for collection storage
switch (tagType) {
case 1: { // MIFARE Classic 1k
if ( tagType == 7 || tagType == 2 ) {
//first 12 blocks of emu are [getversion answer - check tearing - pack - 0x00 - signature]
uint16_t start = 4 * (block+12);
- uint8_t emdata[MAX_MIFARE_FRAME_SIZE];
- emlGetMemBt( emdata, start, 16);
- AppendCrc14443a(emdata, 16);
- EmSendCmdEx(emdata, sizeof(emdata), false);
+ uint8_t emdata[MAX_MIFARE_FRAME_SIZE];
+ emlGetMemBt( emdata, start, 16);
+ AppendCrc14443a(emdata, 16);
+ EmSendCmdEx(emdata, sizeof(emdata), false);
// We already responded, do not send anything with the EmSendCmd14443aRaw() that is called below
p_response = NULL;
} else { // all other tags (16 byte block tags)
- EmSendCmdEx(data+(4*receivedCmd[1]),16,false);
+ uint8_t emdata[MAX_MIFARE_FRAME_SIZE];
+ emlGetMemBt( emdata, block, 16);
+ AppendCrc14443a(emdata, 16);
+ EmSendCmdEx(emdata, sizeof(emdata), false);
+ //EmSendCmdEx(data+(4*receivedCmd[1]),16,false);
// Dbprintf("Read request from reader: %x %x",receivedCmd[0],receivedCmd[1]);
// We already responded, do not send anything with the EmSendCmd14443aRaw() that is called below
p_response = NULL;
uint8_t emdata[10];
emlGetMemBt( emdata, 0, 8 );
AppendCrc14443a(emdata, sizeof(emdata)-2);
- EmSendCmdEx(emdata, sizeof(emdata), false);
+ EmSendCmdEx(emdata, sizeof(emdata), false);
p_response = NULL;
} else {
+ cardAUTHSC = receivedCmd[1] / 4; // received block num
+ cardAUTHKEY = receivedCmd[0] - 0x60;
p_response = &responses[5]; order = 7;
} else if(receivedCmd[0] == ISO14443A_CMD_RATS) { // Received a RATS request
uint32_t nr = bytes_to_num(receivedCmd,4);
uint32_t ar = bytes_to_num(receivedCmd+4,4);
+ // Collect AR/NR per keytype & sector
if ( (flags & FLAG_NR_AR_ATTACK) == FLAG_NR_AR_ATTACK ) {
- if(ar_nr_collected < 2){
- ar_nr_responses[ar_nr_collected*4] = cuid;
- ar_nr_responses[ar_nr_collected*4+1] = nonce;
- ar_nr_responses[ar_nr_collected*4+2] = nr;
- ar_nr_responses[ar_nr_collected*4+3] = ar;
- ar_nr_collected++;
- }
- if(ar_nr_collected > 1 ) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 2 && !(flags & FLAG_INTERACTIVE)) {
- Dbprintf("Collected two pairs of AR/NR which can be used to extract keys from reader:");
- Dbprintf("../tools/mfkey/mfkey32 %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x",
- ar_nr_responses[0], // CUID
- ar_nr_responses[1], // NT
- ar_nr_responses[2], // AR1
- ar_nr_responses[3], // NR1
- ar_nr_responses[6], // AR2
- ar_nr_responses[7] // NR2
- );
+ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ATTACK_KEY_COUNT; i++) {
+ if ( ar_nr_collected[i+mM]==0 || ((cardAUTHSC == ar_nr_resp[i+mM].sector) && (cardAUTHKEY == ar_nr_resp[i+mM].keytype) && (ar_nr_collected[i+mM] > 0)) ) {
+ // if first auth for sector, or matches sector and keytype of previous auth
+ if (ar_nr_collected[i+mM] < 2) {
+ // if we haven't already collected 2 nonces for this sector
+ if (ar_nr_resp[ar_nr_collected[i+mM]].ar != ar) {
+ // Avoid duplicates... probably not necessary, ar should vary.
+ if (ar_nr_collected[i+mM]==0) {
+ // first nonce collect
+ ar_nr_resp[i+mM].cuid = cuid;
+ ar_nr_resp[i+mM].sector = cardAUTHSC;
+ ar_nr_resp[i+mM].keytype = cardAUTHKEY;
+ ar_nr_resp[i+mM].nonce = nonce;
+ ar_nr_resp[i+mM].nr = nr;
+ ar_nr_resp[i+mM].ar = ar;
+ nonce1_count++;
+ // add this nonce to first moebius nonce
+ ar_nr_resp[i+ATTACK_KEY_COUNT].cuid = cuid;
+ ar_nr_resp[i+ATTACK_KEY_COUNT].sector = cardAUTHSC;
+ ar_nr_resp[i+ATTACK_KEY_COUNT].keytype = cardAUTHKEY;
+ ar_nr_resp[i+ATTACK_KEY_COUNT].nonce = nonce;
+ ar_nr_resp[i+ATTACK_KEY_COUNT].nr = nr;
+ ar_nr_resp[i+ATTACK_KEY_COUNT].ar = ar;
+ ar_nr_collected[i+ATTACK_KEY_COUNT]++;
+ } else { // second nonce collect (std and moebius)
+ ar_nr_resp[i+mM].nonce2 = nonce;
+ ar_nr_resp[i+mM].nr2 = nr;
+ ar_nr_resp[i+mM].ar2 = ar;
+ if (!gettingMoebius) {
+ nonce2_count++;
+ // check if this was the last second nonce we need for std attack
+ if ( nonce2_count == nonce1_count ) {
+ // done collecting std test switch to moebius
+ // first finish incrementing last sample
+ ar_nr_collected[i+mM]++;
+ // switch to moebius collection
+ gettingMoebius = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ moebius_n_count++;
+ // if we've collected all the nonces we need - finish.
+ if (nonce1_count == moebius_n_count) {
+ cmd_send(CMD_ACK,CMD_SIMULATE_MIFARE_CARD,0,0,&ar_nr_resp,sizeof(ar_nr_resp));
+ nonce1_count = 0;
+ nonce2_count = 0;
+ moebius_n_count = 0;
+ gettingMoebius = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ar_nr_collected[i+mM]++;
+ }
+ }
+ // we found right spot for this nonce stop looking
+ break;
+ }
- uint8_t len = ar_nr_collected*4*4;
- cmd_send(CMD_ACK, CMD_SIMULATE_MIFARE_CARD, len, 0, &ar_nr_responses, len);
- ar_nr_collected = 0;
- memset(ar_nr_responses, 0x00, len);
- }
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_ULC_AUTH_1 ) { // ULC authentication, or Desfire Authentication
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_ULEV1_AUTH) { // NTAG / EV-1 authentication
+ if(flags & FLAG_NR_AR_ATTACK && MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) {
+ for ( uint8_t i = 0; i < ATTACK_KEY_COUNT; i++) {
+ if (ar_nr_collected[i] == 2) {
+ Dbprintf("Collected two pairs of AR/NR which can be used to extract %s from reader for sector %d:", (i<ATTACK_KEY_COUNT/2) ? "keyA" : "keyB", ar_nr_resp[i].sector);
+ Dbprintf("../tools/mfkey/mfkey32 %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x",
+ ar_nr_resp[i].cuid, //UID
+ ar_nr_resp[i].nonce, //NT
+ ar_nr_resp[i].nr, //NR1
+ ar_nr_resp[i].ar, //AR1
+ ar_nr_resp[i].nr2, //NR2
+ ar_nr_resp[i].ar2 //AR2
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ for ( uint8_t i = ATTACK_KEY_COUNT; i < ATTACK_KEY_COUNT*2; i++) {
+ if (ar_nr_collected[i] == 2) {
+ Dbprintf("Collected two pairs of AR/NR which can be used to extract %s from reader for sector %d:", (i<ATTACK_KEY_COUNT/2) ? "keyA" : "keyB", ar_nr_resp[i].sector);
+ Dbprintf("../tools/mfkey/mfkey32v2 %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x",
+ ar_nr_resp[i].cuid, //UID
+ ar_nr_resp[i].nonce, //NT
+ ar_nr_resp[i].nr, //NR1
+ ar_nr_resp[i].ar, //AR1
+ ar_nr_resp[i].nonce2,//NT2
+ ar_nr_resp[i].nr2, //NR2
+ ar_nr_resp[i].ar2 //AR2
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 4){
Dbprintf("-[ Wake ups after halt [%d]", happened);
Dbprintf("-[ Messages after halt [%d]", happened2);
// Prepare reader command (in bits, support short frames) to send to FPGA
-void CodeIso14443aBitsAsReaderPar(const uint8_t *cmd, uint16_t bits, const uint8_t *parity)
+void CodeIso14443aBitsAsReaderPar(const uint8_t *cmd, uint16_t bits, const uint8_t *parity) {
int i, j;
int last = 0;
uint8_t b;
b = AT91C_BASE_SSC->SSC_RHR; (void) b;
// wait for the FPGA to signal fdt_indicator == 1 (the FPGA is ready to queue new data in its delay line)
- for (uint16_t j = 0; j < 5; j++) { // allow timeout - better late than never
+ for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 5; j++) { // allow timeout - better late than never
if (AT91C_BASE_SSC->SSC_RHR) break;
// Cloning MiFare Classic Rail and Building Passes, Anywhere, Anytime"
// (article by Nicolas T. Courtois, 2009)
-void ReaderMifare(bool first_try, uint8_t block ) {
- uint8_t mf_auth[] = { MIFARE_AUTH_KEYA, block, 0x00, 0x00 };
+void ReaderMifare(bool first_try, uint8_t block, uint8_t keytype ) {
+ uint8_t mf_auth[] = { keytype, block, 0x00, 0x00 };
uint8_t mf_nr_ar[] = { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 };
uint8_t uid[10] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
uint8_t par_list[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
#define PRNG_SEQUENCE_LENGTH (1 << 16)
#define MAX_UNEXPECTED_RANDOM 4 // maximum number of unexpected (i.e. real) random numbers when trying to sync. Then give up.
#define MAX_SYNC_TRIES 32
+ AppendCrc14443a(mf_auth, 2);
BigBuf_free(); BigBuf_Clear_ext(false);
- AppendCrc14443a(mf_auth, 2);
if (first_try) {
sync_time = GetCountSspClk() & 0xfffffff8;