+int usage_t55xx_wipe(){\r
+ PrintAndLog("Usage: lf t55xx wipe [h] [Q5]");\r
+ PrintAndLog("This commands wipes a tag, fills blocks 1-7 with zeros and a default configuration block");\r
+ PrintAndLog("Options:");\r
+ PrintAndLog(" h - this help");\r
+ PrintAndLog(" Q5 - indicates to use the T5555 (Q5) default configuration block");\r
+ PrintAndLog("");\r
+ PrintAndLog("Examples:");\r
+ PrintAndLog(" lf t55xx wipe - wipes a t55x7 tag, config block 0x000880E0");\r
+ PrintAndLog(" lf t55xx wipe Q5 - wipes a t5555 Q5 tag, config block 0x6001F004");\r
+ return 0;\r