- fprintf(stderr,"Entering flash-mode...\n");
- bzero(&c, sizeof(c));
- c.cmd = CMD_START_FLASH;
- SendCommand(&c, FALSE);
- CloseProxmark();
- sleep(1);
- fprintf(stderr,"Waiting for Proxmark to reappear on USB...\n");
- while(!(devh=OpenProxmark(0))) { sleep(1); }
- fprintf(stderr,"Found...\n");
+ if(!fastflash){
+ fprintf(stderr,"Entering flash-mode...\n");
+ bzero(&c, sizeof(c));
+ c.cmd = CMD_START_FLASH;
+ SendCommand(&c, FALSE);
+ CloseProxmark();
+ sleep(1);
+ fprintf(stderr,"Waiting for Proxmark to reappear on USB...\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"(Press and hold down button NOW if your bootloader requires it)\n");
+ while(!(devh=OpenProxmark(0))) { sleep(1); }
+ fprintf(stderr,"Found...\n");
+ }