+- Adjusted the lf demods to auto align and set the grid for the graph plot.
+- `lf snoop` now automatically gets samples from the device
+- `lf read` now accepts [#samples] as arg. && now automatically gets samples from the device
+- adjusted lf t5 chip timings to use WaitUS. and adjusted the readblock timings
+ appears to have more consistent results with more antennas.
+- `lf t5 wakeup` has been adjusted to not need the p in front of the pwd arg.
+- `data psknexwatchdemod` has been moved to `lf nexwatch demod` (reads from graphbuffer)
+- `data fskparadoxdemod` has been moved to `lf paradox demod` (reads from graphbuffer)
+- `data fdxdemod` has been moved to `lf fdx demod` (reads from graphbuffer)
+- `data askgproxiidemod has been moved to `lf gproxii demod` (reads from graphbuffer)
+- `lf indalaclone` has been moved to `lf indala clone`
+- `lf indalademod` has been moved to `lf indala altdemod` (reads from graphbuffer)
+- `data pskindalademod` has been moved to `lf indala demod` (reads from graphbuffer)
+- `data askvikingdemod` has been moved to `lf viking demod` (reads from graphbuffer)
+- `data fskpyramiddemod` has been moved to `lf pyramid demod` (reads from graphbuffer)
+- `data fskiodemod` has been moved to `lf io demod` (reads from graphbuffer)
+- `lf io fskdemod` has been renamed to `lf io read` (reads from antenna)