char *script_cmds_file;
-//static void *usb_receiver(void *targ) {
-// struct receiver_arg *arg = (struct receiver_arg*)targ;
-// UsbCommand cmdbuf;
-// while (arg->run) {
-// if (ReceiveCommandPoll(&cmdbuf)) {
-// UsbCommandReceived(&cmdbuf);
-// fflush(NULL);
-// }
-// }
-// pthread_exit(NULL);
-// return NULL;
byte_t rx[0x1000000];
byte_t* prx = rx;
FILE *script_file = NULL;
- char script_cmd_buf[256];
+ char script_cmd_buf[256]; // iceman, needs lua script the same file_path_buffer as the rest
if (arg->script_cmds_file)
return NULL;
-//static void dumpHelp(char *parent, ...)
-// printf("## %s\n\n", parent);
-// CommandReceived(parent);
-// printf("\n");
static void dumpAllHelp(int markdown)
printf("\n%sProxmark3 command dump%s\n\n",markdown?"# ":"",markdown?"":"\n======================");
pthread_t main_loop_t;
- usb_init();
- if (!OpenProxmark(1)) {
- fprintf(stderr,"PROXMARK3: NOT FOUND!\n");
- marg.usb_present = 0;
- offline = 1;
- } else {
- marg.usb_present = 1;
- offline = 0;
- }
sp = uart_open(argv[1]);
pthread_join(main_loop_t, NULL);
-// if (marg.usb_present == 1) {
-// CloseProxmark();
-// }
// Clean up the port