- DoAcquisition125k_internal(-1,true);
- size = sizeof(BigBuf);
- //make sure buffer has data
- if (size < 2000) continue;
- //fskdemod and get start index
- WDT_HIT();
- idx = IOdemodFSK(dest,size);
- if (idx>0){
- //valid tag found
- //Index map
- //0 10 20 30 40 50 60
- //| | | | | | |
- //01234567 8 90123456 7 89012345 6 78901234 5 67890123 4 56789012 3 45678901 23
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //00000000 0 11110000 1 facility 1 version* 1 code*one 1 code*two 1 ???????? 11
- //
- //XSF(version)facility:codeone+codetwo
- //Handle the data
- if(findone){ //only print binary if we are doing one
- Dbprintf("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d %d",dest[idx], dest[idx+1], dest[idx+2],dest[idx+3],dest[idx+4],dest[idx+5],dest[idx+6],dest[idx+7],dest[idx+8]);
- Dbprintf("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d %d",dest[idx+9], dest[idx+10],dest[idx+11],dest[idx+12],dest[idx+13],dest[idx+14],dest[idx+15],dest[idx+16],dest[idx+17]);
- Dbprintf("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d %d",dest[idx+18],dest[idx+19],dest[idx+20],dest[idx+21],dest[idx+22],dest[idx+23],dest[idx+24],dest[idx+25],dest[idx+26]);
- Dbprintf("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d %d",dest[idx+27],dest[idx+28],dest[idx+29],dest[idx+30],dest[idx+31],dest[idx+32],dest[idx+33],dest[idx+34],dest[idx+35]);
- Dbprintf("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d %d",dest[idx+36],dest[idx+37],dest[idx+38],dest[idx+39],dest[idx+40],dest[idx+41],dest[idx+42],dest[idx+43],dest[idx+44]);
- Dbprintf("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d %d",dest[idx+45],dest[idx+46],dest[idx+47],dest[idx+48],dest[idx+49],dest[idx+50],dest[idx+51],dest[idx+52],dest[idx+53]);
- Dbprintf("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d %d%d",dest[idx+54],dest[idx+55],dest[idx+56],dest[idx+57],dest[idx+58],dest[idx+59],dest[idx+60],dest[idx+61],dest[idx+62],dest[idx+63]);
- }
- code = bytebits_to_byte(dest+idx,32);
- code2 = bytebits_to_byte(dest+idx+32,32);
- version = bytebits_to_byte(dest+idx+27,8); //14,4
- facilitycode = bytebits_to_byte(dest+idx+18,8) ;
- number = (bytebits_to_byte(dest+idx+36,8)<<8)|(bytebits_to_byte(dest+idx+45,8)); //36,9
- Dbprintf("XSF(%02d)%02x:%05d (%08x%08x)",version,facilitycode,number,code,code2);
- // if we're only looking for one tag
- if (findone){
- if (ledcontrol) LED_A_OFF();
+ DoAcquisition_default(-1,true);
+ // FSK demodulator
+ //size = sizeOfBigBuff; //variable size will change after demod so re initialize it before use
+ size = 50*128*2; //big enough to catch 2 sequences of largest format
+ idx = AWIDdemodFSK(dest, &size);
+ if (idx>0 && size==96){
+ // Index map
+ // 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
+ // | | | | | | |
+ // 01234567 890 1 234 5 678 9 012 3 456 7 890 1 234 5 678 9 012 3 456 7 890 1 234 5 678 9 012 3 - to 96
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // 00000001 000 1 110 1 101 1 011 1 101 1 010 0 000 1 000 1 010 0 001 0 110 1 100 0 000 1 000 1
+ // premable bbb o bbb o bbw o fff o fff o ffc o ccc o ccc o ccc o ccc o ccc o wxx o xxx o xxx o - to 96
+ // |---26 bit---| |-----117----||-------------142-------------|
+ // b = format bit len, o = odd parity of last 3 bits
+ // f = facility code, c = card number
+ // w = wiegand parity
+ // (26 bit format shown)
+ //get raw ID before removing parities
+ uint32_t rawLo = bytebits_to_byte(dest+idx+64,32);
+ uint32_t rawHi = bytebits_to_byte(dest+idx+32,32);
+ uint32_t rawHi2 = bytebits_to_byte(dest+idx,32);
+ size = removeParity(dest, idx+8, 4, 1, 88);
+ // ok valid card found!
+ // Index map
+ // 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
+ // | | | | | | |
+ // 01234567 8 90123456 7890123456789012 3 456789012345678901234567890123456
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // 00011010 1 01110101 0000000010001110 1 000000000000000000000000000000000
+ // bbbbbbbb w ffffffff cccccccccccccccc w xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+ // |26 bit| |-117--| |-----142------|
+ // b = format bit len, o = odd parity of last 3 bits
+ // f = facility code, c = card number
+ // w = wiegand parity
+ // (26 bit format shown)
+ uint32_t fc = 0;
+ uint32_t cardnum = 0;
+ uint32_t code1 = 0;
+ uint32_t code2 = 0;
+ uint8_t fmtLen = bytebits_to_byte(dest,8);
+ if (fmtLen==26){
+ fc = bytebits_to_byte(dest+9, 8);
+ cardnum = bytebits_to_byte(dest+17, 16);
+ code1 = bytebits_to_byte(dest+8,fmtLen);
+ Dbprintf("AWID Found - BitLength: %d, FC: %d, Card: %d - Wiegand: %x, Raw: %08x%08x%08x", fmtLen, fc, cardnum, code1, rawHi2, rawHi, rawLo);
+ } else {
+ cardnum = bytebits_to_byte(dest+8+(fmtLen-17), 16);
+ if (fmtLen>32){
+ code1 = bytebits_to_byte(dest+8,fmtLen-32);
+ code2 = bytebits_to_byte(dest+8+(fmtLen-32),32);
+ Dbprintf("AWID Found - BitLength: %d -unknown BitLength- (%d) - Wiegand: %x%08x, Raw: %08x%08x%08x", fmtLen, cardnum, code1, code2, rawHi2, rawHi, rawLo);
+ } else{
+ code1 = bytebits_to_byte(dest+8,fmtLen);
+ Dbprintf("AWID Found - BitLength: %d -unknown BitLength- (%d) - Wiegand: %x, Raw: %08x%08x%08x", fmtLen, cardnum, code1, rawHi2, rawHi, rawLo);
+ }
+ }
+ if (findone){
+ if (ledcontrol) LED_A_OFF();
+ return;
+ }
+ // reset
+ }
+ idx = 0;
+ WDT_HIT();
+ }
+ DbpString("Stopped");
+ if (ledcontrol) LED_A_OFF();
+void CmdEM410xdemod(int findone, int *high, int *low, int ledcontrol)
+ uint8_t *dest = BigBuf_get_addr();
+ size_t size=0, idx=0;
+ int clk=0, invert=0, errCnt=0, maxErr=20;
+ uint32_t hi=0;
+ uint64_t lo=0;
+ // Configure to go in 125Khz listen mode
+ LFSetupFPGAForADC(95, true);
+ while(!BUTTON_PRESS() && !usb_poll_validate_length()) {
+ WDT_HIT();
+ if (ledcontrol) LED_A_ON();
+ DoAcquisition_default(-1,true);
+ size = BigBuf_max_traceLen();
+ //askdemod and manchester decode
+ if (size > 16385) size = 16385; //big enough to catch 2 sequences of largest format
+ errCnt = askdemod(dest, &size, &clk, &invert, maxErr, 0, 1);
+ WDT_HIT();
+ if (errCnt<0) continue;
+ errCnt = Em410xDecode(dest, &size, &idx, &hi, &lo);
+ if (errCnt){
+ if (size>64){
+ Dbprintf("EM XL TAG ID: %06x%08x%08x - (%05d_%03d_%08d)",
+ hi,
+ (uint32_t)(lo>>32),
+ (uint32_t)lo,
+ (uint32_t)(lo&0xFFFF),
+ (uint32_t)((lo>>16LL) & 0xFF),
+ (uint32_t)(lo & 0xFFFFFF));
+ } else {
+ Dbprintf("EM TAG ID: %02x%08x - (%05d_%03d_%08d)",
+ (uint32_t)(lo>>32),
+ (uint32_t)lo,
+ (uint32_t)(lo&0xFFFF),
+ (uint32_t)((lo>>16LL) & 0xFF),
+ (uint32_t)(lo & 0xFFFFFF));
+ }
+ if (findone){
+ if (ledcontrol) LED_A_OFF();
+ *high=lo>>32;
+ *low=lo & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ WDT_HIT();
+ hi = lo = size = idx = 0;
+ clk = invert = errCnt = 0;
+ }
+ DbpString("Stopped");
+ if (ledcontrol) LED_A_OFF();
+void CmdIOdemodFSK(int findone, int *high, int *low, int ledcontrol)
+ uint8_t *dest = BigBuf_get_addr();
+ int idx=0;
+ uint32_t code=0, code2=0;
+ uint8_t version=0;
+ uint8_t facilitycode=0;
+ uint16_t number=0;
+ uint8_t crc = 0;
+ uint16_t calccrc = 0;
+ // Configure to go in 125Khz listen mode
+ LFSetupFPGAForADC(95, true);
+ while(!BUTTON_PRESS() && !usb_poll_validate_length()) {
+ WDT_HIT();
+ if (ledcontrol) LED_A_ON();
+ DoAcquisition_default(-1,true);
+ //fskdemod and get start index
+ WDT_HIT();
+ idx = IOdemodFSK(dest, BigBuf_max_traceLen());
+ if (idx<0) continue;
+ //valid tag found
+ //Index map
+ //0 10 20 30 40 50 60
+ //| | | | | | |
+ //01234567 8 90123456 7 89012345 6 78901234 5 67890123 4 56789012 3 45678901 23
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //00000000 0 11110000 1 facility 1 version* 1 code*one 1 code*two 1 checksum 11
+ //
+ //Checksum:
+ //00000000 0 11110000 1 11100000 1 00000001 1 00000011 1 10110110 1 01110101 11
+ //preamble F0 E0 01 03 B6 75
+ // How to calc checksum,
+ // http://www.proxmark.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=364&p=6
+ // F0 + E0 + 01 + 03 + B6 = 28A
+ // 28A & FF = 8A
+ // FF - 8A = 75
+ // Checksum: 0x75
+ //XSF(version)facility:codeone+codetwo
+ //Handle the data
+ if(findone){ //only print binary if we are doing one
+ Dbprintf("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d %d",dest[idx], dest[idx+1], dest[idx+2],dest[idx+3],dest[idx+4],dest[idx+5],dest[idx+6],dest[idx+7],dest[idx+8]);
+ Dbprintf("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d %d",dest[idx+9], dest[idx+10],dest[idx+11],dest[idx+12],dest[idx+13],dest[idx+14],dest[idx+15],dest[idx+16],dest[idx+17]);
+ Dbprintf("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d %d",dest[idx+18],dest[idx+19],dest[idx+20],dest[idx+21],dest[idx+22],dest[idx+23],dest[idx+24],dest[idx+25],dest[idx+26]);
+ Dbprintf("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d %d",dest[idx+27],dest[idx+28],dest[idx+29],dest[idx+30],dest[idx+31],dest[idx+32],dest[idx+33],dest[idx+34],dest[idx+35]);
+ Dbprintf("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d %d",dest[idx+36],dest[idx+37],dest[idx+38],dest[idx+39],dest[idx+40],dest[idx+41],dest[idx+42],dest[idx+43],dest[idx+44]);
+ Dbprintf("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d %d",dest[idx+45],dest[idx+46],dest[idx+47],dest[idx+48],dest[idx+49],dest[idx+50],dest[idx+51],dest[idx+52],dest[idx+53]);
+ Dbprintf("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d %d%d",dest[idx+54],dest[idx+55],dest[idx+56],dest[idx+57],dest[idx+58],dest[idx+59],dest[idx+60],dest[idx+61],dest[idx+62],dest[idx+63]);
+ }
+ code = bytebits_to_byte(dest+idx,32);
+ code2 = bytebits_to_byte(dest+idx+32,32);
+ version = bytebits_to_byte(dest+idx+27,8); //14,4
+ facilitycode = bytebits_to_byte(dest+idx+18,8);
+ number = (bytebits_to_byte(dest+idx+36,8)<<8)|(bytebits_to_byte(dest+idx+45,8)); //36,9
+ crc = bytebits_to_byte(dest+idx+54,8);
+ for (uint8_t i=1; i<6; ++i)
+ calccrc += bytebits_to_byte(dest+idx+9*i,8);
+ calccrc &= 0xff;
+ calccrc = 0xff - calccrc;
+ char *crcStr = (crc == calccrc) ? "ok":"!crc";
+ Dbprintf("IO Prox XSF(%02d)%02x:%05d (%08x%08x) [%02x %s]",version,facilitycode,number,code,code2, crc, crcStr);
+ // if we're only looking for one tag
+ if (findone){
+ if (ledcontrol) LED_A_OFF();
+ //LED_A_OFF();
+ *high=code;
+ *low=code2;