int nonce2key(uint32_t uid, uint32_t nt, uint32_t nr, uint64_t par_info, uint64_t ks_info, uint64_t * key) {
- struct Crypto1State *state;
- uint32_t i, pos, rr, nr_diff, key_count;//, ks1, ks2;
- byte_t bt, ks3x[8], par[8][8];
- uint64_t key_recovered;
- int64_t *state_s;
- static uint32_t last_uid;
- static int64_t *last_keylist;
- rr = 0;
+ struct Crypto1State *state;
+ uint32_t i, pos, rr, nr_diff, key_count;//, ks1, ks2;
+ byte_t bt, ks3x[8], par[8][8];
+ uint64_t key_recovered;
+ int64_t *state_s;
+ static uint32_t last_uid;
+ static int64_t *last_keylist;
+ rr = 0;
- if (last_uid != uid)
- {
- free(last_keylist);
- last_keylist = NULL;
- }
- last_uid = uid;
+ if (last_uid != uid && last_keylist != NULL) {
+ free(last_keylist);
+ last_keylist = NULL;
+ }
+ last_uid = uid;
- // Reset the last three significant bits of the reader nonce
- nr &= 0xffffff1f;
- PrintAndLog("\nuid(%08x) nt(%08x) par(%016"llx") ks(%016"llx")\n\n",uid,nt,par_info,ks_info);
- for (pos=0; pos<8; pos++)
- {
- ks3x[7-pos] = (ks_info >> (pos*8)) & 0x0f;
- bt = (par_info >> (pos*8)) & 0xff;
- for (i=0; i<8; i++)
- {
- par[7-pos][i] = (bt >> i) & 0x01;
- }
- }
- printf("|diff|{nr} |ks3|ks3^5|parity |\n");
- printf("+----+--------+---+-----+---------------+\n");
- for (i=0; i<8; i++)
- {
- nr_diff = nr | i << 5;
- printf("| %02x |%08x|",i << 5, nr_diff);
- printf(" %01x | %01x |",ks3x[i], ks3x[i]^5);
- for (pos=0; pos<7; pos++) printf("%01x,", par[i][pos]);
- printf("%01x|\n", par[i][7]);
- }
+ // Reset the last three significant bits of the reader nonce
+ nr &= 0xffffff1f;
- if (par_info==0)
- PrintAndLog("parity is all zero,try special attack!just wait for few more seconds...");
+ PrintAndLog("\nuid(%08x) nt(%08x) par(%016"llx") ks(%016"llx") nr(%08"llx")\n\n", uid, nt, par_info, ks_info, nr);
+ for (pos=0; pos<8; pos++) {
+ ks3x[7-pos] = (ks_info >> (pos*8)) & 0x0f;
+ bt = (par_info >> (pos*8)) & 0xff;
+ for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
+ par[7-pos][i] = (bt >> i) & 0x01;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("|diff|{nr} |ks3|ks3^5|parity |\n");
+ printf("+----+--------+---+-----+---------------+\n");
+ for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
+ nr_diff = nr | i << 5;
+ printf("| %02x |%08x|", i << 5, nr_diff);
+ printf(" %01x | %01x |", ks3x[i], ks3x[i]^5);
+ for (pos=0; pos<7; pos++)
+ printf("%01x,", par[i][pos]);
+ printf("%01x|\n", par[i][7]);
+ }
+ printf("+----+--------+---+-----+---------------+\n");
+ if ( par_info == 0 )
+ PrintAndLog("Parity is all zero, try special attack! Wait for few more seconds...");
state = lfsr_common_prefix(nr, rr, ks3x, par, par_info==0);
state_s = (int64_t*)state;
*(state_s + i) = -1;
//Create the intersection:
- if (par_info == 0 )
- if ( last_keylist != NULL)
- {
+ if (par_info == 0 ) {
+ if ( last_keylist != NULL) {
int64_t *p1, *p2, *p3;
p1 = p3 = last_keylist;
p2 = state_s;
while ( *p1 != -1 && *p2 != -1 ) {
if (compar_state(p1, p2) == 0) {
- printf("p1:%"llx" p2:%"llx" p3:%"llx" key:%012"llx"\n",(uint64_t)(p1-last_keylist),(uint64_t)(p2-state_s),(uint64_t)(p3-last_keylist),*p1);
+ printf("p1:%"llx" p2:%"llx" p3:%"llx" key:%012"llx"\n",
+ (uint64_t)(p1-last_keylist),
+ (uint64_t)(p2-state_s),
+ (uint64_t)(p3-last_keylist),
+ *p1);
*p3++ = *p1++;
- }
- else {
+ } else {
while (compar_state(p1, p2) == -1) ++p1;
while (compar_state(p1, p2) == 1) ++p2;
- key_count = p3 - last_keylist;;
- }
- else
+ key_count = p3 - last_keylist;
+ } else {
key_count = 0;
- else
- {
+ }
+ } else {
last_keylist = state_s;
key_count = i;
- printf("key_count:%d\n", key_count);
+ printf("key candidates count: %d\n", key_count);
// The list may still contain several key candidates. Test each of them with mfCheckKeys
+ int res;
+ uint8_t keyBlock[6];
+ uint64_t key64;
for (i = 0; i < key_count; i++) {
- uint8_t keyBlock[6];
- uint64_t key64;
key64 = *(last_keylist + i);
num_to_bytes(key64, 6, keyBlock);
key64 = 0;
- if (!mfCheckKeys(0, 0, 1, keyBlock, &key64)) {
+ res = mfCheckKeys(0, 0, false, 1, keyBlock, &key64);
+ if (!res) {
*key = key64;
last_keylist = NULL;
- if (par_info ==0)
+ if (par_info == 0)
return 0;
last_keylist = state_s;
return 1;
+int tryMfk32(uint64_t myuid, uint8_t *data, uint8_t *outputkey ){
+ struct Crypto1State *s,*t;
+ uint64_t key; // recovered key
+ uint32_t uid; // serial number
+ uint32_t nt; // tag challenge
+ uint32_t nr0_enc; // first encrypted reader challenge
+ uint32_t ar0_enc; // first encrypted reader response
+ uint32_t nr1_enc; // second encrypted reader challenge
+ uint32_t ar1_enc; // second encrypted reader response
+ bool isSuccess = FALSE;
+ int counter = 0;
+ uid = myuid;//(uint32_t)bytes_to_num(data + 0, 4);
+ nt = *(uint32_t*)(data+8);
+ nr0_enc = *(uint32_t*)(data+12);
+ ar0_enc = *(uint32_t*)(data+16);
+ nr1_enc = *(uint32_t*)(data+32);
+ ar1_enc = *(uint32_t*)(data+36);
+ // PrintAndLog("recovering key for:");
+ // PrintAndLog(" uid: %08x %08x",uid, myuid);
+ // PrintAndLog(" nt: %08x",nt);
+ // PrintAndLog(" {nr_0}: %08x",nr0_enc);
+ // PrintAndLog(" {ar_0}: %08x",ar0_enc);
+ // PrintAndLog(" {nr_1}: %08x",nr1_enc);
+ // PrintAndLog(" {ar_1}: %08x",ar1_enc);
+ s = lfsr_recovery32(ar0_enc ^ prng_successor(nt, 64), 0);
+ for(t = s; t->odd | t->even; ++t) {
+ lfsr_rollback_word(t, 0, 0);
+ lfsr_rollback_word(t, nr0_enc, 1);
+ lfsr_rollback_word(t, uid ^ nt, 0);
+ crypto1_get_lfsr(t, &key);
+ crypto1_word(t, uid ^ nt, 0);
+ crypto1_word(t, nr1_enc, 1);
+ if (ar1_enc == (crypto1_word(t, 0, 0) ^ prng_successor(nt, 64))) {
+ PrintAndLog("Found Key: [%012"llx"]",key);
+ isSuccess = TRUE;
+ ++counter;
+ if (counter==20)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ free(s);
+ return isSuccess;
+int tryMfk32_moebius(uint64_t myuid, uint8_t *data, uint8_t *outputkey ){
+ struct Crypto1State *s,*t;
+ uint64_t key; // recovered key
+ uint32_t uid; // serial number
+ uint32_t nt0; // tag challenge first
+ uint32_t nt1; // tag challenge second
+ uint32_t nr0_enc; // first encrypted reader challenge
+ uint32_t ar0_enc; // first encrypted reader response
+ uint32_t nr1_enc; // second encrypted reader challenge
+ uint32_t ar1_enc; // second encrypted reader response
+ bool isSuccess = FALSE;
+ int counter = 0;
+ uid = myuid;//(uint32_t)bytes_to_num(data + 0, 4);
+ nt0 = *(uint32_t*)(data+8);
+ nr0_enc = *(uint32_t*)(data+12);
+ ar0_enc = *(uint32_t*)(data+16);
+ nt1 = *(uint32_t*)(data+8);
+ nr1_enc = *(uint32_t*)(data+32);
+ ar1_enc = *(uint32_t*)(data+36);
+ s = lfsr_recovery32(ar0_enc ^ prng_successor(nt0, 64), 0);
+ for(t = s; t->odd | t->even; ++t) {
+ lfsr_rollback_word(t, 0, 0);
+ lfsr_rollback_word(t, nr0_enc, 1);
+ lfsr_rollback_word(t, uid ^ nt0, 0);
+ crypto1_get_lfsr(t, &key);
+ crypto1_word(t, uid ^ nt1, 0);
+ crypto1_word(t, nr1_enc, 1);
+ if (ar1_enc == (crypto1_word(t, 0, 0) ^ prng_successor(nt1, 64))) {
+ PrintAndLog("Found Key: [%012"llx"]",key);
+ isSuccess = TRUE;
+ ++counter;
+ if (counter==20)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ free(s);
+ return isSuccess;
+int tryMfk64(uint64_t myuid, uint8_t *data, uint8_t *outputkey ){
+ struct Crypto1State *revstate;
+ uint64_t key; // recovered key
+ uint32_t uid; // serial number
+ uint32_t nt; // tag challenge
+ uint32_t nr_enc; // encrypted reader challenge
+ uint32_t ar_enc; // encrypted reader response
+ uint32_t at_enc; // encrypted tag response
+ uint32_t ks2; // keystream used to encrypt reader response
+ uint32_t ks3; // keystream used to encrypt tag response
+ struct Crypto1State mpcs = {0, 0};
+ struct Crypto1State *pcs;
+ pcs = &mpcs;
+ uid = myuid;//(uint32_t)bytes_to_num(data + 0, 4);
+ nt = *(uint32_t*)(data+8);
+ nr_enc = *(uint32_t*)(data+12);
+ ar_enc = *(uint32_t*)(data+16);
+ crypto1_word(pcs, nr_enc , 1);
+ at_enc = prng_successor(nt, 96) ^ crypto1_word(pcs, 0, 0);
+ // printf("Recovering key for:\n");
+ // printf(" uid: %08x\n",uid);
+ // printf(" nt: %08x\n",nt);
+ // printf(" {nr}: %08x\n",nr_enc);
+ // printf(" {ar}: %08x\n",ar_enc);
+ // printf(" {at}: %08x\n",at_enc);
+ // Extract the keystream from the messages
+ ks2 = ar_enc ^ prng_successor(nt, 64);
+ ks3 = at_enc ^ prng_successor(nt, 96);
+ revstate = lfsr_recovery64(ks2, ks3);
+ lfsr_rollback_word(revstate, 0, 0);
+ lfsr_rollback_word(revstate, 0, 0);
+ lfsr_rollback_word(revstate, nr_enc, 1);
+ lfsr_rollback_word(revstate, uid ^ nt, 0);
+ crypto1_get_lfsr(revstate, &key);
+ PrintAndLog("Found Key: [%012"llx"]",key);
+ crypto1_destroy(revstate);
+ crypto1_destroy(pcs);
+ return 0;
\ No newline at end of file