+- Support Standard Communication Mode in HITAG S
+- Added `hf emv scan` - commands for scan EMV card and dump data to json file (Merlok)
+- `hf mfp` group of commands (Merlok)
+- Added `hf fido` - FIDO U2F authenticator commands https://fidoalliance.org/ (Merlok)
+- Added `lf hitag reader 03` - read block (instead of pages)
+- Added `lf hitag reader 04` - read block (instead of pages)
+- Added `hf fido` `assert` and `make` commands from fido2 protocol (authenticatorMakeCredential and authenticatorGetAssertion) (Merlok)
+- Added `lf paradox clone` to clone a Paradox card
+- Added `emv` commmands working for both contactless and smart cards (Merlok)
+- Added 'hf 15 snoop' (piwi)
+## [v3.1.0][2018-10-10]
+### Changed
+- Adjusted `lf cmdread` to respond to client when complete and the client will then automatically call `data samples`
+- Improved backdoor detection misbehaving magic s50/1k tag (Fl0-0)
+- Deleted wipe functionality from `hf mf csetuid` (Merlok)
+- Changed `hf mf nested` logic (Merlok)
+- Added `hf mf nested` mode: autosearch keys for attack (from well known keys) (Merlok)
+- `hf mf nested` Check keys after they have found (Merlok)
+- `hf mf chk` Move main cycle to arm (Merlok)
+- Changed proxmark command line parameter `flush` to `-f` or `-flush` (Merlok)
+- Changed `hf 14a reader` to just request-anticolission-select sequence (Merlok)
+- Changed `hf 14a raw` - works with LED's and some exchange logic (Merlok)
+- Changed TLV parser messages to more convenient (Merlok)
+- Rewritten Legic Prime reader (`hf legic reader`, `write` and `fill`) - it is using xcorrelation now (AntiCat)
+- `hf 14a` commands works via argtable3 commandline parsing library (Merlok)
+- HID LF operations on firmware updated for complete native support of long (>37 bit) HID tags (grauerfuchs)
+- Changed Legic Prime tag simulator (`hf legic sim`) to run from 212 kHz SSP clock for better reliability (AntiCat)
+### Fixed
+- Changed start sequence in Qt mode (fix: short commands hangs main Qt thread) (Merlok)
+- Changed driver file proxmark3.inf to support both old and new Product/Vendor IDs (piwi)
+- Changed all command line parsers in `hf emv` commands to argtable (Merlok)
+- Implemented AppNap API, fixing #283 and #627 OSX USB comm issues (AntiCat)
+### Added
+- Added `sc` smartcard (contact card) commands - reader, info, raw, upgrade, setclock, list (hardware version RDV4.0 only) must turn option on in makefile options (Willok, Iceman, marshmellow)
+- Added a bitbang mode to `lf cmdread` if delay is 0 the cmd bits turn off and on the antenna with 0 and 1 respectively (marshmellow)
+- Added PAC/Stanley detection to lf search (marshmellow)
+- Added lf pac demod and lf pac read - extracts the raw blocks from a PAC/Stanley tag (marshmellow)
+- Added hf mf c* commands compatibility for 4k and gen1b backdoor (Fl0-0)