#include "common.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "hitag2.h"
+#include "hitagS.h"
#include "sleep.h"
#include "cmdmain.h"
int CmdLFHitagReader(const char *Cmd) {
-// UsbCommand c = {CMD_READER_HITAG};
-// param_get32ex(Cmd,1,0,16);
UsbCommand c = {CMD_READER_HITAG};//, {param_get32ex(Cmd,0,0,10),param_get32ex(Cmd,1,0,16),param_get32ex(Cmd,2,0,16),param_get32ex(Cmd,3,0,16)}};
hitag_data* htd = (hitag_data*)c.d.asBytes;
hitag_function htf = param_get32ex(Cmd,0,0,10);
switch (htf) {
+ case 01: { //RHTSF_CHALLENGE
+ c = (UsbCommand){ CMD_READ_HITAG_S };
+ num_to_bytes(param_get32ex(Cmd,1,0,16),4,htd->auth.NrAr);
+ num_to_bytes(param_get32ex(Cmd,2,0,16),4,htd->auth.NrAr+4);
+ } break;
+ case 02: { //RHTSF_KEY
+ c = (UsbCommand){ CMD_READ_HITAG_S };
+ num_to_bytes(param_get64ex(Cmd,1,0,16),6,htd->crypto.key);
+ } break;
} break;
PrintAndLog("Error: unkown reader function %d",htf);
PrintAndLog("Hitag reader functions");
PrintAndLog(" HitagS (0*)");
+ PrintAndLog(" 01 <nr> <ar> (Challenge) read all pages from a Hitag S tag");
+ PrintAndLog(" 02 <key> (set to 0 if no authentication is needed) read all pages from a Hitag S tag");
PrintAndLog(" Hitag1 (1*)");
PrintAndLog(" Hitag2 (2*)");
PrintAndLog(" 21 <password> (password mode)");
return 0;
+int CmdLFHitagSimS(const char *Cmd) {
+ UsbCommand c = { CMD_SIMULATE_HITAG_S };
+ char filename[FILE_PATH_SIZE] = { 0x00 };
+ FILE* pf;
+ bool tag_mem_supplied;
+ int len = strlen(Cmd);
+ if (len > FILE_PATH_SIZE)
+ memcpy(filename, Cmd, len);
+ if (strlen(filename) > 0) {
+ if ((pf = fopen(filename, "rb+")) == NULL) {
+ PrintAndLog("Error: Could not open file [%s]", filename);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ tag_mem_supplied = true;
+ if (fread(c.d.asBytes, 4*64, 1, pf) == 0) {
+ PrintAndLog("Error: File reading error");
+ fclose(pf);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ fclose(pf);
+ } else {
+ tag_mem_supplied = false;
+ }
+ // Does the tag comes with memory
+ c.arg[0] = (uint32_t) tag_mem_supplied;
+ SendCommand(&c);
+ return 0;
+int CmdLFHitagCheckChallenges(const char *Cmd) {
+ UsbCommand c = { CMD_TEST_HITAGS_TRACES };
+ char filename[FILE_PATH_SIZE] = { 0x00 };
+ FILE* pf;
+ bool file_given;
+ int len = strlen(Cmd);
+ if (len > FILE_PATH_SIZE) len = FILE_PATH_SIZE;
+ memcpy(filename, Cmd, len);
+ if (strlen(filename) > 0) {
+ if ((pf = fopen(filename,"rb+")) == NULL) {
+ PrintAndLog("Error: Could not open file [%s]",filename);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ file_given = true;
+ if (fread(c.d.asBytes,8*60,1,pf) == 0) {
+ PrintAndLog("Error: File reading error");
+ fclose(pf);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ fclose(pf);
+ } else {
+ file_given = false;
+ }
+ //file with all the challenges to try
+ c.arg[0] = (uint32_t)file_given;
+ SendCommand(&c);
+ return 0;
+int CmdLFHitagWP(const char *Cmd) {
+ UsbCommand c = { CMD_WR_HITAG_S };
+ hitag_data* htd = (hitag_data*)c.d.asBytes;
+ hitag_function htf = param_get32ex(Cmd,0,0,10);
+ switch (htf) {
+ case 03: { //WHTSF_CHALLENGE
+ num_to_bytes(param_get64ex(Cmd,1,0,16),8,htd->auth.NrAr);
+ c.arg[2]= param_get32ex(Cmd, 2, 0, 10);
+ num_to_bytes(param_get32ex(Cmd,3,0,16),4,htd->auth.data);
+ } break;
+ case 04: { //WHTSF_KEY
+ num_to_bytes(param_get64ex(Cmd,1,0,16),6,htd->crypto.key);
+ c.arg[2]= param_get32ex(Cmd, 2, 0, 10);
+ num_to_bytes(param_get32ex(Cmd,3,0,16),4,htd->crypto.data);
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ PrintAndLog("Error: unkown writer function %d",htf);
+ PrintAndLog("Hitag writer functions");
+ PrintAndLog(" HitagS (0*)");
+ PrintAndLog(" 03 <nr,ar> (Challenge) <page> <byte0...byte3> write page on a Hitag S tag");
+ PrintAndLog(" 04 <key> (set to 0 if no authentication is needed) <page> <byte0...byte3> write page on a Hitag S tag");
+ PrintAndLog(" Hitag1 (1*)");
+ PrintAndLog(" Hitag2 (2*)");
+ return 1;
+ } break;
+ }
+ // Copy the hitag function into the first argument
+ c.arg[0] = htf;
+ // Send the command to the proxmark
+ SendCommand(&c);
+ UsbCommand resp;
+ WaitForResponse(CMD_ACK,&resp);
+ // Check the return status, stored in the first argument
+ if (resp.arg[0] == false) return 1;
+ return 0;
static command_t CommandTable[] =
- {"help", CmdHelp, 1, "This help"},
- {"list", CmdLFHitagList, 1, "<outfile> List Hitag trace history"},
- {"reader", CmdLFHitagReader, 1, "Act like a Hitag Reader"},
- {"sim", CmdLFHitagSim, 1, "<infile> Simulate Hitag transponder"},
- {"snoop", CmdLFHitagSnoop, 1, "Eavesdrop Hitag communication"},
+ {"help", CmdHelp, 1, "This help"},
+ {"list", CmdLFHitagList, 1, "<outfile> List Hitag trace history"},
+ {"reader", CmdLFHitagReader, 1, "Act like a Hitag Reader"},
+ {"sim", CmdLFHitagSim, 1, "<infile> Simulate Hitag transponder"},
+ {"snoop", CmdLFHitagSnoop, 1, "Eavesdrop Hitag communication"},
+ {"writer", CmdLFHitagWP, 1, "Act like a Hitag Writer" },
+ {"simS", CmdLFHitagSimS, 1, "<hitagS.hts> Simulate HitagS transponder" },
+ {"checkChallenges", CmdLFHitagCheckChallenges, 1, "<challenges.cc> test all challenges" }, {
int CmdLFHitag(const char *Cmd)