#include "ui.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "nonce2key/crapto1.h"
+#include "parity.h"
// uint32_t test_state_odd = 0;
// uint32_t test_state_even = 0;
-#define CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD 0.99 // Collect nonces until we are certain enough that the following brute force is successfull
+#define CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD 0.95 // Collect nonces until we are certain enough that the following brute force is successfull
static const float p_K[257] = { // the probability that a random nonce has a Sum Property == K
static uint16_t first_byte_Sum = 0;
static uint16_t first_byte_num = 0;
static uint16_t num_good_first_bytes = 0;
+static uint64_t maximum_states = 0;
+static uint64_t known_target_key;
-#define MAX_BEST_BYTES 40
+#define MAX_BEST_BYTES 256
static uint8_t best_first_bytes[MAX_BEST_BYTES];
} statelist_t;
-partial_indexed_statelist_t partial_statelist[17];
-partial_indexed_statelist_t statelist_bitflip;
+static partial_indexed_statelist_t partial_statelist[17];
+static partial_indexed_statelist_t statelist_bitflip;
-statelist_t *candidates = NULL;
+static statelist_t *candidates = NULL;
static int add_nonce(uint32_t nonce_enc, uint8_t par_enc)
if (p1 == NULL) { // first nonce with this 1st byte
- first_byte_Sum += parity((nonce_enc & 0xff000000) | (par_enc & 0x08) | 0x01); // 1st byte sum property. Note: added XOR 1
+ first_byte_Sum += evenparity32((nonce_enc & 0xff000000) | (par_enc & 0x08));
// printf("Adding nonce 0x%08x, par_enc 0x%02x, parity(0x%08x) = %d\n",
// nonce_enc,
// par_enc,
// (nonce_enc & 0xff000000) | (par_enc & 0x08) |0x01,
- // parity((nonce_enc & 0xff000000) | (par_enc & 0x08) | 0x01));
+ // parity((nonce_enc & 0xff000000) | (par_enc & 0x08));
while (p1 != NULL && (p1->nonce_enc & 0x00ff0000) < (nonce_enc & 0x00ff0000)) {
p2->par_enc = par_enc;
- nonces[first_byte].Sum += parity((nonce_enc & 0x00ff0000) | (par_enc & 0x04) | 0x01); // 2nd byte sum property. Note: added XOR 1
+ nonces[first_byte].Sum += evenparity32((nonce_enc & 0x00ff0000) | (par_enc & 0x04));
nonces[first_byte].updated = true; // indicates that we need to recalculate the Sum(a8) probability for this first byte
return (1); // new nonce added
part_sum ^= filter(st);
st = (st << 1) | ((j >> (3-i)) & 0x01) ;
+ part_sum ^= 1; // XOR 1 cancelled out for the other 8 bits
} else {
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
st = (st << 1) | ((j >> (3-i)) & 0x01) ;
// #define NUM_STATISTICS 100000
- // uint64_t statistics[257];
// uint32_t statistics_odd[17];
+ // uint64_t statistics[257];
// uint32_t statistics_even[17];
// struct Crypto1State cs;
// time_t time1 = clock();
// test_state_odd = pcs->odd & 0x00ffffff;
// test_state_even = pcs->even & 0x00ffffff;
+ pcs = crypto1_create(0xa6b9aa97b955);
+ printf("Tests: for key = 0xa6b9aa97b955:\nSum(a0) = %d\nodd_state = 0x%06x\neven_state = 0x%06x\n",
+ SumProperty(pcs), pcs->odd & 0x00ffffff, pcs->even & 0x00ffffff);
+ crypto1_byte(pcs, (cuid >> 24) ^ best_first_bytes[0], true);
+ printf("After adding best first byte 0x%02x:\nSum(a8) = %d\nodd_state = 0x%06x\neven_state = 0x%06x\n",
+ best_first_bytes[0],
+ SumProperty(pcs),
+ pcs->odd & 0x00ffffff, pcs->even & 0x00ffffff);
+ //test_state_odd = pcs->odd & 0x00ffffff;
+ //test_state_even = pcs->even & 0x00ffffff;
+ crypto1_destroy(pcs);
printf("\nTests: number of states with BitFlipProperty: %d, (= %1.3f%% of total states)\n", statelist_bitflip.len[0], 100.0 * statelist_bitflip.len[0] / (1<<20));
printf("\nTests: Actual BitFlipProperties odd/even:\n");
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
- printf("[%3d]:%c%c ", i, nonces[i].BitFlip[ODD_STATE]?'o':' ', nonces[i].BitFlip[EVEN_STATE]?'e':' ');
+ printf("[%02x]:%c%c ", i, nonces[i].BitFlip[ODD_STATE]?'o':' ', nonces[i].BitFlip[EVEN_STATE]?'e':' ');
if (i % 8 == 7) {
uint16_t best_sum = nonces[best_byte].Sum;
uint16_t best_sum8 = nonces[best_byte].Sum8_guess;
float confidence = nonces[best_byte].Sum8_prob;
- printf("Byte: %02x, n = %2d, k = %2d, Sum(a8): %3d, Confidence: %2.1f%%\n", best_byte, best_num, best_sum, best_sum8, confidence*100);
+ printf("#%03d Byte: %02x, n = %2d, k = %2d, Sum(a8): %3d, Confidence: %2.1f%%\n", i, best_byte, best_num, best_sum, best_sum8, confidence*100);
+ // printf("\nTests: parity performance\n");
+ // time_t time1p = clock();
+ // uint32_t par_sum = 0;
+ // for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {
+ // par_sum += parity(i);
+ // }
+ // printf("parsum oldparity = %d, time = %1.5fsec\n", par_sum, (float)(clock() - time1p)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
+ // time1p = clock();
+ // par_sum = 0;
+ // for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {
+ // par_sum += evenparity32(i);
+ // }
+ // printf("parsum newparity = %d, time = %1.5fsec\n", par_sum, (float)(clock() - time1p)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
-static void sort_best_first_bytes(void)
+static int common_bits(uint8_t byte1, uint8_t byte2)
- // find the best choice for the very first byte (b)
- float min_p_K = 1.0;
- float max_prob_min_p_K = 0.0;
- uint8_t best_byte = 0;
- for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) {
- float prob1 = nonces[i].Sum8_prob;
- uint16_t sum8 = nonces[i].Sum8_guess;
- if (p_K[sum8] <= min_p_K && prob1 > CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD) {
- if (p_K[sum8] < min_p_K) {
- min_p_K = p_K[sum8];
- best_byte = i;
- max_prob_min_p_K = prob1;
- } else if (prob1 > max_prob_min_p_K) {
- max_prob_min_p_K = prob1;
- best_byte = i;
- }
- }
+ uint8_t common_bits = byte1 ^ byte2;
+ uint8_t j = 0;
+ while ((common_bits & 0x01) == 0 && j < 8) {
+ j++;
+ common_bits >>= 1;
- best_first_bytes[0] = best_byte;
- // printf("Best Byte = 0x%02x, Sum8=%d, prob=%1.3f\n", best_byte, nonces[best_byte].Sum8_guess, nonces[best_byte].Sum8_prob);
- // sort the most probable guesses as following bytes (b')
+ return j;
+static void sort_best_first_bytes(void)
+ // first, sort based on probability for correct guess
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) {
- if (i == best_first_bytes[0]) {
- continue;
- }
- uint16_t j = 1;
+ uint16_t j = 0;
float prob1 = nonces[i].Sum8_prob;
- float prob2 = nonces[best_first_bytes[1]].Sum8_prob;
+ float prob2 = nonces[best_first_bytes[0]].Sum8_prob;
while (prob1 < prob2 && j < MAX_BEST_BYTES-1) {
prob2 = nonces[best_first_bytes[++j]].Sum8_prob;
best_first_bytes[j] = i;
+ // determine, how many are above the CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD
+ uint16_t num_good_nonces = 0;
+ for (uint16_t i = 0; i < MAX_BEST_BYTES; i++) {
+ if (nonces[best_first_bytes[i]].Sum8_prob > CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD) {
+ ++num_good_nonces;
+ }
+ }
+ uint16_t best_first_byte = 0;
+ // select the best possible first byte based on number of common bits with all {b'}
+ // uint16_t max_common_bits = 0;
+ // for (uint16_t i = 0; i < num_good_nonces; i++) {
+ // uint16_t sum_common_bits = 0;
+ // for (uint16_t j = 0; j < num_good_nonces; j++) {
+ // if (i != j) {
+ // sum_common_bits += common_bits(best_first_bytes[i],best_first_bytes[j]);
+ // }
+ // }
+ // if (sum_common_bits > max_common_bits) {
+ // max_common_bits = sum_common_bits;
+ // best_first_byte = i;
+ // }
+ // }
+ // select best possible first byte {b} based on least likely sum/bitflip property
+ float min_p_K = 1.0;
+ for (uint16_t i = 0; i < num_good_nonces; i++ ) {
+ uint16_t sum8 = nonces[best_first_bytes[i]].Sum8_guess;
+ float bitflip_prob = 1.0;
+ if (nonces[best_first_bytes[i]].BitFlip[ODD_STATE] || nonces[best_first_bytes[i]].BitFlip[EVEN_STATE]) {
+ bitflip_prob = 0.09375;
+ }
+ if (p_K[sum8] * bitflip_prob <= min_p_K) {
+ min_p_K = p_K[sum8] * bitflip_prob;
+ best_first_byte = i;
+ }
+ }
+ // use number of commmon bits as a tie breaker
+ uint16_t max_common_bits = 0;
+ for (uint16_t i = 0; i < num_good_nonces; i++) {
+ float bitflip_prob = 1.0;
+ if (nonces[best_first_bytes[i]].BitFlip[ODD_STATE] || nonces[best_first_bytes[i]].BitFlip[EVEN_STATE]) {
+ bitflip_prob = 0.09375;
+ }
+ if (p_K[nonces[best_first_bytes[i]].Sum8_guess] * bitflip_prob == min_p_K) {
+ uint16_t sum_common_bits = 0;
+ for (uint16_t j = 0; j < num_good_nonces; j++) {
+ sum_common_bits += common_bits(best_first_bytes[i],best_first_bytes[j]);
+ }
+ if (sum_common_bits > max_common_bits) {
+ max_common_bits = sum_common_bits;
+ best_first_byte = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // swap best possible first bytes to the pole position
+ uint16_t temp = best_first_bytes[0];
+ best_first_bytes[0] = best_first_bytes[best_first_byte];
+ best_first_bytes[best_first_byte] = temp;
-int static acquire_nonces(uint8_t blockNo, uint8_t keyType, uint8_t *key, uint8_t trgBlockNo, uint8_t trgKeyType, bool nonce_file_write, bool slow)
+static int acquire_nonces(uint8_t blockNo, uint8_t keyType, uint8_t *key, uint8_t trgBlockNo, uint8_t trgKeyType, bool nonce_file_write, bool slow)
clock_t time1 = clock();
bool initialize = true;
- PrintAndLog("Acquired a total of %d nonces in %1.1f seconds (%d nonces/minute)",
+ PrintAndLog("Acquired a total of %d nonces in %1.1f seconds (%0.0f nonces/minute)",
- total_num_nonces*60*CLOCKS_PER_SEC/(clock()-time1));
+ total_num_nonces*60.0*CLOCKS_PER_SEC/((float)clock()-time1));
return 0;
static int init_partial_statelists(void)
- const uint32_t sizes_odd[17] = { 125601, 0, 17607, 0, 73421, 0, 182033, 0, 248801, 0, 181737, 0, 74241, 0, 18387, 0, 126757 };
+ const uint32_t sizes_odd[17] = { 126757, 0, 18387, 0, 74241, 0, 181737, 0, 248801, 0, 182033, 0, 73421, 0, 17607, 0, 125601 };
const uint32_t sizes_even[17] = { 125723, 0, 17867, 0, 74305, 0, 178707, 0, 248801, 0, 185063, 0, 73356, 0, 18127, 0, 126634 };
printf("Allocating memory for partial statelists...\n");
-uint32_t *find_first_state(uint32_t state, uint32_t mask, partial_indexed_statelist_t *sl, odd_even_t odd_even)
+static uint32_t *find_first_state(uint32_t state, uint32_t mask, partial_indexed_statelist_t *sl, odd_even_t odd_even)
uint32_t *p = sl->index[odd_even][(state & mask) >> (20-STATELIST_INDEX_WIDTH)]; // first Bits as index
uint32_t bit_diff = ((byte1 ^ byte2) << (17-j)) & 0x00010000; // difference of (j-1)th bit -> bit 16
uint32_t filter_diff = filter(state1 >> (4-j/2)) ^ filter(state2 >> (4-j/2)); // difference in filter function -> bit 0
uint32_t mask_y12_y13 = 0x000000c0 >> (j/2);
- uint32_t state_diff = (state1 ^ state2) & mask_y12_y13; // difference in state bits 12 and 13 -> bits 6/7 ... 4/5
+ uint32_t state_diff = (state1 ^ state2) & mask_y12_y13; // difference in state bits 12 and 13 -> bits 6/7 ... 3/4
uint32_t all_diff = parity(bit_diff | state_diff | filter_diff); // use parity function to XOR all 4 bits
if (all_diff) { // invariant doesn't hold any more. Accept this state.
// if ((odd_even == ODD_STATE && state1 == test_state_odd)
+static bool all_bit_flips_match(uint32_t state, odd_even_t odd_even)
+ for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
+ if (nonces[i].BitFlip[odd_even] && i != best_first_bytes[0]) {
+ uint8_t j = 0; // number of common bits
+ uint8_t common_bits = best_first_bytes[0] ^ i;
+ uint32_t mask = 0xfffffff0;
+ if (odd_even == ODD_STATE) {
+ while ((common_bits & 0x01) == 0 && j < 8) {
+ j++;
+ common_bits >>= 1;
+ if (j % 2 == 0) { // the odd bits
+ mask >>= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ while ((common_bits & 0x01) == 0 && j < 8) {
+ j++;
+ common_bits >>= 1;
+ if (j % 2 == 1) { // the even bits
+ mask >>= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mask &= 0x000fffff;
+ //printf("bytes 0x%02x and 0x%02x: %d common bits, mask = 0x%08x, state = 0x%08x, sum_a8 = %d", best_first_bytes[0], best_first_bytes[i], j, mask, state, sum_a8);
+ bool found_match = false;
+ uint32_t *p = find_first_state(state, mask, &statelist_bitflip, 0);
+ if (p != NULL) {
+ while ((state & mask) == (*p & mask) && (*p != 0xffffffff)) {
+ if (remaining_bits_match(j, best_first_bytes[0], i, state, (state&0x00fffff0) | *p, odd_even)) {
+ found_match = true;
+ // if ((odd_even == ODD_STATE && state == test_state_odd)
+ // || (odd_even == EVEN_STATE && state == test_state_even)) {
+ // printf("all_other_first_bytes_match(): %s test state: remaining bits matched. Bytes = %02x, %02x, Common Bits=%d, mask=0x%08x, PartSum(a8)=%d\n",
+ // odd_even==ODD_STATE?"odd":"even", best_first_bytes[0], best_first_bytes[i], j, mask, part_sum_a8);
+ // }
+ break;
+ } else {
+ // if ((odd_even == ODD_STATE && state == test_state_odd)
+ // || (odd_even == EVEN_STATE && state == test_state_even)) {
+ // printf("all_other_first_bytes_match(): %s test state: remaining bits didn't match. Bytes = %02x, %02x, Common Bits=%d, mask=0x%08x, PartSum(a8)=%d\n",
+ // odd_even==ODD_STATE?"odd":"even", best_first_bytes[0], best_first_bytes[i], j, mask, part_sum_a8);
+ // }
+ }
+ p++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // if ((odd_even == ODD_STATE && state == test_state_odd)
+ // || (odd_even == EVEN_STATE && state == test_state_even)) {
+ // printf("all_other_first_bytes_match(): %s test state: couldn't find a matching state. Bytes = %02x, %02x, Common Bits=%d, mask=0x%08x, PartSum(a8)=%d\n",
+ // odd_even==ODD_STATE?"odd":"even", best_first_bytes[0], best_first_bytes[i], j, mask, part_sum_a8);
+ // }
+ }
+ if (!found_match) {
+ // if ((odd_even == ODD_STATE && state == test_state_odd)
+ // || (odd_even == EVEN_STATE && state == test_state_even)) {
+ // printf("all_other_first_bytes_match(): %s test state: Eliminated. Bytes = %02x, %02x, Common Bits = %d\n", odd_even==ODD_STATE?"odd":"even", best_first_bytes[0], best_first_bytes[i], j);
+ // }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+#define INVALID_BIT (1<<30)
+#define SET_INVALID(pstate) (*(pstate) |= INVALID_BIT)
+#define IS_INVALID(state) (state & INVALID_BIT)
static int add_matching_states(statelist_t *candidates, uint16_t part_sum_a0, uint16_t part_sum_a8, odd_even_t odd_even)
uint32_t worstcase_size = 1<<20;
if (p2 != NULL) {
while (((*p1 << 4) & search_mask) == (*p2 & search_mask) && *p2 != 0xffffffff) {
if (all_other_first_bytes_match((*p1 << 4) | *p2, odd_even)) {
+ if (all_bit_flips_match((*p1 << 4) | *p2, odd_even)) {
add_state(candidates, (*p1 << 4) | *p2, odd_even);
+ }
- p2 = candidates->states[odd_even];
- p2 += candidates->len[odd_even];
- *p2 = 0xffffffff;
+ // set end of list marker
+ uint32_t *p = candidates->states[odd_even];
+ p += candidates->len[odd_even];
+ *p = 0xffffffff;
candidates->states[odd_even] = realloc(candidates->states[odd_even], sizeof(uint32_t) * (candidates->len[odd_even] + 1));
return 0;
uint32_t state_odd = pcs->odd & 0x00ffffff;
uint32_t state_even = pcs->even & 0x00ffffff;
- printf("Tests: searching for key %llx after first byte 0x%02x (state_odd = 0x%06x, state_even = 0x%06x) ...\n", key, best_first_bytes[0], state_odd, state_even);
+ //printf("Tests: searching for key %llx after first byte 0x%02x (state_odd = 0x%06x, state_even = 0x%06x) ...\n", key, best_first_bytes[0], state_odd, state_even);
+ uint64_t count = 0;
for (statelist_t *p = candidates; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
+ bool found_odd = false;
+ bool found_even = false;
uint32_t *p_odd = p->states[ODD_STATE];
uint32_t *p_even = p->states[EVEN_STATE];
while (*p_odd != 0xffffffff) {
- if (*p_odd == state_odd) printf("o");
+ if ((*p_odd & 0x00ffffff) == state_odd) {
+ found_odd = true;
+ break;
+ }
while (*p_even != 0xffffffff) {
- if (*p_even == state_even) printf("e");
+ if ((*p_even & 0x00ffffff) == state_even) {
+ found_even = true;
+ }
- printf("|");
+ count += (p_odd - p->states[ODD_STATE]) * (p_even - p->states[EVEN_STATE]);
+ if (found_odd && found_even) {
+ PrintAndLog("Key Found after testing %lld (2^%1.1f) out of %lld (2^%1.1f) keys. A brute force would have taken approx %lld minutes.",
+ count, log(count)/log(2),
+ maximum_states, log(maximum_states)/log(2),
+ (count>>22)/60);
+ crypto1_destroy(pcs);
+ return;
+ }
- printf("\n");
+ printf("Key NOT found!\n");
statelist_t *current_candidates = NULL;
// estimate maximum candidate states
- uint64_t maximum_states = 0;
+ maximum_states = 0;
for (uint16_t sum_odd = 0; sum_odd <= 16; sum_odd += 2) {
for (uint16_t sum_even = 0; sum_even <= 16; sum_even += 2) {
if (sum_odd*(16-sum_even) + (16-sum_odd)*sum_even == sum_a0) {
printf("Number of remaining possible keys: %lld (2^%1.1f)\n", maximum_states, log(maximum_states)/log(2.0));
- TestIfKeyExists(0xffffffffffff);
- TestIfKeyExists(0xa0a1a2a3a4a5);
-int mfnestedhard(uint8_t blockNo, uint8_t keyType, uint8_t *key, uint8_t trgBlockNo, uint8_t trgKeyType, bool nonce_file_read, bool nonce_file_write, bool slow)
+static void brute_force(void)
+ if (known_target_key != -1) {
+ PrintAndLog("Looking for known target key in remaining key space...");
+ TestIfKeyExists(known_target_key);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ PrintAndLog("Brute Force phase is not implemented.");
+ return;
+ }
+int mfnestedhard(uint8_t blockNo, uint8_t keyType, uint8_t *key, uint8_t trgBlockNo, uint8_t trgKeyType, uint8_t *trgkey, bool nonce_file_read, bool nonce_file_write, bool slow)
+ if (trgkey != NULL) {
+ known_target_key = bytes_to_num(trgkey, 6);
+ } else {
+ known_target_key = -1;
+ }
// initialize the list of nonces
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
if (read_nonce_file() != 0) {
return 3;
- num_good_first_bytes = estimate_second_byte_sum();
+ num_good_first_bytes = MIN(estimate_second_byte_sum(), GOOD_BYTES_REQUIRED);
} else { // acquire nonces.
uint16_t is_OK = acquire_nonces(blockNo, keyType, key, trgBlockNo, trgKeyType, nonce_file_write, slow);
if (is_OK != 0) {
generate_candidates(first_byte_Sum, nonces[best_first_bytes[0]].Sum8_guess);
- PrintAndLog("Brute force phase not yet implemented");
+ brute_force();
return 0;