+ case CMD_SIMULATE_HITAG_S:// Simulate Hitag s tag, args = memory content
+ SimulateHitagSTag((bool)c->arg[0],(byte_t*)c->d.asBytes);
+ break;
+ case CMD_TEST_HITAGS_TRACES:// Tests every challenge within the given file
+ check_challenges((bool)c->arg[0],(byte_t*)c->d.asBytes);
+ break;
+ case CMD_READ_HITAG_S://Reader for only Hitag S tags, args = key or challenge
+ ReadHitagS((hitag_function)c->arg[0],(hitag_data*)c->d.asBytes);
+ break;
+ case CMD_WR_HITAG_S://writer for Hitag tags args=data to write,page and key or challenge
+ if ((hitag_function)c->arg[0] < 10) {
+ WritePageHitagS((hitag_function)c->arg[0],(hitag_data*)c->d.asBytes,c->arg[2]);
+ }
+ else if ((hitag_function)c->arg[0] >= 10) {
+ WriterHitag((hitag_function)c->arg[0],(hitag_data*)c->d.asBytes, c->arg[2]);
+ }
+ break;