return (uint8_t *)BigBuf;
// get the address of the emulator memory. Allocate part of Bigbuf for it, if not yet done
uint8_t *BigBuf_get_EM_addr(void)
return emulator_memory;
// clear ALL of BigBuf
void BigBuf_Clear(void)
// clear ALL of BigBuf
void BigBuf_Clear_ext(bool verbose)
// free ALL allocated chunks. The whole BigBuf is available for traces or samples again.
void BigBuf_free(void)
// shouldn't this empty BigBuf also?
// free allocated chunks EXCEPT the emulator memory
void BigBuf_free_keep_EM(void)
// Emulator memory
uint8_t emlSet(uint8_t *data, uint32_t offset, uint32_t length){
uint8_t* mem = BigBuf_get_EM_addr();
- if(offset+length < CARD_MEMORY_SIZE)
- {
+ if(offset+length < CARD_MEMORY_SIZE) {
memcpy(mem+offset, data, length);
return 0;
- }else
- {
+ } else {
Dbprintf("Error, trying to set memory outside of bounds! %d > %d", (offset+length), CARD_MEMORY_SIZE);
return 1;