-#define RWD_TIME_1 80 /* READER_TIME_PAUSE off, 80us on = 100us */
-#define RWD_TIME_0 40 /* READER_TIME_PAUSE off, 40us on = 60us */
-#define RWD_TIME_PAUSE 20 /* 20us */
-#define TAG_BIT_PERIOD 100 // 100us for every bit
-#define RWD_TIME_FUZZ 20 /* rather generous 13us, since the peak detector + hysteresis fuzz quite a bit */
-//#define TAG_TIME_WAIT 490 /* 490 time from READER frame end to TAG frame start, experimentally determined */
-#define TAG_TIME_WAIT 258 // 330us from READER frame end to TAG frame start, experimentally determined
-#define RDW_TIME_WAIT 258 //
+// testing calculating in (us) microseconds.
+#define RWD_TIME_1 120 // READER_TIME_PAUSE 20us off, 80us on = 100us 80 * 1.5 == 120ticks
+#define RWD_TIME_0 60 // READER_TIME_PAUSE 20us off, 40us on = 60us 40 * 1.5 == 60ticks
+#define RWD_TIME_PAUSE 30 // 20us == 20 * 1.5 == 30ticks */
+#define TAG_BIT_PERIOD 150 // 100us == 100 * 1.5 == 150ticks
+#define TAG_FRAME_WAIT 495 // 330us from READER frame end to TAG frame start. 330 * 1.5 == 495