+ cmdp = param_getchar(Cmd, pnr); \r
+ if (cmdp == 'x' || cmdp == 'X') {\r
+ flags |= FLAG_NR_AR_ATTACK;\r
+ }\r
+ \r
+ PrintAndLog(" uid:%s, numreads:%d, flags:%d (0x%02x) "\r
+ , (uidlen == 0 ) ? "N/A" : sprint_hex(uid, uidlen>>1)\r
+ , exitAfterNReads\r
+ , flags\r
+ , flags);\r
+ UsbCommand c = {CMD_SIMULATE_MIFARE_CARD, {flags, exitAfterNReads, 0}};\r
+ memcpy(c.d.asBytes, uid, sizeof(uid));\r
+ clearCommandBuffer();\r
+ SendCommand(&c);\r
+ if(flags & FLAG_INTERACTIVE) { \r
+ uint8_t data[32];\r
+ uint64_t key;\r
+ UsbCommand resp; \r
+ PrintAndLog("Press pm3-button or send another cmd to abort simulation");\r
+ while( !ukbhit() ){\r
+ if (!WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_ACK, &resp, 1500) ) continue;\r
+ if ( !(flags & FLAG_NR_AR_ATTACK) ) break;\r
+ if ( (resp.arg[0] & 0xffff) != CMD_SIMULATE_MIFARE_CARD ) break;\r
+ memset(data, 0x00, sizeof(data)); \r
+ int len = (resp.arg[1] > sizeof(data)) ? sizeof(data) : resp.arg[1];\r
+ memcpy(data, resp.d.asBytes, len); \r
+ key = 0;\r
+ bool found = tryMfk32(data, &key);\r
+ found ^= tryMfk32_moebius(data, &key);\r
+ if ( found ) break;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ return 0;\r
+int CmdHF14AMfSniff(const char *Cmd){\r
+ bool wantLogToFile = FALSE;\r
+ bool wantDecrypt = FALSE;\r
+ //bool wantSaveToEml = FALSE; TODO\r
+ bool wantSaveToEmlFile = FALSE;\r
+ //var \r
+ int tmpchar;\r
+ int res = 0;\r
+ int len = 0;\r
+ int blockLen = 0;\r
+ int pckNum = 0;\r
+ int num = 0;\r
+ uint8_t uid[10];\r
+ uint8_t uid_len = 0;\r
+ uint8_t atqa[2] = {0x00, 0x00};\r
+ uint8_t sak = 0;\r
+ bool isTag = FALSE;\r
+ uint8_t *buf = NULL;\r
+ uint16_t bufsize = 0;\r
+ uint8_t *bufPtr = NULL;\r
+ uint16_t traceLen = 0;\r
+ \r
+ memset(uid, 0x00, sizeof(uid));\r
+ \r
+ char ctmp = param_getchar(Cmd, 0);\r
+ if ( ctmp == 'h' || ctmp == 'H' ) return usage_hf14_sniff();\r
+ \r
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\r
+ ctmp = param_getchar(Cmd, i);\r
+ if (ctmp == 'l' || ctmp == 'L') wantLogToFile = true;\r
+ if (ctmp == 'd' || ctmp == 'D') wantDecrypt = true;\r
+ //if (ctmp == 'e' || ctmp == 'E') wantSaveToEml = true; TODO\r
+ if (ctmp == 'f' || ctmp == 'F') wantSaveToEmlFile = true;\r
+ }\r
+ \r
+ printf("-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");\r
+ printf("Executing mifare sniffing command. \n");\r
+ printf("Press the key on the proxmark3 device to abort both proxmark3 and client.\n");\r
+ printf("Press the key on pc keyboard to abort the client.\n");\r
+ printf("-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");\r
+ UsbCommand c = {CMD_MIFARE_SNIFFER, {0, 0, 0}};\r
+ clearCommandBuffer();\r
+ SendCommand(&c);\r
+ // wait cycle\r
+ while (true) {\r
+ printf(".");\r
+ fflush(stdout);\r
+ if (ukbhit()) {\r
+ tmpchar = getchar();\r
+ (void)tmpchar;\r
+ printf("\naborted via keyboard!\n");\r
+ break;\r
+ }\r
+ \r
+ UsbCommand resp;\r
+ if (WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_ACK, &resp, 2000)) {\r
+ res = resp.arg[0] & 0xff;\r
+ traceLen = resp.arg[1];\r
+ len = resp.arg[2];\r
+ // we are done?\r
+ if (res == 0) {\r
+ free(buf);\r
+ return 0;\r
+ }\r
+ if (res == 1) { // there is (more) data to be transferred\r
+ if (pckNum == 0) { // first packet, (re)allocate necessary buffer\r
+ if (traceLen > bufsize) {\r
+ uint8_t *p;\r
+ if (buf == NULL) // not yet allocated\r
+ p = malloc(traceLen);\r
+ else // need more memory\r
+ p = realloc(buf, traceLen);\r
+ \r
+ if (p == NULL) {\r
+ PrintAndLog("Cannot allocate memory for trace");\r
+ free(buf);\r
+ return 2;\r
+ }\r
+ buf = p;\r
+ }\r
+ bufPtr = buf;\r
+ bufsize = traceLen;\r
+ memset(buf, 0x00, traceLen);\r
+ }\r
+ if (bufPtr == NULL) {\r
+ PrintAndLog("Cannot allocate memory for trace");\r
+ free(buf);\r
+ return 2;\r
+ }\r
+ // what happens if LEN is bigger then TRACELEN --iceman\r
+ memcpy(bufPtr, resp.d.asBytes, len);\r
+ bufPtr += len;\r
+ pckNum++;\r
+ }\r
+ if (res == 2) { // received all data, start displaying\r
+ blockLen = bufPtr - buf;\r
+ bufPtr = buf;\r
+ printf(">\n");\r
+ PrintAndLog("received trace len: %d packages: %d", blockLen, pckNum);\r
+ while (bufPtr - buf < blockLen) {\r
+ bufPtr += 6; // skip (void) timing information\r
+ len = *((uint16_t *)bufPtr);\r
+ if(len & 0x8000) {\r
+ isTag = true;\r
+ len &= 0x7fff;\r
+ } else {\r
+ isTag = false;\r
+ }\r
+ bufPtr += 2;\r
+ if ((len == 17) && (bufPtr[0] == 0xff) && (bufPtr[1] == 0xff) && (bufPtr[15] == 0xff) && (bufPtr[16] == 0xff)) {\r
+ memcpy(uid, bufPtr + 2, 10);\r
+ memcpy(atqa, bufPtr + 2 + 10, 2);\r
+ switch (atqa[0] & 0xC0) {\r
+ case 0x80: uid_len = 10; break;\r
+ case 0x40: uid_len = 7; break;\r
+ default: uid_len = 4; break;\r
+ }\r
+ sak = bufPtr[14];\r
+ PrintAndLog("tag select uid| %s atqa:0x%02x%02x sak:0x%02x", \r
+ sprint_hex(uid, uid_len),\r
+ atqa[1], \r
+ atqa[0], \r
+ sak);\r
+ if (wantLogToFile || wantDecrypt) {\r
+ FillFileNameByUID(logHexFileName, uid, ".log", uid_len);\r
+ AddLogCurrentDT(logHexFileName);\r
+ } \r
+ if (wantDecrypt)\r
+ mfTraceInit(uid, uid_len, atqa, sak, wantSaveToEmlFile);\r
+ } else {\r
+ PrintAndLog("%03d| %s |%s", num, isTag ? "TAG" : "RDR", sprint_hex(bufPtr, len));\r
+ if (wantLogToFile) \r
+ AddLogHex(logHexFileName, isTag ? "TAG| ":"RDR| ", bufPtr, len);\r
+ if (wantDecrypt) \r
+ mfTraceDecode(bufPtr, len, wantSaveToEmlFile);\r
+ num++; \r
+ }\r
+ bufPtr += len;\r
+ bufPtr += ((len-1)/8+1); // ignore parity\r
+ }\r
+ pckNum = 0;\r
+ }\r
+ } // resp not NULL\r
+ } // while (true)\r