// different initial value (CRC_ICLASS)
#include "iso14443crc.h"
#include "iso15693tools.h"
-#include "cipher.h"
#include "protocols.h"
+#include "optimized_cipher.h"
static int timeout = 4096;
+void AppendCrc(uint8_t* data, int len)
+ ComputeCrc14443(CRC_ICLASS,data,len,data+len,data+len+1);
* @brief Does the actual simulation
// free eventually allocated BigBuf memory
+ State cipher_state;
+// State cipher_state_reserve;
uint8_t *csn = BigBuf_get_EM_addr();
uint8_t *emulator = csn;
uint8_t sof_data[] = { 0x0F} ;
ComputeCrc14443(CRC_ICLASS, anticoll_data, 8, &anticoll_data[8], &anticoll_data[9]);
ComputeCrc14443(CRC_ICLASS, csn_data, 8, &csn_data[8], &csn_data[9]);
+ uint8_t diversified_key[8] = { 0 };
// e-Purse
uint8_t card_challenge_data[8] = { 0x00 };
if(simulationMode == MODE_FULLSIM)
+ //The diversified key should be stored on block 3
+ //Get the diversified key from emulator memory
+ memcpy(diversified_key, emulator+(8*3),8);
//Card challenge, a.k.a e-purse is on block 2
memcpy(card_challenge_data,emulator + (8 * 2) , 8);
+ //Precalculate the cipher state, feeding it the CC
+ cipher_state = opt_doTagMAC_1(card_challenge_data,diversified_key);
int exitLoop = 0;
memcpy(resp_cc, ToSend, ToSendMax); resp_cc_len = ToSendMax;
//This is used for responding to READ-block commands or other data which is dynamically generated
- uint8_t *data_response = BigBuf_malloc(8 * 2 + 2);
- //This is used for responding to READ-block commands or other data which is dynamically generated
- uint8_t *data_generic_trace = BigBuf_malloc(8 * 2 + 2);
+ //First the 'trace'-data, not encoded for FPGA
+ uint8_t *data_generic_trace = BigBuf_malloc(8 + 2);//8 bytes data + 2byte CRC is max tag answer
+ //Then storage for the modulated data
+ //Each bit is doubled when modulated for FPGA, and we also have SOF and EOF (2 bytes)
+ uint8_t *data_response = BigBuf_malloc( (8+2) * 2 + 2);
// Start from off (no field generated)
bool buttonPressed = false;
+ uint8_t response_delay = 1;
while(!exitLoop) {
+ response_delay = 1;
//Signal tracer
// Can be used to get a trigger for an oscilloscope..
} else if(receivedCmd[0] == ICLASS_CMD_CHECK) {
// Reader random and reader MAC!!!
if(simulationMode == MODE_FULLSIM)
- { //This is what we must do..
- //Reader just sent us NR and MAC(k,cc * nr)
- //The diversified key should be stored on block 3
- //However, from a typical dump, the key will not be there
- uint8_t diversified_key[8] = { 0 };
- //Get the diversified key from emulator memory
- memcpy(diversified_key, emulator+(8*3),8);
- uint8_t ccnr[12] = { 0 };
- //Put our cc there (block 2)
- memcpy(ccnr, emulator + (8 * 2), 8);
- //Put nr there
- memcpy(ccnr+8, receivedCmd+1,4);
- //Now, calc MAC
- doMAC(ccnr,diversified_key, data_generic_trace);
+ {
+ //NR, from reader, is in receivedCmd +1
+ opt_doTagMAC_2(cipher_state,receivedCmd+1,data_generic_trace,diversified_key);
trace_data = data_generic_trace;
trace_data_size = 4;
CodeIClassTagAnswer(trace_data , trace_data_size);
memcpy(data_response, ToSend, ToSendMax);
modulated_response = data_response;
modulated_response_size = ToSendMax;
+ response_delay = 0;//We need to hurry here...
+ //exitLoop = true;
{ //Not fullsim, we don't respond
// We do not know what to answer, so lets keep quiet
} else if(simulationMode == MODE_FULLSIM && receivedCmd[0] == ICLASS_CMD_READ_OR_IDENTIFY && len == 4){
//Read block
uint16_t blk = receivedCmd[1];
- trace_data = emulator+(blk << 3);
- trace_data_size = 8;
+ //Take the data...
+ memcpy(data_generic_trace, emulator+(blk << 3),8);
+ //Add crc
+ AppendCrc(data_generic_trace, 8);
+ trace_data = data_generic_trace;
+ trace_data_size = 10;
+ CodeIClassTagAnswer(trace_data , trace_data_size);
+ memcpy(data_response, ToSend, ToSendMax);
+ modulated_response = data_response;
+ modulated_response_size = ToSendMax;
+ }else if(receivedCmd[0] == ICLASS_CMD_UPDATE && simulationMode == MODE_FULLSIM)
+ {//Probably the reader wants to update the nonce. Let's just ignore that for now.
+ // OBS! If this is implemented, don't forget to regenerate the cipher_state
+ //We're expected to respond with the data+crc, exactly what's already in the receivedcmd
+ //receivedcmd is now UPDATE 1b | ADDRESS 1b| DATA 8b| Signature 4b or CRC 2b|
+ //Take the data...
+ memcpy(data_generic_trace, receivedCmd+2,8);
+ //Add crc
+ AppendCrc(data_generic_trace, 8);
+ trace_data = data_generic_trace;
+ trace_data_size = 10;
CodeIClassTagAnswer(trace_data , trace_data_size);
memcpy(data_response, ToSend, ToSendMax);
modulated_response = data_response;
A legit tag has about 380us delay between reader EOT and tag SOF.
if(modulated_response_size > 0) {
- SendIClassAnswer(modulated_response, modulated_response_size, 1);
+ SendIClassAnswer(modulated_response, modulated_response_size, response_delay);
t2r_time = GetCountSspClk();