-This is now the official Proxmark repository!
-The proxmark3 is a powerful general purpose RFID tool, the size of a deck
-of cards, designed to snoop, listen and emulate everything from
-Low Frequency (125kHz) to High Frequency (13.56MHz) tags.
-This repository contains enough software, logic (for the FPGA), and design
-documentation for the hardware that you could, at least in theory,
-do something useful with a proxmark3.
- * This repository!
- https://github.com/Proxmark/proxmark3
- * The Wiki
- https://github.com/Proxmark/proxmark3/wiki
- * The GitHub page
- http://proxmark.github.io/proxmark3/
- * The Forum
- http://www.proxmark.org/forum
- * The IRC chanel
- irc.freenode.org #proxmark3
- -or-
- http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#proxmark3
+The iceman fork
+The official Proxmark repository is found here: https://github.com/Proxmark/proxmark3
+## Build Status Travis CI
+## Build Status Coverity Scan
-The tools required to build or run the project will vary depending on
-your operating system. Please refer to the Wiki for details.
+Whats in this fork? I have scraped the web for different enhancements to the PM3 source code and not all of them ever found their way to the master branch.
+Among the stuff is
- * https://github.com/Proxmark/proxmark3/wiki
+ * Jonor's hf 14a raw timing patch
+ * Piwi's updates. (usually gets into the master)
+ * Piwi's "topaz" branch
+ * Piwi's "hardnested" branch
+ * Holiman's iclass, (usually gets into the master)
+ * Marshmellow's fixes (usually gets into the master)
+ * Midnitesnake's Ultralight, Ultralight-c enhancements
+ * Izsh's lf peak modification / iir-filtering
+ * Aspers's tips and tricks from inside the PM3-gui-tool, settings.xml and other stuff.
+ * My own desfire, Ultralight extras, LF T55xx enhancements, bugs fixes (filelength, hf mf commands ), TNP3xxx lua scripts, Awid26, skidata scripts (will come)
+ * other obscure patches like for the sammy-mode, (offline you know), tagidentifications, defaultkeys.
+ * Minor textual changes here and there.
+ * Simulation of Ultralight/Ntag.
+ * Marshmellow's and my "RevEng" addon for the client. Ref: http://reveng.sourceforge.net/
+ * Someone's alternative bruteforce Mifare changes.. (you need the two other exe to make it work)
+ * A Bruteforce for T55XX passwords against tag.
+ * A Bruteforce for AWID 26, starting w a facilitycode then trying all 0xFFFF cardnumbers via simulation. To be used against a AWID Reader.
+ * A Bruteforce for HID, starting w a facilitycode then trying all 0xFFFF cardnumbers via simulation. To be used against a HID Reader.
+ * Blaposts Crapto1 v3.3
+ * Icsom's legic script and legic enhancements
+ * Aczid's bitsliced bruteforce solver in 'hf mf hardnested'
+Give me a hint, and I'll see if I can't merge in the stuff you have.
-The Proxmark 3 is available for purcahse (assembled and tested) from the
+I don't actually know how to make small pull-request to github :( and that is the number one reason for me not pushing a lot of things back to the PM3 master.
+I do tend to rename and move stuff around, the official PM3-GUI from Gaucho will not work so well. *sorry*
+This fork is adjusted to compile on windows/mingw environment with Qt5.3.1 & GCC 4.9
+GC made updates to allow this to build easily on Ubuntu 14.04
+ - See https://github.com/Proxmark/proxmark3/wiki/Ubuntu%20Linux
+ - Generally speaking, if you're running a "later" Proxmark, installation is very easy.
+ - Run "sudo apt-get install p7zip git build-essential libreadline5 libreadline-dev libusb-0.1-4 libusb-dev libqt4-dev perl pkg-config wget libncurses5-dev
+ - Follow these instructions
+ Get devkitARM release 41 from SourceForge (choose either the 64/32 bit depending on your architecture, it is assumed you know how to check and recognize your architecture):
+ (64-bit) http://sourceforge.net/projects/devkitpro/files/devkitARM/previous/devkitARM_r41-x86_64-linux.tar.bz2/download
+ (32-bit) http://sourceforge.net/projects/devkitpro/files/devkitARM/previous/devkitARM_r41-i686-linux.tar.bz2/download
+ Extract the contents of the .tar.bz2:
+ tar jxvf devkitARM_r41-<arch>-linux.tar.bz2
+ Create a directory for the arm dev kit:
+ sudo mkdir -p /opt/devkitpro/
+ Move the ARM developer kit to the newly created directory:
+ sudo mv devkitARM /opt/devkitpro/
+ Add the appropriate environment variable:
+ export PATH=${PATH}:/opt/devkitpro/devkitARM/bin/
+ Add the environment variable to your profile:
+ echo 'PATH=${PATH}:/opt/devkitpro/devkitARM/bin/ ' >> ~/.bashrc
+ - make all
+Common errors linux/macOS finds
+ * \client\makefile the parameter -lgdi32
+ * Remove parameter.
+ * Using older Qt4.6 gives compilation errors.
+ * Upgrade to Qt5.3.1
+ OR
+ * Change these two line in \client\makefile
+ CXXFLAGS = -I$(QTDIR)/include -I$(QTDIR)/include/QtCore -I$(QTDIR)/include/QtGui -I$(QTDIR)/include/QtWidgets -I/mingw/include
+ QTLDLIBS = -L$(QTDIR)/lib -lQt5Core -lQt5Gui -lQt5Widgets
+ TO
+ CXXFLAGS = -I$(QTDIR)/include -I$(QTDIR)/include/QtCore -I$(QTDIR)/include/QtGui
+ QTLDLIBS = -L$(QTDIR)/lib -lQtCore4 -lQtGui4
+An old Qt4 version makefile is found here: http://www.icesql.se/proxmark3/code/linuxmakefile.txt but this one doesn't have all new files in it. So I don't recommend it.
+January 2015, Sweden
+iceman at host iuse.se
+The Proxmark 3 is available for purchase (assembled and tested) from the
following locations:
- * http://proxmark3.com/
- * http://www.xfpga.com/
+ * http://proxmark3.tictail.com/ (For buyers in EU, most likely in Sweden)
+ * http://www.elechouse.com/ (new and revised hardware package 2015, located in China)
Most of the ultra-low-volume contract assemblers could put
something like this together with a reasonable yield. A run of around
user jwesthues, at host cq.cx
May 2007, Cambridge MA