-CAUTION! When extracting the downloaded archives further down in this guide,
-make sure that the contents of the archive directories go into the MinGW
-installation directories, eg archive bin goes to MinGW bin, archive lib to
-MinGW lib, etc, otherwise if the archive extracts into it's own subdirecory
-the paths to the files will be all wrong.
-You should now have the base MinGW installed in whatever installation folder
-you selected earlier. By default it installs GCC 3.4.5 so if you want to
-go to GCC 4.4 go back to http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/ and
-download gcc-full-4.4.0-mingw32-bin-2.tar which includes the ADA, Fortran,
-Java, etc compilers as well, but it is by far the easiest for newbees to
-download and install as it already includes pthreads and a few other
-libraries/dlls required by the GCC compiler.
-After download, extract it into the MinGW installation directory, see
-caution note above.
-Download readline from http://sourceforge.net/projects/gnuwin32/files/readline/5.0-1/readline-5.0-1-bin.zip/download
-Extract it into the MinGW installation directory, see caution note above.
-Download http://sourceforge.net/projects/libusb-win32/files/libusb-win32-releases/
-Extract it into the MinGW installation directory, see caution note above.
-By default, the installer should have set your system path to the MinGW
-installation \bin directory, verify this by opening a command prompt and
-typing "gcc -v". You should get some text output indicating the version of
-your GCC compiler (either 3.4.5 or 4.4 depending on what you installed).
-If you get "unrecognized command", you must set the path manually.
-You can now run 0setpath.bat and 3makewin.bat in the cockpit and have the
-client compiled. During compilation you will see some CreateProcess failed
-and some "system cannot find the path specified" messages, however the
-compile will succeed and you will have some .exe files. The error messages
-relate to the fact that windows doesn't have the uname command, and possibly
-some other makefile related stuff following the recent changes.