author = "Iceman"
usage = "script run tnp3sim -h -m -i <filename>"
desc =[[
-This script will try to dump the contents of a Mifare TNP3xxx card.
-It will need a valid KeyA in order to find the other keys and decode the card.
+This script will try to load a binary datadump of a Mifare TNP3xxx card.
+It vill try to validate all checksums and view some information stored in the dump
+For an experimental mode, it tries to manipulate some data.
+At last it sends all data to the PM3 device memory where it can be used in the command "hf mf sim"
-h : this help
- -m : Maxed out item
+ -m : Maxed out items (experimental)
-i : filename for the datadump to read (bin)
-local HASHCONSTANT = '20436F707972696768742028432920323031302041637469766973696F6E2E20416C6C205269676874732052657365727665642E20'
local TIMEOUT = 2000 -- Shouldn't take longer than 2 seconds
local DEBUG = true -- the debug flag
local function writedumpfile(infile)
t = infile:read("*all")
len = string.len(t)
io.write( ('TYPE 3 area 2: %04x = %04x -- %s\n'):format(crc,calc,isOk))
--- function EncryptData()
- -- local HASHCONSTANT = '20436F707972696768742028432920323031302041637469766973696F6E2E20416C6C205269676874732052657365727665642E20'
- -- if blockNo%4 ~= 3 then
- -- if blockNo < 8 then
- -- -- Block 0-7 not encrypted
- -- blocks[blockNo+1] = ('%02d :: %s'):format(blockNo,blockdata)
- -- else
- -- local base = ('%s%s%02x%s'):format(block0, block1, blockNo, HASHCONSTANT)
- -- local baseStr = utils.ConvertHexToAscii(base)
- -- local md5hash = md5.sumhexa(baseStr)
- -- local aestest = core.aes(md5hash, blockdata)
- -- local hex = utils.ConvertAsciiToBytes(aestest)
- -- hex = utils.ConvertBytesToHex(hex)
- -- --local _,hex = bin.unpack(("H%d"):format(16),aestest)
- -- -- blocks with zero not encrypted.
- -- if string.find(blockdata, '^0+$') then
- -- blocks[blockNo+1] = ('%02d :: %s'):format(blockNo,blockdata)
- -- else
- -- blocks[blockNo+1] = ('%02d :: %s'):format(blockNo,hex)
- -- io.write( blockNo..',')
- -- end
- -- end
- -- else
- -- -- Sectorblocks, not encrypted
- -- blocks[blockNo+1] = ('%02d :: %s%s'):format(blockNo,key,blockdata:sub(13,32))
- -- end
--- end
local function LoadEmulator(blocks)
local HASHCONSTANT = '20436F707972696768742028432920323031302041637469766973696F6E2E20416C6C205269676874732052657365727665642E20'
err = LoadEmulator(blocks)
if err then return oops(err) end
- print('The simulation is now prepared. run \"hf mf sim\" ')
+ print('The simulation is now prepared.\n --> run \"hf mf sim 5 '..uid..'\" <--')
\ No newline at end of file