+- Added PAC/Stanley detection to lf search (marshmellow)
+- Added lf pac demod and lf pac read - extracts the raw blocks from a PAC/Stanley tag (marshmellow)
+- Added hf mf c* commands compatibity for 4k and gen1b backdoor (Fl0-0)
+- Added backdoor detection for gen1b magic s70/4k tag (Fl0-0)
+- Added data fsktonrz, a fsk cleaning/demodulating routine for weak fsk signal. Note: follow this up with a `data rawdemod nr` to finish demoding your signal. (marshmellow)
+- Added lf em 410xbrute, LF EM410x reader bruteforce attack by simulating UIDs from a file (Fl0-0)
+## [3.0.1][2017-06-08]
+### Fixed
+- Compiles on OS X
+- Compiles with gcc 4.9
+- Compiles for non-Intel CPUs
+## [3.0.0][2017-06-05]
+### Added
+- Added lf hitag write 24, the command writes a block to hitag2 tags in crypto mode (henjo)
+### Added
+- Added hf mf hardnested, an attack working for hardened Mifare cards (EV1, Mifare Plus SL1) where hf mf nested fails
+- Added experimental testmode write option for t55xx (danger) (marshmellow)
+- Added t55xx p1detect to `lf search` chip detections (marshmellow)
+- Added lf t55xx p1detect, detect page 1 of a t55xx tag based on E015 mfg code (marshmellow)
+- Added lf noralsy demod, read, clone, sim commands (iceman)
+- Added lf jablotron demod, read, clone, sim commands (iceman)
+- Added lf nexwatch read - reads a nexwatch tag from the antenna
+- Added lf paradox read - reads a paradox tag from the antenna
+- Added lf fdx sim (iceman)
+- Added lf fdx clone - clones an fdx-b animal tag to t55x7 or q5 (iceman)
+- Added lf fdx read - reads a fdx-b tag from the antenna (iceman)
+- Added lf gproxii read - reads a gproxii tag from the antenna (marshmellow)
+- Added lf indala read - reads an indala tag from the antenna (marshmellow)
+- Added lf visa2000 demod, read, clone, sim commands (iceman)
+- Added markers in the graph around found Sequence Terminator after askmandemod.
+- Added data mtrim <start> <stop> command to trim out samples between start and stop
+- Added data setgraphmarkers <orange> <blue> command to set two extra markers on the graph (marshmellow)
+- Added EM4x05/EM4x69 chip detection to lf search (marshmellow)
+- Added lf em 4x05dump command to read and output all the blocks of the chip (marshmellow)
+- Added lf em 4x05info command to read and display information about the chip (marshmellow)
+- Added lf cotag read, and added it to lf search (iceman)
+- Added hitag2 read UID only and added that to lf search (marshmellow)
+- Added lf pyramid commands (iceman)
+- Added lf presco commands - some bits not fully understood... (iceman)
+- Added experimental HitagS support (Oguzhan Cicek, Hendrik Schwartke, Ralf Spenneberg)
+ see https://media.ccc.de/v/32c3-7166-sicherheit_von_125khz_transpondern_am_beispiel_hitag_s
+ English video available
+- Added a LF ASK Sequence Terminator detection option to the standard ask demod - and applied it to `lf search u`, `lf t55xx detect`, and `data rawdemod am s` (marshmellow)
+- `lf t55xx bruteforce <start password> <end password> [i <*.dic>]` - Simple bruteforce attack to find password - (iceman and others)
+- `lf viking clone`- clone viking tag to t55x7 or Q5 from 4byte hex ID input
+- `lf viking sim` - sim full viking tag from 4byte hex ID input
+- `lf viking read` - read viking tag and output ID
+- `lf t55xx wipe` - sets t55xx back to factory defaults
+- Added viking demod to `lf search` (marshmellow)
+- `lf viking demod` demod viking id tag from graphbuffer (marshmellow)
+- `lf t55xx resetread` added reset then read command - should allow determining start of stream transmissions (marshmellow)
+- `lf t55xx wakeup` added wake with password (AOR) to allow lf search or standard lf read after (iceman, marshmellow)
+- `hf iclass managekeys` to save, load and manage iclass keys. (adjusted most commands to accept a loaded key in memory) (marshmellow)
+- `hf iclass readblk` to select, authenticate, and read 1 block from an iclass card (marshmellow)
+- `hf iclass writeblk` to select, authenticate, and write 1 block to an iclass card (or picopass) (marshmellow + others)
+- `hf iclass clone` to take a saved dump file and clone selected blocks to a new tag (marshmellow + others)
+- `hf iclass calcnewkey` - to calculate the div_key change to change a key - (experimental) (marshmellow + others)
+- `hf iclass encryptblk` - to encrypt a data block hex to prep for writing that block (marshmellow)