-int CmdLFPCF7931Config(const char *Cmd)
- int res = 0;
- res = sscanf(Cmd, "%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %d %d %d", &configPcf.password[0], &configPcf.password[1], &configPcf.password[2], &configPcf.password[3], &configPcf.password[4], &configPcf.password[5], &configPcf.password[6], &configPcf.init_delay, &configPcf.offset[0], &configPcf.offset[1]);
- if (res >= 7 || res < 1){
- if(res == 7) configPcf.init_delay = 17500; //default value
- if(res<=8){
- configPcf.offset[0] = -10; //default value
- configPcf.offset[1] = 30; //default value
- }
- if(res < 1){
- PrintAndLog("Usage: <password byte 1 (in hex, lsb first)> <password byte 2 (in hex, lsb first)> [...] <password byte 7 (in hex, lsb first)> <tag initialization delay (in us)> <optional : offset on the low pulses width (in us)> <optional : offset on the low pulses position (in us)>");
- PrintAndLog("The time offsets could be usefull to correct slew rate generated by the antenna.");
- }
- PrintAndLog("Current configuration :");
- PrintAndLog("Password (LSB first on each byte) : %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x", configPcf.password[0], configPcf.password[1], configPcf.password[2], configPcf.password[3], configPcf.password[4], configPcf.password[5], configPcf.password[6]);
- PrintAndLog("Tag initialization delay : %d us", configPcf.init_delay);
- PrintAndLog("Offsets : %d us on the low pulses width, %d us on the low pulses positions", configPcf.offset[0], configPcf.offset[1]);
- return 0;
- }
- //default values
- configPcf.password[0] = 0xFF;
- configPcf.password[1] = 0xFF;
- configPcf.password[2] = 0xFF;
- configPcf.password[3] = 0xFF;
- configPcf.password[4] = 0xFF;
- configPcf.password[5] = 0xFF;
- configPcf.password[6] = 0xFF;
- configPcf.init_delay = 17500;
- configPcf.offset[0] = 0;
- configPcf.offset[1] = 0;
- PrintAndLog("Incorrect format");
- PrintAndLog("Examples of right usage : lf pcf7931 config 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 20000");
- PrintAndLog(" lf pcf7931 config FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 17500 -10 30");
- return 0;
+int usage_pcf7931_read(){
+ PrintAndLog("Usage: lf pcf7931 read [h] ");
+ PrintAndLog("This command tries to read a PCF7931 tag.");
+ PrintAndLog("Options:");
+ PrintAndLog(" h This help");
+ PrintAndLog("Examples:");
+ PrintAndLog(" lf pcf7931 read");
+ return 0;