PrintAndLog("It saves emul dump into the file `filename.eml` or `cardID.eml`"); \r
PrintAndLog(" Usage: hf mf esave [card memory] [file name w/o `.eml`]");\r
PrintAndLog(" [card memory]: 0 = 320 bytes (Mifare Mini), 1 = 1K (default), 2 = 2K, 4 = 4K");\r
PrintAndLog("It saves emul dump into the file `filename.eml` or `cardID.eml`"); \r
PrintAndLog(" Usage: hf mf esave [card memory] [file name w/o `.eml`]");\r
PrintAndLog(" [card memory]: 0 = 320 bytes (Mifare Mini), 1 = 1K (default), 2 = 2K, 4 = 4K");\r