return answer\r
+ \r
+ ------------ FILE READING\r
+ ReadDumpFile = function (filename)\r
+ \r
+ if filename == nil then \r
+ return nil, 'Filename is empty'\r
+ end\r
+ if #filename == 0 then\r
+ return nil, 'Filename length is zero'\r
+ end\r
+ infile = io.open(filename, "rb")\r
+ if infile == nil then \r
+ return nil, string.format("Could not read file %s",filename)\r
+ end\r
+ local t = infile:read("*all")\r
+ len = string.len(t)\r
+ local _,hex = bin.unpack(("H%d"):format(len),t)\r
+ io.close(infile)\r
+ return hex\r
+ end,\r
+ \r
+ ------------ string split function\r
+ Split = function( inSplitPattern, outResults )\r
+ if not outResults then\r
+ outResults = {}\r
+ end\r
+ local start = 1\r
+ local splitStart, splitEnd = string.find( self, inSplitPattern, start )\r
+ while splitStart do\r
+ table.insert( outResults, string.sub( self, start, splitStart-1 ) )\r
+ start = splitEnd + 1\r
+ splitStart, splitEnd = string.find( self, inSplitPattern, start )\r
+ end\r
+ table.insert( outResults, string.sub( self, start ) )\r
+ return outResults\r
+ end,\r
+ \r
+ ------------ CRC-16 ccitt checksums\r
+ \r
+ -- Takes a hex string and calculates a crc16\r
+ Crc16 = function(s)\r
+ if s == nil then return nil end\r
+ if #s == 0 then return nil end\r
+ if type(s) == 'string' then\r
+ local utils = require('utils')\r
+ local asc = utils.ConvertHexToAscii(s)\r
+ local hash = core.crc16(asc)\r
+ return hash\r
+ end\r
+ return nil\r
+ end,\r
+ -- input parameter is a string\r
+ -- Swaps the endianess and returns a number, \r
+ -- IE: 'cd7a' -> '7acd' -> 0x7acd\r
+ SwapEndianness = function(s, len)\r
+ if s == nil then return nil end\r
+ if #s == 0 then return '' end\r
+ if type(s) ~= 'string' then return nil end\r
+ \r
+ local retval = 0\r
+ if len == 16 then\r
+ local t = s:sub(3,4)..s:sub(1,2)\r
+ retval = tonumber(t,16)\r
+ elseif len == 24 then\r
+ local t = s:sub(5,6)..s:sub(3,4)..s:sub(1,2)\r
+ retval = tonumber(t,16)\r
+ elseif len == 32 then\r
+ local t = s:sub(7,8)..s:sub(5,6)..s:sub(3,4)..s:sub(1,2)\r
+ retval = tonumber(t,16)\r
+ end\r
+ return retval\r
+ end,\r
+ \r
+ ------------ CONVERSIONS\r
+ \r
-- Converts DECIMAL to HEX\r
- ConvertDec2Hex = function(IN)\r
+ ConvertDecToHex = function(IN)\r
local B,K,OUT,I,D=16,"0123456789ABCDEF","",0\r
while IN>0 do\r
-- Convert Byte array to string of hex\r
- ConvertBytes2String = function(bytes)\r
- s = {}\r
+ ConvertBytesToHex = function(bytes)\r
+ if #bytes == 0 then\r
+ return ''\r
+ end\r
+ local s={}\r
for i = 1, #(bytes) do\r
- s[i] = string.format("%02X",bytes[i]) \r
+ s[i] = string.format("%02X",bytes[i]) \r
return table.concat(s)\r
end, \r
+ -- Convert byte array to string with ascii\r
+ ConvertBytesToAscii = function(bytes)\r
+ if #bytes == 0 then\r
+ return ''\r
+ end\r
+ local s={}\r
+ for i = 1, #(bytes) do\r
+ s[i] = string.char(bytes[i]) \r
+ end\r
+ return table.concat(s) \r
+ end, \r
+ ConvertHexToBytes = function(s)\r
+ local t={}\r
+ if s == nil then return t end\r
+ if #s == 0 then return t end\r
+ for k in s:gmatch"(%x%x)" do\r
+ table.insert(t,tonumber(k,16))\r
+ end\r
+ return t\r
+ end,\r
+ ConvertAsciiToBytes = function(s)\r
+ local t={}\r
+ if s == nil then return t end\r
+ if #s == 0 then return t end\r
+ \r
+ for k in s:gmatch"(.)" do\r
+ table.insert(t, string.byte(k))\r
+ end\r
+ return t\r
+ end,\r
+ ConvertHexToAscii = function(s)\r
+ local t={}\r
+ if s == nil then return t end\r
+ if #s == 0 then return t end\r
+ for k in s:gmatch"(%x%x)" do\r
+ table.insert(t, string.char(tonumber(k,16)))\r
+ end\r
+ return table.concat(t) \r
+ end,\r
+ \r
+ -- function convertStringToBytes(str)\r
+ -- local bytes = {}\r
+ -- local strLength = string.len(str)\r
+ -- for i=1,strLength do\r
+ -- table.insert(bytes, string.byte(str, i))\r
+ -- end\r
+ -- return bytes\r
+-- end\r
+-- function convertBytesToString(bytes)\r
+ -- local bytesLength = table.getn(bytes)\r
+ -- local str = ""\r
+ -- for i=1,bytesLength do\r
+ -- str = str .. string.char(bytes[i])\r
+ -- end\r
+ -- return str\r
+-- end\r
+-- function convertHexStringToBytes(str)\r
+ -- local bytes = {}\r
+ -- local strLength = string.len(str)\r
+ -- for k=2,strLength,2 do\r
+ -- local hexString = "0x" .. string.sub(str, (k - 1), k)\r
+ -- table.insert(bytes, hex.to_dec(hexString))\r
+ -- end\r
+ -- return bytes\r
+-- end\r
+-- function convertBytesToHexString(bytes)\r
+ -- local str = ""\r
+ -- local bytesLength = table.getn(bytes)\r
+ -- for i=1,bytesLength do\r
+ -- local hexString = string.sub(hex.to_hex(bytes[i]), 3)\r
+ -- if string.len(hexString) == 1 then\r
+ -- hexString = "0" .. hexString\r
+ -- end\r
+ -- str = str .. hexString\r
+ -- end\r
+ -- return str\r
+-- end\r
return Utils
\ No newline at end of file