- isNULL = !(nt_attacked[0] == 0) && (nt_attacked[1] == 0) && (nt_attacked[2] == 0) && (nt_attacked[3] == 0);
- if ( (isNULL != 0 ) && (memcmp(nt, nt_attacked, 4) != 0) ) continue;
+ // Transmit MIFARE_CLASSIC_AUTH at synctime. Should result in returning the same tag nonce (== nt_attacked)
+ ReaderTransmit(mf_auth, sizeof(mf_auth), &sync_time);
+ // Receive the (4 Byte) "random" nonce
+ if (!ReaderReceive(receivedAnswer)) {
+ if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Mifare: Couldn't receive tag nonce");
+ continue;
+ }
+ previous_nt = nt;
+ nt = bytes_to_num(receivedAnswer, 4);
+ // Transmit reader nonce with fake par
+ ReaderTransmitPar(mf_nr_ar, sizeof(mf_nr_ar), par, NULL);
+ if (first_try && previous_nt && !nt_attacked) { // we didn't calibrate our clock yet
+ int nt_distance = dist_nt(previous_nt, nt);
+ if (nt_distance == 0) {
+ nt_attacked = nt;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (nt_distance == -99999) { // invalid nonce received, try again
+ continue;
+ }
+ sync_cycles = (sync_cycles - nt_distance);
+ if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 3) Dbprintf("calibrating in cycle %d. nt_distance=%d, Sync_cycles: %d\n", i, nt_distance, sync_cycles);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }