+//by marshmellow
+// takes a array of binary values, start position, length of bits per parity (includes parity bit),
+// Parity Type (1 for odd; 0 for even; 2 Always 1's), and binary Length (length to run)
+size_t removeParity(uint8_t *BitStream, size_t startIdx, uint8_t pLen, uint8_t pType, size_t bLen)
+ uint32_t parityWd = 0;
+ size_t j = 0, bitCnt = 0;
+ for (int word = 0; word < (bLen); word+=pLen){
+ for (int bit=0; bit < pLen; bit++){
+ parityWd = (parityWd << 1) | BitStream[startIdx+word+bit];
+ BitStream[j++] = (BitStream[startIdx+word+bit]);
+ }
+ j--; // overwrite parity with next data
+ // if parity fails then return 0
+ if (pType == 2) { // then marker bit which should be a 1
+ if (!BitStream[j]) return 0;
+ } else {
+ if (parityTest(parityWd, pLen, pType) == 0) return 0;
+ }
+ bitCnt+=(pLen-1);
+ parityWd = 0;
+ }
+ // if we got here then all the parities passed
+ //return ID start index and size
+ return bitCnt;
+// by marshmellow
+// takes a array of binary values, length of bits per parity (includes parity bit),
+// Parity Type (1 for odd; 0 for even; 2 Always 1's), and binary Length (length to run)
+size_t addParity(uint8_t *BitSource, uint8_t *dest, uint8_t sourceLen, uint8_t pLen, uint8_t pType)
+ uint32_t parityWd = 0;
+ size_t j = 0, bitCnt = 0;
+ for (int word = 0; word < sourceLen; word+=pLen-1) {
+ for (int bit=0; bit < pLen-1; bit++){
+ parityWd = (parityWd << 1) | BitSource[word+bit];
+ dest[j++] = (BitSource[word+bit]);
+ }
+ // if parity fails then return 0
+ if (pType == 2) { // then marker bit which should be a 1
+ dest[j++]=1;
+ } else {
+ dest[j++] = parityTest(parityWd, pLen-1, pType) ^ 1;
+ }
+ bitCnt += pLen;
+ parityWd = 0;
+ }
+ // if we got here then all the parities passed
+ //return ID start index and size
+ return bitCnt;
+uint32_t bytebits_to_byte(uint8_t *src, size_t numbits)
+ uint32_t num = 0;
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < numbits ; i++)
+ {
+ num = (num << 1) | (*src);
+ src++;
+ }
+ return num;
+//least significant bit first
+uint32_t bytebits_to_byteLSBF(uint8_t *src, size_t numbits)
+ uint32_t num = 0;
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < numbits ; i++) {
+ num = (num << 1) | *(src + (numbits-(i+1)));
+ }
+ return num;