X-Git-Url: http://cvs.zerfleddert.de/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi/proxmark3-svn/blobdiff_plain/bd5d0f07e9330f18088f626bc1d18857aeaeaa8e..6a09bea4271573b36800126ca407bfe2d7214df2:/client/scripts/tnp3sim.lua

diff --git a/client/scripts/tnp3sim.lua b/client/scripts/tnp3sim.lua
index ce772022..fa9d1c22 100644
--- a/client/scripts/tnp3sim.lua
+++ b/client/scripts/tnp3sim.lua
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ local bin = require('bin')
 local lib14a = require('read14a')
 local utils = require('utils')
 local md5 = require('md5')
-local toyNames = require('default_toys')
+local toys = require('default_toys')
 example =[[
 	1. script run tnp3sim
@@ -14,18 +14,31 @@ example =[[
 author = "Iceman"
 usage = "script run tnp3sim -h -m -i <filename>"
 desc =[[
-This script will try to dump the contents of a Mifare TNP3xxx card.
-It will need a valid KeyA in order to find the other keys and decode the card.
+This script will try to load a binary datadump of a Mifare TNP3xxx card.
+It vill try to validate all checksums and view some information stored in the dump
+For an experimental mode, it tries to manipulate some data.
+At last it sends all data to the PM3 device memory where it can be used in the command  "hf mf sim"
 	-h             : this help
-	-m             : Maxed out item
+	-m             : Maxed out items (experimental)
 	-i             : filename for the datadump to read (bin)
-local HASHCONSTANT = '20436F707972696768742028432920323031302041637469766973696F6E2E20416C6C205269676874732052657365727665642E20'
+	]]
 local TIMEOUT = 2000 -- Shouldn't take longer than 2 seconds
-local DEBUG = true -- the debug flag
+local DEBUG = false -- the debug flag
+local RANDOM = '20436F707972696768742028432920323031302041637469766973696F6E2E20416C6C205269676874732052657365727665642E20'
+local band = bit32.band
+local bor = bit32.bor
+local lshift = bit32.lshift
+local rshift = bit32.rshift
+local byte = string.byte
+local char = string.char
+local sub = string.sub
+local format = string.format
 -- A debug printout-function
 function dbg(args)
@@ -47,6 +60,7 @@ end
 -- This is only meant to be used when errors occur
 function oops(err)
 	print("ERROR: ",err)
+	return nil,err
 -- Usage help
@@ -185,39 +199,6 @@ local function ValidateCheckSums(blocks)
 	io.write( ('TYPE 3 area 2: %04x = %04x -- %s\n'):format(crc,calc,isOk))
--- function EncryptData()
-	-- local HASHCONSTANT = '20436F707972696768742028432920323031302041637469766973696F6E2E20416C6C205269676874732052657365727665642E20'
-		-- if  blockNo%4 ~= 3 then
-			-- if blockNo < 8 then
-				-- -- Block 0-7 not encrypted
-				-- blocks[blockNo+1] = ('%02d  :: %s'):format(blockNo,blockdata) 
-			-- else
-				-- local base = ('%s%s%02x%s'):format(block0, block1, blockNo, HASHCONSTANT)	
-				-- local baseStr = utils.ConvertHexToAscii(base)
-				-- local md5hash = md5.sumhexa(baseStr)
-				-- local aestest = core.aes(md5hash, blockdata)
-				-- local hex = utils.ConvertAsciiToBytes(aestest)
-				-- hex = utils.ConvertBytesToHex(hex)
-				-- --local _,hex = bin.unpack(("H%d"):format(16),aestest)
-				-- -- blocks with zero not encrypted.
-				-- if string.find(blockdata, '^0+$') then
-					-- blocks[blockNo+1] = ('%02d  :: %s'):format(blockNo,blockdata) 
-				-- else
-					-- blocks[blockNo+1] = ('%02d  :: %s'):format(blockNo,hex)
-					-- io.write( blockNo..',')
-				-- end		
-			-- end
-		-- else
-			-- -- Sectorblocks, not encrypted
-			-- blocks[blockNo+1] = ('%02d  :: %s%s'):format(blockNo,key,blockdata:sub(13,32)) 
-		-- end
--- end
-local function LoadEmulator(blocks)
-	local HASHCONSTANT = '20436F707972696768742028432920323031302041637469766973696F6E2E20416C6C205269676874732052657365727665642E20'
 	local cmd
 	local blockdata
 	for _,b in pairs(blocks) do 
@@ -226,10 +207,10 @@ local function LoadEmulator(blocks)
 		if  _%4 ~= 3 then
 			if (_ >= 8 and _<=21)  or  (_ >= 36 and _<=49) then
-				local base = ('%s%s%02x%s'):format(blocks[0], blocks[1], _ , HASHCONSTANT)	
+				local base = ('%s%s%02x%s'):format(blocks[0], blocks[1], _ , RANDOM)	
 				local baseStr = utils.ConvertHexToAscii(base)
 				local key = md5.sumhexa(baseStr)
-				local enc = core.aes(key, blockdata)
+				local enc = core.aes128_encrypt(key, blockdata)
 				local hex = utils.ConvertAsciiToBytes(enc)
 				hex = utils.ConvertBytesToHex(hex)
@@ -247,6 +228,102 @@ local function LoadEmulator(blocks)
+local function Num2Card(m, l)
+	local k = {
+		0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39,0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x4A, 0x4B,
+		0x4C, 0x4D, 0x4E, 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54,0x56, 0x57, 0x58, 0x59, 0x5A, 0x00
+	}
+	local msw = tonumber(utils.SwapEndiannessStr(m,32),16)
+	local lsw = tonumber(utils.SwapEndiannessStr(l,32),16)
+	if msw > 0x17ea1 then
+		return "too big"
+	end
+	if msw == 0x17ea1 and lsw > 0x8931fee8 then
+		return "out of range"
+	end
+	local s = ""
+	local index
+	for i = 1,10 do
+		index, msw, lsw = DivideByK( msw, lsw)
+		if ( index <= 1 ) then
+			s = char(k[index]) .. s
+		else
+			s = char(k[index-1]) .. s
+		end 
+		print (index-1, msw, lsw)
+	end
+    return s
+--7, 122, 3474858630
+--20, 4, 1008436634
+--7, 0, 627182959
+--17, 0, 21626998
+--16, 0, 745758
+--23, 0, 25715
+--21, 0, 886
+--16, 0, 30
+--1, 0, 1
+--1, 0, 0
+function DivideByK(msw, lsw)
+	local lowLSW
+	local highLSW
+	local remainder = 0
+	local RADIX = 29
+	--local num = 0 | band( rshift(msw,16), 0xffff)
+	local num = band( rshift(msw, 16), 0xffff)
+	--highLSW = 0 | lshift( (num / RADIX) , 16)
+	highLSW = lshift( (num / RADIX) , 16)
+	remainder = num % RADIX
+	num =  bor( lshift(remainder,16), band(msw, 0xffff))
+	--highLSW |= num / RADIX
+	highLSW = highLSW or (num / RADIX)
+	remainder = num % RADIX
+	num =  bor( lshift(remainder,16), ( band(rshift(lsw,16), 0xffff)))
+	--lowLSW = 0 | (num / RADIX) << 16
+	lowLSW = 0 or (lshift( (num / RADIX), 16))
+	remainder = num % RADIX
+	num =  bor( lshift(remainder,16) , band(lsw, 0xffff) )
+	lowLSW = bor(lowLSW, (num / RADIX))
+	remainder = num % RADIX
+	return remainder, highLSW, lowLSW
+	            -- uint num = 0 | (msw >> 16) & 0xffff;
+            -- highLSW = 0 | (num / RADIX) << 16;
+            -- remainder = num % RADIX;
+            -- num = (remainder << 16) | (msw & 0xffff);
+            -- highLSW |= num / RADIX;
+            -- remainder = num % RADIX;
+            -- num = (remainder << 16) | ((lsw >> 16) & 0xffff);
+            -- lowLSW = 0 | (num / RADIX) << 16;
+            -- remainder = num % RADIX;
+            -- num = (remainder << 16) | (lsw & 0xffff);
+            -- lowLSW |= num / RADIX;
+            -- remainder = num % RADIX;
 local function main(args)
 	print( string.rep('--',20) )
@@ -269,19 +346,6 @@ local function main(args)
 	local cmdSetDbgOff = "hf mf dbg 0"
 	core.console( cmdSetDbgOff) 
-	-- Look for tag present on reader,
-	result, err = lib14a.read1443a(false)
-	if not result then return oops(err)	end
-	core.clearCommandBuffer()
-	if 0x01 ~= result.sak then -- NXP MIFARE TNP3xxx
-		return oops('This is not a TNP3xxx tag. aborting.')
-	end	
-	-- Show tag info
-	print((' Found tag : %s'):format(result.name))
 	-- Load dump.bin file
 	print( (' Load data from %s'):format(inputTemplate))
 	hex, err = utils.ReadDumpFile(inputTemplate)
@@ -295,7 +359,7 @@ local function main(args)
 	if DEBUG then
-		print('Validating checksums in the loaded datadump')
+		print(' Validating checksums')
@@ -303,22 +367,44 @@ local function main(args)
 	print( string.rep('--',20) )	
 	print(' Gathering info')
 	local uid = blocks[0]:sub(1,8)
-	local itemtype = blocks[1]:sub(1,4)
-	local cardid = blocks[1]:sub(9,24)
+	local toytype = blocks[1]:sub(1,4)
+	local cardidLsw = blocks[1]:sub(9,16)
+	local cardidMsw = blocks[1]:sub(17,24)
+	local subtype  = blocks[1]:sub(25,28)
 	-- Show info 
 	print( string.rep('--',20) )
-	print( (' ITEM TYPE : 0x%s - %s'):format(itemtype, toyNames[itemtype]) )
+	local item = toys.Find( toytype, subtype)
+	if item then
+		local itemStr = ('%s - %s (%s)'):format(item[6],item[5], item[4])
+		print(' ITEM TYPE : '..itemStr )
+	else
+		print( (' ITEM TYPE : 0x%s 0x%s'):format(toytype, subtype) )
+	end	
 	print( ('       UID : 0x%s'):format(uid) )
-	print( ('    CARDID : 0x%s'):format(cardid ) )	
+	print( ('    CARDID : 0x%s %s [%s]'):format(
+								cardidMsw,cardidLsw, 
+								--Num2Card(cardidMsw, cardidLsw))
+								'')
+								)
 	print( string.rep('--',20) )
-	-- lets do something.
-	-- 
+	-- Experience should be:  	
 	local experience = blocks[8]:sub(1,6)
-	print(('Experience  : %d'):format(utils.SwapEndianness(experience,24)))
+	print(('Experience  : %d'):format(utils.SwapEndianness(experience,16)))
 	local money = blocks[8]:sub(7,10)
 	print(('Money       : %d'):format(utils.SwapEndianness(money,16)))
+	-- 
+	-- Sequence number
+	local seqnum = blocks[8]:sub(18,19)
+	print(('Sequence number : %d'):format( tonumber(seqnum,16)))
 	local fairy = blocks[9]:sub(1,8)
 	--FD0F = Left, FF0F = Right
 	local path = 'not choosen'
@@ -331,6 +417,12 @@ local function main(args)
 	local hat = blocks[9]:sub(8,11)
 	print(('Hat         : %d'):format(utils.SwapEndianness(hat,16)))
+	local level = blocks[13]:sub(27,28)
+	print(('LEVEL : %d'):format( tonumber(level,16)))
+	--hälsa: 667 029b  
+	--local health = blocks[]:sub();
+	--print(('Health : %d'):format( tonumber(health,16))
 	--0x0D    0x29    0x0A    0x02    16-bit hero points value. Maximum 100.
 	local heropoints = blocks[13]:sub(20,23)
@@ -340,6 +432,11 @@ local function main(args)
 	local challenges = blocks[16]:sub(25,32)
 	print(('Finished hero challenges : %d'):format(utils.SwapEndianness(challenges,32)))
+	-- Character Name
+	local name1 = blocks[10]:sub(1,32)
+	local name2 = blocks[12]:sub(1,32)
+	print('Custom name : '..utils.ConvertHexToAscii(name1..name2))
 	if maxed then
 		print('Lets try to max out some values')
 		-- max out money, experience
@@ -377,7 +474,7 @@ local function main(args)
 		err = LoadEmulator(blocks)
 		if err then return oops(err) end	
-		print('The simulation is now prepared. run \"hf mf sim\" ')
+		print('The simulation is now prepared.\n --> run \"hf mf sim u '..uid..'\" <--')
\ No newline at end of file