+ CLIParserInit("hf 14a genac",
+ "Generate Application Cryptogram command. It returns data in TLV format .\nNeeds a EMV applet to be selected and GPO to be executed.",
+ "Usage:\n\thf emv genac -k 0102-> execute GPO with 2-byte CDOLdata and keep field ON after command\n\thf emv genac -t 01020304 -> execute GPO with 4-byte CDOL data, show result in TLV\n");
+ void* argtable[] = {
+ arg_param_begin,
+ arg_lit0("kK", "keep", "keep field ON for next command"),
+ arg_lit0("aA", "apdu", "show APDU reqests and responses"),
+ arg_lit0("tT", "tlv", "TLV decode results of selected applets"),
+ arg_str1(NULL, NULL, "<HEX CDOLdata>", NULL),
+ arg_param_end
+ };
+ CLIExecWithReturn(cmd, argtable, false);
+ bool leaveSignalON = arg_get_lit(1);
+ bool APDULogging = arg_get_lit(2);
+ bool decodeTLV = arg_get_lit(3);
+ CLIGetStrWithReturn(4, data, &datalen);
+ CLIParserFree();
+ SetAPDULogging(APDULogging);
+ // Init TLV tree
+ const char *alr = "Root terminal TLV tree";
+ struct tlvdb *tlvRoot = tlvdb_fixed(1, strlen(alr), (const unsigned char *)alr);
+ // calc CDOL
+ struct tlv *cdol_data_tlv = NULL;
+// struct tlv *cdol_data_tlv = dol_process(tlvdb_get(tlvRoot, 0x8c, NULL), tlvRoot, 0x01); // 0x01 - dummy tag
+ struct tlv data_tlv = {
+ .tag = 0x01,
+ .len = datalen,
+ .value = (uint8_t *)data,
+ };
+ cdol_data_tlv = &data_tlv;
+ PrintAndLog("CDOL data[%d]: %s", cdol_data_tlv->len, sprint_hex(cdol_data_tlv->value, cdol_data_tlv->len));
+ // exec
+ uint8_t buf[APDU_RES_LEN] = {0};
+ size_t len = 0;
+ uint16_t sw = 0;
+// res = EMVAC(true, (TrType == TT_CDA) ? EMVAC_TC + EMVAC_CDAREQ : EMVAC_TC, (uint8_t *)cdol_data_tlv->value, cdol_data_tlv->len, buf, sizeof(buf), &len, &sw, tlvRoot);
+ int res = EMVAC(leaveSignalON, EMVAC_TC, (uint8_t *)cdol_data_tlv->value, cdol_data_tlv->len, buf, sizeof(buf), &len, &sw, tlvRoot);
+// free(cdol_data_tlv);
+ tlvdb_free(tlvRoot);
+ if (sw)
+ PrintAndLog("APDU response status: %04x - %s", sw, GetAPDUCodeDescription(sw >> 8, sw & 0xff));
+ if (res)
+ return res;
+ if (decodeTLV)
+ TLVPrintFromBuffer(buf, len);
+ return 0;