+int usage_hf_iclass_sim(void) {
+ PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass sim <option> [CSN]");
+ PrintAndLog(" options");
+ PrintAndLog(" 0 <CSN> simulate the given CSN");
+ PrintAndLog(" 1 simulate default CSN");
+ PrintAndLog(" 2 Reader-attack, gather reader responses to extract elite key");
+ PrintAndLog(" 3 Full simulation using emulator memory (see 'hf iclass eload')");
+ PrintAndLog(" example: hf iclass sim 0 031FEC8AF7FF12E0");
+ PrintAndLog(" example: hf iclass sim 2");
+ PrintAndLog(" example: hf iclass eload 'tagdump.bin'");
+ PrintAndLog(" hf iclass sim 3");
+ return 0;
+int usage_hf_iclass_eload(void) {
+ PrintAndLog("Loads iclass tag-dump into emulator memory on device");
+ PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass eload f <filename>");
+ PrintAndLog("");
+ PrintAndLog("Example: hf iclass eload f iclass_tagdump-aa162d30f8ff12f1.bin");
+ return 0;
+int usage_hf_iclass_decrypt(void) {
+ PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass decrypt f <tagdump>");
+ PrintAndLog("");
+ PrintAndLog("OBS! In order to use this function, the file 'iclass_decryptionkey.bin' must reside");
+ PrintAndLog("in the working directory. The file should be 16 bytes binary data");
+ PrintAndLog("");
+ PrintAndLog("example: hf iclass decrypt f tagdump_12312342343.bin");
+ PrintAndLog("");
+ PrintAndLog("OBS! This is pretty stupid implementation, it tries to decrypt every block after block 6. ");
+ PrintAndLog("Correct behaviour would be to decrypt only the application areas where the key is valid,");
+ PrintAndLog("which is defined by the configuration block.");
+ return 1;
+int usage_hf_iclass_encrypt(void) {
+ PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass encrypt <BlockData>");
+ PrintAndLog("");
+ PrintAndLog("OBS! In order to use this function, the file 'iclass_decryptionkey.bin' must reside");
+ PrintAndLog("in the working directory. The file should be 16 bytes binary data");
+ PrintAndLog("");
+ PrintAndLog("example: hf iclass encrypt 0102030405060708");
+ PrintAndLog("");
+ return 0;
+int usage_hf_iclass_dump(void) {
+ PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass dump f <fileName> k <Key> c <CreditKey> e|r\n");
+ PrintAndLog("Options:");
+ PrintAndLog(" f <filename> : specify a filename to save dump to");
+ PrintAndLog(" k <Key> : *Access Key as 16 hex symbols or 1 hex to select key from memory");
+ PrintAndLog(" c <CreditKey>: Credit Key as 16 hex symbols or 1 hex to select key from memory");
+ PrintAndLog(" e : If 'e' is specified, the key is interpreted as the 16 byte");
+ PrintAndLog(" Custom Key (KCus), which can be obtained via reader-attack");
+ PrintAndLog(" See 'hf iclass sim 2'. This key should be on iclass-format");
+ PrintAndLog(" r : If 'r' is specified, the key is interpreted as raw block 3/4");
+ PrintAndLog(" NOTE: * = required");
+ PrintAndLog("Samples:");
+ PrintAndLog(" hf iclass dump k 001122334455667B");
+ PrintAndLog(" hf iclass dump k AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA c 001122334455667B");
+ PrintAndLog(" hf iclass dump k AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA e");
+ return 0;
+int usage_hf_iclass_clone(void) {
+ PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass clone f <tagfile.bin> b <first block> l <last block> k <KEY> c e|r");
+ PrintAndLog("Options:");
+ PrintAndLog(" f <filename>: specify a filename to clone from");
+ PrintAndLog(" b <Block> : The first block to clone as 2 hex symbols");
+ PrintAndLog(" l <Last Blk>: Set the Data to write as 16 hex symbols");
+ PrintAndLog(" k <Key> : Access Key as 16 hex symbols or 1 hex to select key from memory");
+ PrintAndLog(" c : If 'c' is specified, the key set is assumed to be the credit key\n");
+ PrintAndLog(" e : If 'e' is specified, elite computations applied to key");
+ PrintAndLog(" r : If 'r' is specified, no computations applied to key");
+ PrintAndLog("Samples:");
+ PrintAndLog(" hf iclass clone f iclass_tagdump-121345.bin b 06 l 1A k 1122334455667788 e");
+ PrintAndLog(" hf iclass clone f iclass_tagdump-121345.bin b 05 l 19 k 0");
+ PrintAndLog(" hf iclass clone f iclass_tagdump-121345.bin b 06 l 19 k 0 e");
+ return -1;
+int usage_hf_iclass_writeblock(void) {
+ PrintAndLog("Options:");
+ PrintAndLog(" b <Block> : The block number as 2 hex symbols");
+ PrintAndLog(" d <data> : Set the Data to write as 16 hex symbols");
+ PrintAndLog(" k <Key> : Access Key as 16 hex symbols or 1 hex to select key from memory");
+ PrintAndLog(" c : If 'c' is specified, the key set is assumed to be the credit key\n");
+ PrintAndLog(" e : If 'e' is specified, elite computations applied to key");
+ PrintAndLog(" r : If 'r' is specified, no computations applied to key");
+ PrintAndLog("Samples:");
+ PrintAndLog(" hf iclass writeblk b 0A d AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA k 001122334455667B");
+ PrintAndLog(" hf iclass writeblk b 1B d AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA k 001122334455667B c");
+ PrintAndLog(" hf iclass writeblk b 0A d AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA n 0");
+ return 0;
+int usage_hf_iclass_readblock(void) {
+ PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass readblk b <Block> k <Key> c e|r\n");
+ PrintAndLog("Options:");
+ PrintAndLog(" b <Block> : The block number as 2 hex symbols");
+ PrintAndLog(" k <Key> : Access Key as 16 hex symbols or 1 hex to select key from memory");
+ PrintAndLog(" c : If 'c' is specified, the key set is assumed to be the credit key\n");
+ PrintAndLog(" e : If 'e' is specified, elite computations applied to key");
+ PrintAndLog(" r : If 'r' is specified, no computations applied to key");
+ PrintAndLog("Samples:");
+ PrintAndLog(" hf iclass readblk b 06 k 0011223344556677");
+ PrintAndLog(" hf iclass readblk b 1B k 0011223344556677 c");
+ PrintAndLog(" hf iclass readblk b 0A k 0");
+ return 0;
+int usage_hf_iclass_readtagfile() {
+ PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass readtagfile <filename> [startblock] [endblock]");
+ return 1;
+int usage_hf_iclass_calc_newkey(void) {
+ PrintAndLog("HELP : Manage iClass Keys in client memory:\n");
+ PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass calc_newkey o <Old key> n <New key> s [csn] e");
+ PrintAndLog(" Options:");
+ PrintAndLog(" o <oldkey> : *specify a key as 16 hex symbols or a key number as 1 symbol");
+ PrintAndLog(" n <newkey> : *specify a key as 16 hex symbols or a key number as 1 symbol");
+ PrintAndLog(" s <csn> : specify a card Serial number to diversify the key (if omitted will attempt to read a csn)");
+ PrintAndLog(" e : specify new key as elite calc");
+ PrintAndLog(" ee : specify old and new key as elite calc");
+ PrintAndLog("Samples:");
+ PrintAndLog(" e key to e key given csn : hf iclass calcnewkey o 1122334455667788 n 2233445566778899 s deadbeafdeadbeaf ee");
+ PrintAndLog(" std key to e key read csn: hf iclass calcnewkey o 1122334455667788 n 2233445566778899 e");
+ PrintAndLog(" std to std read csn : hf iclass calcnewkey o 1122334455667788 n 2233445566778899");
+ PrintAndLog("NOTE: * = required\n");
+ return 1;
+int usage_hf_iclass_managekeys(void) {
+ PrintAndLog("HELP : Manage iClass Keys in client memory:\n");
+ PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass managekeys n [keynbr] k [key] f [filename] s l p\n");
+ PrintAndLog(" Options:");
+ PrintAndLog(" n <keynbr> : specify the keyNbr to set in memory");
+ PrintAndLog(" k <key> : set a key in memory");
+ PrintAndLog(" f <filename>: specify a filename to use with load or save operations");
+ PrintAndLog(" s : save keys in memory to file specified by filename");
+ PrintAndLog(" l : load keys to memory from file specified by filename");
+ PrintAndLog(" p : print keys loaded into memory\n");
+ PrintAndLog("Samples:");
+ PrintAndLog(" set key : hf iclass managekeys n 0 k 1122334455667788");
+ PrintAndLog(" save key file: hf iclass managekeys f mykeys.bin s");
+ PrintAndLog(" load key file: hf iclass managekeys f mykeys.bin l");
+ PrintAndLog(" print keys : hf iclass managekeys p\n");
+ return 0;