-#include <usb.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <strings.h>
-#include "usbtmc.h"
#include "scope.h"
+#include "usbtmc.h"
+#define DATASIZE 10240
+#define COPY_SCOPE_STRING(sc, cmd, dst) { \
+ char *buf; \
+ buf = scope_get_string(sc, cmd, sizeof(dst)); \
+ if (buf) { \
+ strcpy(dst, buf); \
+ free(buf); \
+ }\
+ }
/* Just USB for now... */
int sendscpi(struct scope* sc, char* cmd, unsigned char *resp, int resplen)
- return usbtmc_sendscpi(sc->usbdev, cmd, resp, resplen);
+ return usbtmc_sendscpi(sc, cmd, resp, resplen);
void closescope(struct scope* sc)
- return usbtmc_close(sc->usbdev);
+ return usbtmc_close(sc);
void claimscope(struct scope* sc)
- return usbtmc_claim(sc->usbdev);
+ return usbtmc_claim(sc);
void releasescope(struct scope* sc)
- //Disable keylock, so the user doesn't have to press the 'force'-button
+ /* Disable keylock, so the user doesn't have to press the 'force'-button */
sendscpi(sc, ":KEY:LOCK DISABLE",NULL,0);
- return usbtmc_release(sc->usbdev);
+ return usbtmc_release(sc);
+void resetscope(struct scope* sc)
+ return usbtmc_reset(sc);
struct scope* initscope(void)
- struct usb_dev_handle *usbdev;
struct scope *sc;
- usbdev = usbtmc_initscope();
+ sc = usbtmc_initscope();
- if (!usbdev)
- return NULL;
- sc = calloc(1, sizeof(struct scope));
- if (sc == NULL) {
- perror("malloc");
+ if (!sc) {
+ printf("No scope found.\n");
- sc->usbdev = usbdev;
- sendscpi(sc, "*IDN?", (unsigned char*)sc->idn, sizeof(sc->idn));
+ COPY_SCOPE_STRING(sc, "*IDN?", sc->idn);
printf("Scope found (%s)\n", sc->idn);
return sc->idn;
+char *scope_get_string(struct scope *sc, char *cmd, int maxlen)
+ unsigned char *buf;
+ int res;
+ buf = malloc(maxlen+1);
+ if (buf == NULL) {
+ perror("malloc(scope_get_strings)");
+ }
+ res = sendscpi(sc, cmd, buf, maxlen);
+ if (res < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Command %s failed with %d\n", cmd, res);
+ free(buf);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ buf[res] = 0;
+ return (char*)buf;
+int scope_get_truth_value(struct scope *sc, char *cmd)
+ char buf[128];
+ int res;
+ bzero(buf, sizeof(buf));
+ res = sendscpi(sc, cmd, (unsigned char*)buf, sizeof(buf)-1);
+ if (res < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Command %s failed with %d\n", cmd, res);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (strcasecmp(buf, "on") == 0) {
+ return 1;
+ } else if (strcasecmp(buf, "enable") == 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int scope_get_int(struct scope *sc, char *cmd)
+ char buf[128];
+ int res;
+ bzero(buf, sizeof(buf));
+ res = sendscpi(sc, cmd, (unsigned char*)buf, sizeof(buf)-1);
+ if (res < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Command %s failed with %d\n", cmd, res);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return atoi(buf);
+double scope_get_double(struct scope *sc, char*cmd)
+ char buf[128];
+ int res;
+ double ret;
+ bzero(buf, sizeof(buf));
+ res = sendscpi(sc, cmd, (unsigned char*)buf, sizeof(buf)-1);
+ if (res < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Command %s failed with %d\n", cmd, res);
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ ret = strtod(buf, NULL);
+ return ret;
+char *scope_get_data(struct scope *sc, char *source, int *len)
+ char *data = NULL;
+ char cmd[128];
+ if ((data = malloc(DATASIZE)) == NULL) {
+ perror("malloc");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), ":WAV:DATA? %s", source);
+ *len = sendscpi(sc, cmd, (unsigned char*)data, DATASIZE);
+ return data;
+void update_scope_measurements(struct scope *sc)
+ sc->status.measure.ch1.vpp = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:VPP? CHAN1");
+ sc->status.measure.ch1.vmax = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:VMAX? CHAN1");
+ sc->status.measure.ch1.vmin = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:VMIN? CHAN1");
+ sc->status.measure.ch1.vamplitude = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:VAMP? CHAN1");
+ sc->status.measure.ch1.vtop = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:VTOP? CHAN1");
+ sc->status.measure.ch1.vbase = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:VBAS? CHAN1");
+ sc->status.measure.ch1.vaverage = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:VAV? CHAN1");
+ sc->status.measure.ch1.vrms = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:VRMS? CHAN1");
+ sc->status.measure.ch1.overshoot = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:OVER? CHAN1");
+ sc->status.measure.ch1.preshoot = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:PRES? CHAN1");
+ sc->status.measure.ch1.frequency = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:FREQ? CHAN1");
+ sc->status.measure.ch1.risetime = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:RIS? CHAN1");
+ sc->status.measure.ch1.falltime = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:FALL? CHAN1");
+ sc->status.measure.ch1.period = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:PER? CHAN1");
+ sc->status.measure.ch1.pwidth = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:PWID? CHAN1");
+ sc->status.measure.ch1.nwidth = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:NWID? CHAN1");
+ sc->status.measure.ch1.pdutycycle = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:PDUT? CHAN1");
+ sc->status.measure.ch1.ndutycycle = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:NDUT? CHAN1");
+ sc->status.measure.ch1.pdelay = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:PDEL? CHAN1");
+ sc->status.measure.ch1.ndelay = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:NDEL? CHAN1");
+ sc->status.measure.ch2.vpp = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:VPP? CHAN2");
+ sc->status.measure.ch2.vmax = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:VMAX? CHAN2");
+ sc->status.measure.ch2.vmin = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:VMIN? CHAN2");
+ sc->status.measure.ch2.vamplitude = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:VAMP? CHAN2");
+ sc->status.measure.ch2.vtop = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:VTOP? CHAN2");
+ sc->status.measure.ch2.vbase = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:VBAS? CHAN2");
+ sc->status.measure.ch2.vaverage = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:VAV? CHAN2");
+ sc->status.measure.ch2.vrms = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:VRMS? CHAN2");
+ sc->status.measure.ch2.overshoot = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:OVER? CHAN2");
+ sc->status.measure.ch2.preshoot = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:PRES? CHAN2");
+ sc->status.measure.ch2.frequency = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:FREQ? CHAN2");
+ sc->status.measure.ch2.risetime = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:RIS? CHAN2");
+ sc->status.measure.ch2.falltime = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:FALL? CHAN2");
+ sc->status.measure.ch2.period = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:PER? CHAN2");
+ sc->status.measure.ch2.pwidth = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:PWID? CHAN2");
+ sc->status.measure.ch2.nwidth = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:NWID? CHAN2");
+ sc->status.measure.ch2.pdutycycle = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:PDUT? CHAN2");
+ sc->status.measure.ch2.ndutycycle = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:NDUT? CHAN2");
+ sc->status.measure.ch2.pdelay = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:PDEL? CHAN2");
+ sc->status.measure.ch2.ndelay = scope_get_double(sc, ":MEAS:NDEL? CHAN2");
+ sc->status.measure.total = scope_get_truth_value(sc, ":MEAS:TOT?");
+ COPY_SCOPE_STRING(sc, ":MEAS:SOUR?", sc->status.measure.source);
+void update_scope_channel(struct scope *sc, int channel)
+ struct channel_s *ch;
+ char cmd[128];
+ int offs;
+ if (channel == 1) {
+ ch = &(sc->status.channel.ch1);
+ strcpy(cmd, ":CHAN1:");
+ } else if (channel == 2) {
+ ch = &(sc->status.channel.ch2);
+ strcpy(cmd, ":CHAN2:");
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unknown channel %d!\n", channel);
+ return;
+ }
+ offs=strlen(cmd);
+ strcpy(cmd + offs, "BWL?"); ch->bwlimit_enabled = scope_get_truth_value(sc, cmd);
+ strcpy(cmd + offs, "COUP?"); COPY_SCOPE_STRING(sc, cmd, ch->coupling);
+ strcpy(cmd + offs, "DISP?"); ch->displayed = scope_get_truth_value(sc, cmd);
+ strcpy(cmd + offs, "INV?"); ch->inverted = scope_get_truth_value(sc, cmd);
+ strcpy(cmd + offs, "OFFS?"); ch->offset = scope_get_double(sc, cmd);
+ strcpy(cmd + offs, "PROB?"); ch->probe = scope_get_double(sc, cmd);
+ strcpy(cmd + offs, "SCAL?"); ch->scale = scope_get_double(sc, cmd);
+ strcpy(cmd + offs, "FILT?"); ch->filter_enabled = scope_get_truth_value(sc, cmd);
+ strcpy(cmd + offs, "MEMD?"); ch->memory_depth = scope_get_int(sc, cmd);
+ strcpy(cmd + offs, "VERN?"); COPY_SCOPE_STRING(sc, cmd, ch->vernier);
+int update_scope_status(struct scope *sc)
+ bzero(&(sc->status), sizeof(sc->status));
+ COPY_SCOPE_STRING(sc, ":INFO:LANG?", sc->status.system.lang);
+ sc->status.system.counter_enabled = scope_get_truth_value(sc, ":COUN:ENAB?");
+ sc->status.system.beep_enabled = scope_get_truth_value(sc, ":BEEP:ENAB?");
+ sc->status.keyboard.key_lock = scope_get_truth_value(sc, ":KEY:LOCK?");
+ update_scope_measurements(sc);
+ COPY_SCOPE_STRING(sc, ":DISP:TYPE?", sc->status.display.type);
+ COPY_SCOPE_STRING(sc, ":DISP:GRID?", sc->status.display.grid);
+ sc->status.display.persist = scope_get_truth_value(sc, ":DISP:PERS?");
+ COPY_SCOPE_STRING(sc, ":DISP:MNUD?", sc->status.display.mnudisplay);
+ sc->status.display.mnustatus = scope_get_truth_value(sc, ":DISP:MNUS?");
+ COPY_SCOPE_STRING(sc, ":DISP:SCR?", sc->status.display.screen);
+ sc->status.display.brightness = scope_get_int(sc, ":DISP:BRIG?");
+ sc->status.display.intensity = scope_get_int(sc, ":DISP:INT?");
+ update_scope_channel(sc, 1);
+ update_scope_channel(sc, 2);
+ COPY_SCOPE_STRING(sc, ":ACQ:TYPE?", sc->status.acquire.type);
+ COPY_SCOPE_STRING(sc, ":ACQ:MODE?", sc->status.acquire.mode);
+ sc->status.acquire.averages = scope_get_int(sc, ":ACQ:AVER?");
+ sc->status.acquire.srate_ch1 = scope_get_double(sc, ":ACQ:SAMP? CHAN1");
+ sc->status.acquire.srate_ch2 = scope_get_double(sc, ":ACQ:SAMP? CHAN2");
+ sc->status.acquire.srate_digital = scope_get_double(sc, ":ACQ:SAMP? DIGITAL");
+ COPY_SCOPE_STRING(sc, ":TIM:MODE?", sc->status.timebase.mode);
+ sc->status.timebase.offset = scope_get_double(sc, ":TIM:OFFS?");
+ sc->status.timebase.delayed_offset = scope_get_double(sc, ":TIM:DEL:OFFS?");
+ sc->status.timebase.scale = scope_get_double(sc, ":TIM:SCAL?");
+ COPY_SCOPE_STRING(sc, ":TIM:FORM?", sc->status.timebase.format);
+ sc->status.math.displayed = scope_get_truth_value(sc, ":MATH:DISP?");
+ sc->status.fft.displayed = scope_get_truth_value(sc, ":FFT:DISP?");
+ return 0;