#define POLY 0x04c11db7
-/* Theory of operation:
- * (arm-elf-objdump -b binary -m arm -M reg-names-raw -D RSB_S2_SINGLE.bin)
- * Addresses: 0x4c4, 0x55ae0, 0x59734
- *
- * 440: push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, r14}
- * 444: mov r11, r0
- * 448: mov r10, r1
- * 44c: mov r14, r2
- * 450: mov r6, #0 ; 0x0
- * 454: b 0x4a0
- * 458: add r3, r6, r10
- * 45c: ldrb r3, [r3]
- * 460: lsl r3, r3, #24
- * 464: eor r11, r11, r3
- * 468: mov r5, #8 ; 0x8
- * 46c: and r3, r11, #-2147483648 ; 0x80000000
- * 470: cmp r3, #0 ; 0x0
- * 474: beq 0x48c
- * 478: lsl r3, r11, #1
- * 47c: ldr r12, [pc, #64] ; 0x4c4
- * 480: eor r0, r3, r12
- * 484: mov r11, r0
- * 488: b 0x490
- * 48c: lsl r11, r11, #1
- * 490: sub r5, r5, #1 ; 0x1
- * 494: cmp r5, #0 ; 0x0
- * 498: bne 0x46c
- * 49c: add r6, r6, #1 ; 0x1
- * 4a0: cmp r6, r14
- * 4a4: blt 0x458
- * 4a8: mov r0, r11
- * 4ac: pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, r15}
- * 4c4: DATA: 0x04c11db7
- */
unsigned int rsb_crc(unsigned int r11_crc, unsigned char *r10_buf, unsigned int r14_len) {
unsigned int r6_pos = 0;
unsigned int r3_data;
return r11_crc;
-/* Second broken algorithm:
- *
- * 55a30: push {r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r14}
- * 55a34: bl 0x55a3c
- * 55a38: pop {r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r15}
- * 55a3c: mov r8, #1 ; 0x1
- * 55a40: mov r3, #-1073741824 ; 0xc0000000
- * 55a44: cmp r0, r3
- * 55a48: ble 0x55ad8
- * 55a4c: mov r3, #32 ; 0x20
- * 55a50: ldr r4, [r3, r0]!
- * 55a54: mov r8, #2 ; 0x2
- * 55a58: ldr r5, [r3, #4]
- * 55a5c: cmp r5, r2
- * 55a60: bne 0x55ad8
- * 55a64: mov r8, #3 ; 0x3
- * 55a68: cmp r1, r4
- * 55a6c: movscs r5, #0 ; 0x0
- * 55a70: movscc r5, #1 ; 0x1
- * 55a74: bne 0x55ad8
- * 55a78: mov r8, #4 ; 0x4
- * 55a7c: mov r3, r0
- * 55a80: add r4, r0, r4
- * 55a84: mvn r5, #0 ; 0x0
- * 55a88: ldr r7, [pc, #80] ; 0x55ae0
- * 55a8c: cmp r3, r4
- * 55a90: bcs 0x55ac8
- * 55a94: bic r9, r3, #3 ; 0x3
- * 55a98: ldr r6, [r9]
- * 55a9c: and r9, r3, #3 ; 0x3
- * 55aa0: lsl r9, r9, #3
- * 55aa4: lsr r6, r6, r9
- * 55aa8: eor r5, r5, r6, lsl #24
- * 55aac: mov r6, #8 ; 0x8
- * 55ab0: lsls r5, r5, #1
- * 55ab4: eorcs r5, r5, r7
- * 55ab8: subs r6, r6, #1 ; 0x1
- * 55abc: bne 0x55ab0
- * 55ac0: add r3, r3, #1 ; 0x1
- * 55ac4: b 0x55a8c
- * 55ac8: mvn r5, r5
- * 55acc: ldr r3, [r4]
- * 55ad0: subs r3, r3, r5
- * 55ad4: moveq r8, #0 ; 0x0
- * 55ad8: mov r0, r8
- * 55adc: mov r15, r14
- * 55ae0: DATA: 0x04c11db7
- */
-unsigned int rsb_crc2(unsigned char *r0_buf, unsigned int r1_buflen, unsigned int r2_magic, unsigned int *crc) {
- int r8_ret = 1;
- unsigned int r3 = 0xc0000000;
+unsigned int rsb_crc2(unsigned char *r0_buf, unsigned int r1_buflen, unsigned int r2_magic, unsigned int *crc_out) {
unsigned int r4_len;
- unsigned int r5;
- unsigned int r6;
- unsigned int r7_poly;
- unsigned int r9;
- unsigned int carry;
-#if 0
- if (r0_buf <= r3)
- return r8_ret;
- r3 = ((unsigned int)r0_buf) + 0x20;
- r4_len = *((unsigned int*)r3);
- printf("CRC: length: %d\n", r4_len);
- r8_ret = 2;
- r3 += 4;
- r5 = *((unsigned int*)r3);
- if (r5 != r2_magic)
- return r8_ret;
- r8_ret = 3;
+ unsigned int file_crc;
- if (r1_buflen >= r4_len) {
- r5 = 0;
- } else {
- r5 = 1;
- }
+ r4_len = *(unsigned int*)(r0_buf + 0x20);
- if (r5 != 0)
- return r8_ret;
+ if (*((unsigned int*)(r0_buf + 0x24)) != r2_magic)
+ return 2; /* MAGIC does not match */
- r8_ret = 4;
- r3 = (unsigned int)r0_buf;
- r4_len += r3;
+ if (r1_buflen < r4_len)
+ return 3; /* image to small */
- r5 = ~0x0;
- r7_poly = POLY;
- while (r3 < r4_len) {
- r9 = r3 & (~0x3);
- r6 = *((unsigned int*)r9);
- r9 = r3 & 0x3;
- r9 = r9 << 0x3;
- r6 = r6 >> r9;
- r5 = r5 ^ (r6 << 24);
- r6 = 0x8;
- do {
- carry = r5 & 0x80000000;
- r5 = r5 << 1;
- if (carry)
- r5 = r5 ^ r7_poly;
- r6--;
- } while(r6);
- r3++;
- }
- r5 = ~r5;
- *crc = r5;
+ *crc_out = ~rsb_crc(~0x0, r0_buf, r4_len);
- r3 = *((unsigned int*)r4_len);
+ file_crc = *((unsigned int*)(r0_buf + r4_len));
- if (r3 == r5)
- r8_ret = 0;
+ if (file_crc != *crc_out)
+ return 4;
- return r8_ret;
+ return 0;