- mesa.sh - Creates mesa packages
- bootstrap.sh - Creates Debian root and live filesystem
- libunwind.sh - Builds libunwind that does not crash on 16kb pages
- - meta.sh - Meta packages which makes sure that we always get latest and gratest kernel.
+ - meta.sh - Meta package which makes sure that we always get latest and gratest kernel.
# Asahi installer
* Configure wifi by editing the wpa_supplicant.conf, enabling the interface and remove the # before allow-hotplug to enable it during boot.
vi /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
- ifup wlp1s0f0
+ ifup wlan0
vi /etc/network/interfaces
* Reboot to see if grub was correctly installed
-* If I install Debian, will it still be relatively easy to update the Asahi work as it develops?
+* If I install Debian, will it be easy to update the Asahi work as it develops?
Yes, long answer below.