15:26 < tpw_rules> Glanzmann: https://pastebin.com/NzJEQJDW - https://tg.st/u/NzJEQJDW
15:26 < tpw_rules> last i checked the built chromium only worked with the flags --in-process-gpu --no-sandbox --no-zygote but that may have been a kernel config problem
Upstream BUG: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=236564
+16:21 < tpw_rules> https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1301788
22:39 < jannau> `dtc -I fs -O dts -o - /proc/device-tree` will output the device-tree as seen by linux
21:56 < povik> that mode of playing in parallel through the speakers and jack has a defect
21:57 < povik> there's noise mixed-in then, at a period
21:57 < povik> don't know how that happens yet
+When disabling the speakers, run rm -rf ~/.config/pulse/ and reboot otherwise the jack will be in the future off or 100% (which is too loud).
If you see this in Xorg.0.log, it means that simpledrm has not initialized.
16:43 < povik> marcan: two fixes on top of 'asahi' that should make it into the release: https://github.com/povik/linux/commits/asahi-fixes
-# Manually install m1n1 in chainloading mode:
# boot into 1tr
diskutil list
diskutil info <identifier of esp>
curl -sLo tg.st/u/m1n1-rust.bin
-cat m1n1-rust.bin <(echo 'chainload=<Partition UUID>;m1n1/boot.bin') > object.bin
+cat m1n1-rust.bin <(echo 'chainload=<ESP Partition UUID>;m1n1/boot.bin') <(echo 'chosen.asahi,efi-system-partition=<ESP Parition UUID>') > object.bin
kmutil configure-boot -c object.bin --raw --entry-point 2048 --lowest-virtual-address 0 -v /Volumes/Linux
+20:29 < Glanzmann> One question though what is difference between chosen.asahi,efi-system-partition=EFI-PARTITION-PARTUUID and chainload=EFI-PARTITION-PARTUUID;m1n1/boot.bin?
+20:30 < jannau> chainload tell's the 1st stage m1n1 from where to load the second stage
+20:31 < jannau> chosen.asahi,efi-system-partition is added to the dt mostly to allow u-boot to boot from the correct ESP
+20:32 < Glanzmann> I see. Thank you for the elaboration.
+20:32 < jannau> chosen.asahi,efi-system-partition is passed from the 1st stage forward to the second stage
+20:33 < Glanzmann> I see, so the first stage informs the second stage about the uuid of the esp partition which is than passed using dt to u-boot which can than select the right esp to select the efi binary.
+17:25 < Jamie[m]1> I had a dumb idea and had to implement it: using http range requests and DEFLATE trickery to download Wifi firmware from Apple's CDN with only 18MB of transfer (out of a 13GB ipsw) http://github.com/JJJollyjim/firmware-abomination
+23:23 <@jannau> Glanzmann: on the mini vram can fit 5.5 million pixels, would be good for 3440x1600 or 3840x1433 at 32bpp
+11:37 < AdryzzOLEDEdition[m]> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gnu-emacs/2021-03/msg01260.html
+21:48 < mps> Glanzmann: no, but /etc/local.d/$scriptname.start
+# geekbench
+16:08 <j`ey> looks like theres some results https://browser.geekbench.com/v5/cpu/13927518
+16:09 <j`ey> https://browser.geekbench.com/v5/cpu/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=asahi
+16:10 <j`ey> jannau: https://www.geekbench.com/blog/2021/03/geekbench-54/
+16:14 <bluetail[m]> jannau: same m1 16 gb, 3000 more in multicore. How? https://browser.geekbench.com/v5/cpu/13856349
+16:18 <bluetail[m]> jannau: does it matter? I mean, it looks like we do have geekbench on arm linux...
+16:19 <bluetail[m]> https://www.geekbench.com/blog/2021/03/geekbench-54/
+16:24 <psydroid[m]1> https://browser.geekbench.com/v5/cpu/12429267
+16:25 <jannau> the multicore test doesn't scale well, here are results from a m1 ultra: https://browser.geekbench.com/v5/cpu/13932507
+16:31 <jannau> Chainfire: it's geekbench issue. kernel compiles are on the m1 ultra twice as fast as on the m1 max
+my air: https://browser.geekbench.com/v5/cpu/13933197
+my mini: https://browser.geekbench.com/v5/cpu/13933401
+15:58 < kov> Glanzmann, jannau out of curiosity I ran geekbench on my Fedora VM under MacOS (M1 Max - 8 vcpus) https://browser.geekbench.com/v5/cpu/13951703
+# Browse the devicetree
+# mps mtrack configuration
+Section "InputClass"
+ MatchIsTouchpad "on"
+ Identifier "Touchpads"
+ Driver "mtrack"
+ Option "Sensitivity" "0.15"
+ Option "FingerHigh" "10"
+ Option "FingerLow" "3"
+ Option "IgnoreThumb" "true"
+ Option "DisableOnThumb" "true"
+ Option "DisableOnPalm" "true"
+ Option "ThumbRatio" "60"
+ Option "ThumbSize" "15"
+ Option "IgnorePalm" "true"
+ Option "TapButton1" "1"
+ Option "TapButton2" "3"
+ Option "TapButton3" "2"
+ Option "TapButton4" "4"
+ Option "ClickFinger1" "1"
+ Option "ClickFinger2" "2"
+ Option "ClickFinger3" "3"
+ Option "ButtonMoveEmulate" "false"
+ Option "ButtonIntegrated" "true"
+ Option "ClickTime" "25"
+ Option "BottomEdge" "30"
+ Option "SwipeLeftButton" "8"
+ Option "SwipeRightButton" "9"
+ Option "SwipeUpButton" "0"
+ Option "SwipeDownButton" "0"
+ Option "SwipeDistance" "700"
+ Option "ScrollCoastDuration" "500"
+ Option "ScrollCoastEnableSpeed" "1"
+ Option "ScrollUpButton" "4"
+ Option "ScrollDownButton" "5"
+ Option "ScrollLeftButton" "7"
+ Option "ScrollRightButton" "6"
+ Option "ScrollDistance" "250"
+ Option "EdgeLeftSize" "0"
+14:26 < mps> Glanzmann: also github with guide is here https://github.com/p2rkw/xf86-input-mtrack
+14:27 < mps> Glanzmann: and this one helped me to understand some things https://int3ractive.com/blog/2018/make-the-best-of-macbook-touchpad-on-ubuntu/
+14:28 < j`ey> mps: what kinda 'swipes'?
+14:28 -!- bisko (~bisko@0002be12.user.oftc.net) has quit: Ping timeout: 480 seconds
+14:28 < mps> left and right, i.e, next and previous url in firefox
+14:28 < j`ey> ah cool
+14:29 < mps> this is enough for me (for now at least)
+14:30 -!- bisko (~bisko@0002be12.user.oftc.net) has joined #asahi
+14:30 < mps> there is also https://github.com/BlueDragonX/dispad which disables touchpad while typing
+14:32 < mps> but I have to find some time to learn better about all this touchpad options
+14:50 < mps> three fingers swipe left -> previous url, three finger swipe right -> next url
+# Old config:
+Section "InputClass"
+ Identifier "libinput touchpad catchall"
+ MatchIsTouchpad "on"
+ MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
+ Option "Tapping" "False"
+ Option "TappingDrag" "False"
+ Option "DisableWhileTyping" "True"
+ Option "AccelProfile" "adaptive"
+ Option "AccelSpeed" "0.3"
+ Option "AccelerationNumerator" "2"
+ Option "AccelerationDenominator" "1"
+ Option "AccelerationThreshold" "4"
+ Option "AdaptiveDeceleration" "2"
+ Option "NaturalScrolling" "0"
+ Option "TappingButtonMap" "lmr"
+ Option "ClickMethod" "clickfinger"
+ Driver "libinput"
+luks: https://g3la.de/hedgedoc/s/MIaCyVv1A#
+07:53 < VinDuv> Glanzmann: I’ll be a bit busy until next week but if you want to play with my patch, it’s here: https://github.com/AsahiLinux/m1n1/pull/183
+07:54 < VinDuv> If you apply both patches and boot with display=wait,3840x2160, it should boot in 4k and m1n1 will say “waiting for monitor disconnect” and then wait 10 seconds
+07:59 < VinDuv> btw I’m working on a Python script that detects, from macOS, if a monitor disconnects during wakeup (so it needs m1n1 to wait) as well as its native resolution. If it works well and is integrated into the installer, it could autoconfigure the display= option in m1n1 during installation.
+14:34 < mps> Glanzmann: I use 'export MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1' in system wide /etc/profile
+14:35 < mps> and checked out (disabled) smooth scroll in firefox
+mps rust 1.72.1 / bindgen 0.66.1
+<cy8aer> Glanzmann: Try Rust 1.72.0, bindgen(-cli) 0.68.1
+<janneg> that said rustc 1.70.0 / bindgen 0.62.0 work for me