]> cvs.zerfleddert.de Git - micropolis/blob - src/tclx/src/tclxprof.c
exit child when exec fails
[micropolis] / src / tclx / src / tclxprof.c
1 /*
2 * tclXprofile.c --
3 *
4 * Tcl performance profile monitor.
5 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 * Copyright 1992 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
7 *
8 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
9 * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
10 * that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. Karl Lehenbauer and
11 * Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this
12 * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
13 * implied warranty.
14 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 * $Id: tclXprofile.c,v 2.0 1992/10/16 04:51:05 markd Rel $
16 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 */
19 #include "tclhash.h"
20 #include "tclxint.h"
22 /*
23 * Stack entry used to keep track of an profiling information for active
24 * procedure. Handling uplevels is tricky. The eval level and procedure call
25 * level are kept track of. These are used to distinguish between an uplevel
26 * and exiting a procedure. During an uplevel, the invisible part of the
27 * profile stack is saved on another stack until the uplevel completes.
28 */
30 typedef struct profStackEntry_t {
31 long realTime; /* Real time at procedure entry. */
32 long cpuTime; /* CPU time at procedure entry. */
33 int procLevel; /* Call level of this procedure */
34 int evalLevel; /* Eval level of this prodecure */
35 struct profStackEntry_t *prevEntryPtr; /* Previous stack entry. */
36 char procName [1]; /* Procedure name. MUST BE LAST! */
37 } profStackEntry_t;
40 /*
41 * Save stack entry used to hold profile stack entries during an uplevel.
42 */
44 typedef struct saveStackEntry_t {
45 profStackEntry_t *topPtr; /* Top of saved stack section */
46 profStackEntry_t *bottomPtr; /* Bottom of saved stack */
47 struct saveStackEntry_t *prevEntryPtr; /* Previous saved stack section */
48 } saveStackEntry_t;
50 /*
51 * Data keeped on a stack snapshot.
52 */
54 typedef struct profDataEntry_t {
55 long count;
56 long realTime;
57 long cpuTime;
58 } profDataEntry_t;
60 /*
61 * Client data structure for profile command. A count of real and CPU time
62 * spent outside of the profiling routines is kept to factor out the variable
63 * overhead.
64 */
66 typedef struct profInfo_t {
67 Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Interpreter this is for. */
68 Tcl_Trace traceHolder; /* Handle to current trace. */
69 int allCommands; /* Prof all commands, not just procs*/
70 long realTime; /* Real and CPU time counter. */
71 long cpuTime;
72 long lastRealTime; /* Real and CPU time of last exit */
73 long lastCpuTime; /* from profiling routines. */
74 profStackEntry_t *stackPtr; /* Pointer to the top of prof stack */
75 saveStackEntry_t *saveStackPtr; /* Frames saved during an uplevel */
76 Tcl_HashTable profDataTable; /* Cumulative time table, Keyed by */
77 /* call stack list. */
78 } profInfo_t;
80 /*
81 * Prototypes of internal functions.
82 */
84 static void
85 ProcEntry _ANSI_ARGS_((profInfo_t *infoPtr,
86 char *procName,
87 int procLevel,
88 int evalLevel));
90 static void
91 ProcPopEntry _ANSI_ARGS_((profInfo_t *infoPtr));
93 static void
94 StackSync _ANSI_ARGS_((profInfo_t *infoPtr,
95 int procLevel,
96 int evalLevel));
98 static void
99 DoUplevel _ANSI_ARGS_((profInfo_t *infoPtr,
100 int procLevel));
102 static void
103 ProfTraceRoutine _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData,
104 Tcl_Interp *interp,
105 int evalLevel,
106 char *command,
107 int (*cmdProc)(),
108 ClientData cmdClientData,
109 int argc,
110 char **argv));
112 static void
113 CleanDataTable _ANSI_ARGS_((profInfo_t *infoPtr));
115 static void
116 DeleteProfTrace _ANSI_ARGS_((profInfo_t *infoPtr));
118 static int
119 DumpTableData _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp,
120 profInfo_t *infoPtr,
121 char *varName));
123 static int
124 Tcl_ProfileCmd _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData,
125 Tcl_Interp *interp,
126 int argc,
127 char **argv));
129 static void
130 CleanUpProfMon _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData));
132 \f
133 /*
134 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
135 *
136 * ProcEntry --
137 * Push a procedure entry onto the stack.
138 *
139 * Parameters:
140 * o infoPtr (I/O) - The global profiling info.
141 * o procName (I) The procedure name.
142 * o procLevel (I) - The procedure call level that the procedure will
143 * execute at.
144 * o evalLevel (I) - The eval level that the procedure will start
145 * executing at.
146 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
147 */
148 static void
149 ProcEntry (infoPtr, procName, procLevel, evalLevel)
150 profInfo_t *infoPtr;
151 char *procName;
152 int procLevel;
153 int evalLevel;
154 {
155 profStackEntry_t *entryPtr;
157 /*
158 * Calculate the size of an entry. One byte for name is in the entry.
159 */
160 entryPtr = (profStackEntry_t *) ckalloc (sizeof (profStackEntry_t) +
161 strlen (procName));
163 /*
164 * Fill it in and push onto the stack. Note that the procedures frame has
165 * not yet been layed down or the procedure body eval execute, so the value
166 * they will be in the procedure is recorded.
167 */
168 entryPtr->realTime = infoPtr->realTime;
169 entryPtr->cpuTime = infoPtr->cpuTime;
170 entryPtr->procLevel = procLevel;
171 entryPtr->evalLevel = evalLevel;
172 strcpy (entryPtr->procName, procName);
174 entryPtr->prevEntryPtr = infoPtr->stackPtr;
175 infoPtr->stackPtr = entryPtr;
176 }
177 \f
178 /*
179 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
180 *
181 * ProcPopEntry --
182 * Pop the procedure entry from the top of the stack and record its
183 * times in the data table.
184 *
185 * Parameters:
186 * o infoPtr (I/O) - The global profiling info.
187 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
188 */
189 static void
190 ProcPopEntry (infoPtr)
191 profInfo_t *infoPtr;
192 {
193 profStackEntry_t *entryPtr = infoPtr->stackPtr;
194 profStackEntry_t *scanPtr;
195 int idx, newEntry;
196 char *stackListPtr;
197 Tcl_HashEntry *hashEntryPtr;
198 profDataEntry_t *dataEntryPtr;
199 char *stackArgv [MAX_NESTING_DEPTH];
201 /*
202 * Build up a stack list. Entry [0] is the top of the stack.
203 */
204 idx= 0;
205 scanPtr = entryPtr;
206 while (scanPtr != NULL) {
207 stackArgv [idx] = scanPtr->procName;
208 idx++;
209 scanPtr = scanPtr->prevEntryPtr;
210 }
211 stackListPtr = Tcl_Merge (idx, stackArgv);
213 /*
214 * Check the hash table for this entry, either finding an existing or
215 * creating a new hash entry.
216 */
218 hashEntryPtr = Tcl_CreateHashEntry (&infoPtr->profDataTable,
219 stackListPtr,
220 &newEntry);
221 ckfree (stackListPtr);
223 /*
224 * Fill in or increment the entry.
225 */
226 if (newEntry) {
227 dataEntryPtr = (profDataEntry_t *) ckalloc (sizeof (profDataEntry_t));
228 Tcl_SetHashValue (hashEntryPtr, dataEntryPtr);
229 dataEntryPtr->count = 0;
230 dataEntryPtr->realTime = 0;
231 dataEntryPtr->cpuTime = 0;;
232 } else
233 dataEntryPtr = (profDataEntry_t *) Tcl_GetHashValue (hashEntryPtr);
235 dataEntryPtr->count++;
236 dataEntryPtr->realTime += (infoPtr->realTime - entryPtr->realTime);
237 dataEntryPtr->cpuTime += (infoPtr->cpuTime - entryPtr->cpuTime);
240 infoPtr->stackPtr = entryPtr->prevEntryPtr;
241 ckfree ((char *) entryPtr);
242 }
243 \f
244 /*
245 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
246 *
247 * StackSync --
248 * Synchronize the profile stack with the interpreter procedure stack.
249 * This is done once return from uplevels, exits and error unwinds are
250 * detected (the command after). Saved profile stack entries may be
251 * restored and procedure entries popped from the stack. When entries
252 * are popped, their statistics is saved in stack.
253 *
254 * Parameters:
255 * o infoPtr (I/O) - The global profiling info.
256 * o procLevel (I) - Procedure call level to return to (zero to clear stack).
257 * o evalLevel (I) - Eval call level to return to (zero to clear stack).
258 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
259 */
260 static void
261 StackSync (infoPtr, procLevel, evalLevel)
262 profInfo_t *infoPtr;
263 int procLevel;
264 int evalLevel;
265 {
266 saveStackEntry_t *saveEntryPtr;
268 while (TRUE) {
269 /*
270 * Move top of saved stack to standard stack if stack is empty or
271 * saved eval level is greater than the top of the standard stack.
272 */
273 saveEntryPtr = infoPtr->saveStackPtr;
275 if ((saveEntryPtr != NULL) &&
276 ((infoPtr->stackPtr == NULL) ||
277 (saveEntryPtr->topPtr->evalLevel >
278 infoPtr->stackPtr->evalLevel))) {
280 infoPtr->stackPtr = saveEntryPtr->topPtr;
281 infoPtr->saveStackPtr = saveEntryPtr->prevEntryPtr;
282 ckfree ((char *) saveEntryPtr);
284 } else {
286 if ((infoPtr->stackPtr == NULL) ||
287 ((procLevel >= infoPtr->stackPtr->procLevel) &&
288 (evalLevel >= infoPtr->stackPtr->evalLevel)))
289 break; /* Done */
290 ProcPopEntry (infoPtr);
292 }
293 }
294 }
295 \f
296 /*
297 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
298 *
299 * DoUplevel --
300 *
301 * Do processing required when an uplevel is detected. Builds and
302 * pushes a save stack containing all of the save entrys that have been
303 * hiden by the uplevel.
304 *
305 * Parameters:
306 * o infoPtr (I/O) - The global profiling info.
307 * o procLevel (I) - The upleveled procedure call level.
308 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
309 */
310 static void
311 DoUplevel (infoPtr, procLevel)
312 profInfo_t *infoPtr;
313 int procLevel;
314 {
315 profStackEntry_t *scanPtr, *bottomPtr;
316 saveStackEntry_t *saveEntryPtr;
318 /*
319 * Find the stack area to save.
320 */
321 bottomPtr = NULL;
322 scanPtr = infoPtr->stackPtr;
323 while ((scanPtr != NULL) && (scanPtr->procLevel > procLevel)) {
324 bottomPtr = scanPtr;
325 scanPtr = scanPtr->prevEntryPtr;
326 }
327 if (bottomPtr == NULL)
328 panic ("uplevel stack confusion");
330 /*
331 * Save the stack entries in the save stack.
332 */
333 saveEntryPtr = (saveStackEntry_t *) ckalloc (sizeof (saveStackEntry_t));
334 saveEntryPtr->topPtr = infoPtr->stackPtr;
335 saveEntryPtr->bottomPtr = bottomPtr;
336 saveEntryPtr->prevEntryPtr = infoPtr->saveStackPtr;;
338 infoPtr->saveStackPtr = saveEntryPtr;
340 /*
341 * Hide the stack entries.
342 */
343 infoPtr->stackPtr = bottomPtr->prevEntryPtr;
345 }
346 \f
347 /*
348 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
349 *
350 * ProfTraceRoutine --
351 * Routine called by Tcl_Eval to do profiling.
352 *
353 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
354 */
355 static void
356 ProfTraceRoutine (clientData, interp, evalLevel, command, cmdProc,
357 cmdClientData, argc, argv)
358 ClientData clientData;
359 Tcl_Interp *interp;
360 int evalLevel;
361 char *command;
362 int (*cmdProc)();
363 ClientData cmdClientData;
364 int argc;
365 char **argv;
366 {
367 Interp *iPtr = (Interp *) interp;
368 struct tms cpuTimes;
369 profInfo_t *infoPtr = (profInfo_t *) clientData;
370 int procLevel = (iPtr->varFramePtr == NULL) ? 0 :
371 iPtr->varFramePtr->level;
373 /*
374 * Calculate the time spent since the last trace.
375 */
376 infoPtr->realTime += times (&cpuTimes) - infoPtr->lastRealTime;
377 infoPtr->cpuTime += (cpuTimes.tms_utime + cpuTimes.tms_stime) -
378 infoPtr->lastCpuTime;
381 /*
382 * If the procedure level has changed, then something is up. Its not a
383 * procedure call, as we head them off before they happen. Its one of
384 * four events.
385 *
386 * o A uplevel command was executed.
387 * o Returned from an uplevel.
388 * o A procedure exit has occured.
389 * o An error unwind has occured.
390 *
391 * Eval level must be tested as well as proc level to cover upleveled
392 * proc calls that don't execute any commands.
393 */
395 if ((infoPtr->stackPtr != NULL) &&
396 ((procLevel != infoPtr->stackPtr->procLevel) ||
397 (evalLevel < infoPtr->stackPtr->evalLevel))) {
399 if ((procLevel < infoPtr->stackPtr->procLevel) &&
400 (evalLevel > infoPtr->stackPtr->evalLevel))
401 DoUplevel (infoPtr, procLevel);
402 else
403 StackSync (infoPtr, procLevel, evalLevel);
404 }
406 /*
407 * If this is level zero and the stack is empty, add an entry for the
408 * global level. This takes care of the first command at the global level
409 * after profiling has been enabled or the case where profiling was
410 * enabled in a proc and we have returned to the global level.
411 */
412 if ((infoPtr->stackPtr == NULL) && (procLevel == 0))
413 ProcEntry (infoPtr, "<global>", 0, evalLevel);
415 /*
416 * If this command is a procedure or if all commands are being traced,
417 * handle the entry.
418 */
420 if (infoPtr->allCommands || (TclFindProc (iPtr, argv [0]) != NULL))
421 ProcEntry (infoPtr, argv [0], procLevel + 1, evalLevel + 1);
423 /*
424 * Save the exit time of the profiling trace handler.
425 */
426 infoPtr->lastRealTime = times (&cpuTimes);
427 infoPtr->lastCpuTime = cpuTimes.tms_utime + cpuTimes.tms_stime;
429 }
430 \f
431 /*
432 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
433 *
434 * CleanDataTable --
435 *
436 * Clean up the hash data table, releasing all resources and setting it
437 * to the empty state.
438 *
439 * Parameters:
440 * o infoPtr (I/O) - The global profiling info.
441 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
442 */
443 static void
444 CleanDataTable (infoPtr)
445 profInfo_t *infoPtr;
446 {
447 Tcl_HashEntry *hashEntryPtr;
448 Tcl_HashSearch searchCookie;
450 hashEntryPtr = Tcl_FirstHashEntry (&infoPtr->profDataTable,
451 &searchCookie);
452 while (hashEntryPtr != NULL) {
453 ckfree ((char *) Tcl_GetHashValue (hashEntryPtr));
454 Tcl_DeleteHashEntry (hashEntryPtr);
455 hashEntryPtr = Tcl_NextHashEntry (&searchCookie);
456 }
457 }
458 \f
459 /*
460 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
461 *
462 * DeleteProfTrace --
463 *
464 * Delete the profile trace and clean up the stack, logging all procs
465 * as if they had exited. Data table must still be available.
466 *
467 * Parameters:
468 * o infoPtr (I/O) - The global profiling info.
469 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
470 */
471 static void
472 DeleteProfTrace (infoPtr)
473 profInfo_t *infoPtr;
474 {
475 Tcl_DeleteTrace (infoPtr->interp, infoPtr->traceHolder);
476 infoPtr->traceHolder = NULL;
478 StackSync (infoPtr, 0, 0);
480 }
481 \f
482 /*
483 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
484 *
485 * DumpTableData --
486 *
487 * Dump the table data to an array variable. Entries will be deleted
488 * as they are dumped to limit memory utilization.
489 *
490 * Parameters:
491 * o interp (I) - Pointer to the interprer.
492 * o infoPtr (I/O) - The global profiling info.
493 * o varName (I) - The name of the variable to save the data in.
494 * Returns:
495 * Standard Tcl command results
496 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
497 */
498 static int
499 DumpTableData (interp, infoPtr, varName)
500 Tcl_Interp *interp;
501 profInfo_t *infoPtr;
502 char *varName;
503 {
504 Tcl_HashEntry *hashEntryPtr;
505 Tcl_HashSearch searchCookie;
506 profDataEntry_t *dataEntryPtr;
507 char *dataArgv [3], *dataListPtr;
508 char countBuf [32], realTimeBuf [32], cpuTimeBuf [32];
510 dataArgv [0] = countBuf;
511 dataArgv [1] = realTimeBuf;
512 dataArgv [2] = cpuTimeBuf;
514 Tcl_UnsetVar (interp, varName, 0);
515 hashEntryPtr = Tcl_FirstHashEntry (&infoPtr->profDataTable,
516 &searchCookie);
517 while (hashEntryPtr != NULL) {
518 dataEntryPtr =
519 (profDataEntry_t *) Tcl_GetHashValue (hashEntryPtr);
521 sprintf (countBuf, "%ld", dataEntryPtr->count);
522 sprintf (realTimeBuf, "%ld", dataEntryPtr->realTime * MS_PER_TICK);
523 sprintf (cpuTimeBuf, "%ld", dataEntryPtr->cpuTime * MS_PER_TICK);
525 dataListPtr = Tcl_Merge (3, dataArgv);
527 if (Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, varName,
528 Tcl_GetHashKey (&infoPtr->profDataTable,
529 hashEntryPtr),
530 dataListPtr, TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG) == NULL) {
531 ckfree (dataListPtr);
532 return TCL_ERROR;
533 }
534 ckfree (dataListPtr);
535 ckfree ((char *) dataEntryPtr);
536 Tcl_DeleteHashEntry (hashEntryPtr);
538 hashEntryPtr = Tcl_NextHashEntry (&searchCookie);
539 }
541 return TCL_OK;
542 }
543 \f
544 /*
545 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
546 *
547 * Tcl_ProfileCmd --
548 * Implements the TCL profile command:
549 * profile on
550 * profile off arrayvar
551 *
552 * Results:
553 * Standard TCL results.
554 *
555 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
556 */
557 static int
558 Tcl_ProfileCmd (clientData, interp, argc, argv)
559 ClientData clientData;
560 Tcl_Interp *interp;
561 int argc;
562 char **argv;
563 {
564 Interp *iPtr = (Interp *) interp;
565 profInfo_t *infoPtr = (profInfo_t *) clientData;
566 int idx;
567 int cmdArgc, optionsArgc = 0;
568 char **cmdArgv, **optionsArgv = &(argv [1]);
570 /*
571 * Scan for options (currently only one is supported). Set cmdArgv to
572 * contain the rest of the command following the options.
573 */
574 for (idx = 1; (idx < argc) && (argv [idx][0] == '-'); idx++)
575 optionsArgc++;
576 cmdArgc = argc - idx;
577 cmdArgv = &(argv [idx]);
579 if (cmdArgc < 1)
580 goto wrongArgs;
582 /*
583 * Handle the on command.
584 */
585 if (STREQU (cmdArgv [0], "on")) {
586 int allCommands = FALSE;
587 struct tms cpuTimes;
589 if ((cmdArgc != 1) || (optionsArgc > 1))
590 goto wrongArgs;
592 if (optionsArgc == 1) {
593 if (!STREQU (optionsArgv [0], "-commands")) {
594 Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "expected option of \"-commands\", ",
595 "got \"", optionsArgv [0], "\"",
596 (char *) NULL);
597 return TCL_ERROR;
598 }
599 allCommands = TRUE;
600 }
602 if (infoPtr->traceHolder != NULL) {
603 Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "profiling is already enabled",
604 (char *) NULL);
605 return TCL_ERROR;
606 }
608 CleanDataTable (infoPtr);
609 infoPtr->traceHolder = Tcl_CreateTrace (interp, MAXINT,
610 ProfTraceRoutine,
611 (ClientData) infoPtr);
612 infoPtr->realTime = 0;
613 infoPtr->cpuTime = 0;
614 infoPtr->lastRealTime = times (&cpuTimes);
615 infoPtr->lastCpuTime = cpuTimes.tms_utime + cpuTimes.tms_stime;
616 infoPtr->allCommands = allCommands;
617 return TCL_OK;
618 }
620 /*
621 * Handle the off command. Dump the hash table to a variable.
622 */
623 if (STREQU (cmdArgv [0], "off")) {
625 if ((cmdArgc != 2) || (optionsArgc > 0))
626 goto wrongArgs;
628 if (infoPtr->traceHolder == NULL) {
629 Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "profiling is not currently enabled",
630 (char *) NULL);
631 return TCL_ERROR;
632 }
634 DeleteProfTrace (infoPtr);
636 if (DumpTableData (interp, infoPtr, argv [2]) != TCL_OK)
637 return TCL_ERROR;
638 return TCL_OK;
639 }
641 /*
642 * Not a valid subcommand.
643 */
644 Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "expected one of \"on\" or \"off\", got \"",
645 argv [1], "\"", (char *) NULL);
646 return TCL_ERROR;
648 wrongArgs:
649 Tcl_AppendResult (interp, tclXWrongArgs, argv [0],
650 " [-commands] on|off arrayVar", (char *) NULL);
651 return TCL_ERROR;
652 }
653 \f
654 /*
655 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
656 *
657 * CleanUpProfMon --
658 *
659 * Release the client data area when the profile command is deleted.
660 *
661 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
662 */
663 static void
664 CleanUpProfMon (clientData)
665 ClientData clientData;
666 {
667 profInfo_t *infoPtr = (profInfo_t *) clientData;
669 if (infoPtr->traceHolder != NULL)
670 DeleteProfTrace (infoPtr);
671 CleanDataTable (infoPtr);
672 Tcl_DeleteHashTable (&infoPtr->profDataTable);
673 ckfree ((char *) infoPtr);
674 }
675 \f
676 /*
677 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
678 *
679 * Tcl_InitProfile --
680 *
681 * Initialize the Tcl profiling command.
682 *
683 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
684 */
685 void
686 Tcl_InitProfile (interp)
687 Tcl_Interp *interp;
688 {
689 profInfo_t *infoPtr;
691 infoPtr = (profInfo_t *) ckalloc (sizeof (profInfo_t));
693 infoPtr->interp = interp;
694 infoPtr->traceHolder = NULL;
695 infoPtr->stackPtr = NULL;
696 infoPtr->saveStackPtr = NULL;
697 Tcl_InitHashTable (&infoPtr->profDataTable, TCL_STRING_KEYS);
699 Tcl_CreateCommand (interp, "profile", Tcl_ProfileCmd,
700 (ClientData)infoPtr, CleanUpProfMon);
701 }
Impressum, Datenschutz